Social Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

If you where joining the military as a front line infantry soldier and could pick your own gear what would you choose?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25196points) December 18th, 2022

Limited to $1,000,000.
What would you select?
What would you have liked to have but was over the $1,000,00 limit?

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14 Answers

flutherother's avatar

I would choose reverse gear.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flutherother What Is reverse gear? You mean like a gear in a standard car? Oh: )

flutherother's avatar

@RedDeerGuy1 It’s the one that goes backwards

ragingloli's avatar

A Metal Gear.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Meanwhile back on the topic.

I would buy really good big and tall portable light weight camping gear.
I don’t know much about weapons so I would stick to the standard issue.
I would have head to toe batman like body armor.
I would have really good MREs and I would spend lots of money on the best tasting ones.
I would buy comfortable military fatigues. From cotton.
A really good pillow and pillowcase.
One of those Dune sweat water recycling armors.
A bug out quality medical kit and all purpose stocked up kit.

Entropy's avatar

Ah. So @RedDeerGuy1 lives in Russia and is aware that Russia is telling conscripts to buy their own gear before reporting for duty.

Dutchess_III's avatar

A transporter.

smudges's avatar

A ticket back home.

Zaku's avatar

Probably, assuming I have no interest in fighting, fake ID, some bribes, and a ticket to another part of the world.

filmfann's avatar

Rocket pack!

Kropotkin's avatar

An invisibility cloak.

Forever_Free's avatar

I’ll take the Million Dollars. See ya!

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