Social Question

chyna's avatar

Are you sick of seeing Harry and Meghan or are you watching and reading everything you can about the couple?

Asked by chyna (51733points) December 19th, 2022 from iPhone

Personally, I’m sick of them whining that they just want to be left alone. If that were true, then why do a docu-series on Netflix?
I’ve seen bits and pieces of it and honestly, I feel like they want people to feel sorry for them. It’s really hard to feel sorry for people that are that rich, living in a mansion and crying on TV that they are misunderstood.
So are you sick of them, wish they would go away, or enthralled with their life?

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38 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

I look at it differently than you. When Harry was born, the press immediately dubbed him “the spare”, and I thought it was a sad sad thing for any child to grow up knowing, and being told over and over that he was the least important person in his family. Then his mother died, and he probably felt he had no value to anyone. I have always felt kind of bad for him.

That said, the huge issue about them leaving is way overblown, I feel, but I am glad he gets to be a family man the way he wants to be.

And remember, being born into extreme privilege is not something you can recognize as a child, you just know that you are loved, or not, that you have choices, or not.

I hope all the fuss dies away now that the Netflix doc is out.

Entropy's avatar

I have never cared a whit about the royal stuff. I didn’t follow it when it was a big news story, and I don’t now. The royals are meaningless. At least a celebrity actor or musician or athlete or whatever became famous for some achievement, no matter how irrelevant. The royals are like reality show stars – famous for nothing noteworthy or meaningful. I don’t get the obsession with them.

Update: And let me clarify – I don’t get the obsession with them ESPECIALLY outside the UK. Inside the UK, I think it’s still silly. I get there’s a certain national identity tied up in them. It’s dumb to me, but I do sort of see that. But why anyone outside the UK gives one millisecond of their time and attention to these people is beyond me.

janbb's avatar

I had some empathy for them but to me, making a six part doc is just grandstanding and whining by now. We got it already – enough. It seems like a money grab to me. Or work out your issues in therapy.

ragingloli's avatar

I do not seek out news about celebrities or aristocrats and their assorted irrelevant scandals.
They can do what they want, I do not care.

filmfann's avatar


I ignore most of that stuff.
Not sick of them, not interested.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

I haven’t watched the show. I read the stories in the press about the royals. For whatever reason, I’m interested. Despite his privilege, his mother was hounded by the press and died when he was still small. I feel sorry for him. But I don’t feel sorry enough to spend hours watching a show about him.

jca2's avatar

;I don’t follow them too closely. I am not sick of them but I don’t really care that much. I feel like Meghan is full of shit when she says she had no idea who Harry was and she had no clue what iwould be involved being married to a royal. I feel like it’s undignified of the both of them to keep airing their dirty laundry in public. I haven’t watched the Netflix documentary and I probably will at some point but it’s not a top priority as far as things I plan to watch. I know that it’s probably made to look casual and unscripted but it’s been closely edited and planned out to help them achieve their goals (getting sympathy and ultimately making lots of money).

I grew up watching Diana as I was a young teen when she met Charles and it was intersesting to me, seeing her trials and tribulations with her family issues. It was fun watching her styles change, and it was a big shock when she died. I haven’t followed any other royals although I thought “The Crown” was interesting (Netflix).

Zaku's avatar

Neither. I don’t read tabloids, and don’t watch broadcast TV, and so I’ve seen almost nothing about them.

Caravanfan's avatar

As a colonial I really don’t care. I am interested, however, in the racism that was levelled at Meghan and how miuch of it was institutionalized by the Royal family.

To me they’re no different than any other celebrity. They are not the only royalty who have mansions in LA, it’s just that the others are Hollywood stars.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’m quarantined in my bedroom with Influenza A so I decided to watch it. I’m on the third episode so far. I’m not a follower of the royal family.

I feel to have a proper opinion you really need to watch the series. It is heartbreaking to see how racism played out in all of this. I don’t see this as whining at all. They are calling out racism in the royal family and British media.

gorillapaws's avatar

I’ve never understood the preoccupation with celebrities and their lives. It’s a weird thing to invest oneself in IMO. Then again I’m into some pretty geeky stuff, so I’m a hypocrite.

Forever_Free's avatar

Zero interest in them or their sordid story.

flutherother's avatar

I have little interest in them and no sympathy. Harry doesn’t want to be a royal but he is happy to cash in on his royal connection. They constantly draw attention to themselves and then complain when the media write about them. They want it both ways. They want to be treated as ordinary citizens and they want to make a career of their fame. I’m not even sure Harry is the offspring of Princess Di. Perhaps the babies got mixed up at the hospital.

smudges's avatar

No interest; have no idea what’s going on, tbh.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I am much more interested in Darrell Brooks.

Smashley's avatar

I’m not sick of it because the brand doesn’t appeal to me, so I don’t consume it in the first place. This is like asking if I’m sick of a whole section of Doritoes at the store. I don’t get the wavelengths required to be interested in the lives of superfluous tits, so I just avoid it all.

JLeslie's avatar

Mostly, I don’t have much patience for it. Meghan married Harry in her 30’s, she wasn’t a teenager. She’s famous in her own right and knows some of the stressors with that before marrying Harry. I assume she was told what was going to be expected of her.

I’ve never been one to read People magazine or relish in gossip about famous people, so generally it’s not my gig to tune in, but I have watched a few minutes here and there of what they have to say. I think it’s a little in bad taste for them to do shows like this. I think they will regret it.

I think Harry subconsciously wanted a way out of the expectations and obligations he was born into, and marrying Meghan gave him a path. Reminds me of my FIL marrying a Catholic girl. He grew up wishing he wasn’t Jewish.

Marrying Meghan also helped Harry to rid himself of any emotional pain he might have felt by his stupid choice to dress as a Nazi for Halloween one year. I think that news item went across the globe at the time.

As far as the racism, I don’t doubt there has been some racism and at minimum racist comments, but I also think the couple might see some racism when none is there.

I saw Meghan say that the media couldn’t stop saying she’s Black, and I can empathize with that. If I were marrying into the family I wouldn’t want every other mention of me to be that I’m the first Jewish person to marry into the family.

I feel like there was a compromise to be had. The Queen died while Harry was busy publicly rejecting her and the family. I have to imagine that bothers him.

Jons_Blond's avatar

^There was A LOT of racism. You really should watch the entire thing.

It’s mentioned how often social activists, which they are, are often gaslighted to remain silent. That’s exactly what is happening here.

JLeslie's avatar

@Jonsblond Racism from the family? Or, you mean from the general public and the media? I don’t doubt there was some very real racism they dealt with. I’ll try to watch it later in the week.

One I wonder about though, is I’ve heard them and the media mention over and over again the comment about some family member wondering what color their babies would be. My question about that is what was the context, tone, and is that family member racist? Wondering whether children will inherit darker skin, red hair, blue eyes, isn’t necessarily racist. I do think in these times it’s not good to say anything like that though. People don’t take any hint of possible racism well.

The wedding could not have been more stereotypical “American Black.” The Queen and those who approve these things obviously went along with it.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Who??? LoL No, seriously, I have little to NO interest in the Royals!!!

I have little to even LESS interest in Meghan. I said that she was going to be trouble for Harry when they first started dating. Earlier this year, I cut the cord & dropped my cable. At the same time, I cut out Netflix, & picked up a better channel. I didn’t like most of their originals & they had dropped most of the old movies that I wanted to watch. I could find those movies on Amazon, so Netflix became obsolete!!! M & H’s view of their lives is NOT enough to get me to go back either!!! I didn’t watch the Oprah interview until AFTER the fact when everybody seemed to be going crazy with opinions. I then decided to watch it just to see what I had missed & form my own opinion.

I’ve always felt sorry for Harry as he NEVER belonged to that family. I’m of the opinion that Meghan is gaslighting him & it gave him what he could see as a valid reason to leave the family. I have NO doubt that they didn’t look down their noses at her because she had NO Royal blood, she had NO Titles, & she’s nothing more than a commoner who isn’t even British. I have my doubts as to the racist intent of the snubbing believing that she’s using that as an excuse that most & especially Harry will understand to get sympathy.

I just wish that they would SHUT UP about their life so I could live mine in peace. No matter how hard I try to ignore them & their petty little stories, I have it intrude into my day without even trying!!!

canidmajor's avatar

Oh, @LadyMarissa, please tell me that that superb statement of irony was deliberate! Kudos to you. :-D

Cupcake's avatar

Agree with @Jonsblond. I’m not obsessed with them by any count, but I learned a lot about their experiences and perspectives from the Netflix special and I see them in a different light now.

I don’t feel like defending them, but most of what people are saying here about them has been countered in the Netflix special. For example, they haven’t asked to be “left alone”, but rather to not have racist comments and death wishes from the media. They were incredibly respectful and supportive of the Queen. They even had nice things to say about Charles, even though he threw them under the bus. Etc…

I think they’re genuinely in love. I think she was authentically shocked by both her treatment by the British media and the Royal family institution. She did her best to fit in but was thrown to the wolves (British media) to take any potential negative attention off of Charles and William. And it was his decision to leave, not hers. Certainly the death of his mother played into his decisions here. Very sweet little family. And thank goodness for Tyler Perry.

JLeslie's avatar

I still need to watch it, but a ton of the media I watched oozed happiness and displays of exhilaration about the first Black girl in the family and the monarchy coming into modern times. It’s not like everything was negative, although I do realize the negative outweighs the good in things like this. Plus, as I said above, I wouldn’t want so much attention about my minority status, even if it’s positive.

There’s an expression that people come into our lives for a purpose or at the right time. Probably that’s true for this couple. Meghan was Harry’s way out of the UK for now.

I hope the brothers get along well in the future. One day Prince William will be King, and I hope Harry and Meghan will be welcome to participate in royal events and that the cousins (the children of the brothers) will know each other as they grow up.

The brothers are the only ones who know what it was like to be a child in that family and lose their mother at such a young age. Estrangement between them would be very sad to me. Sibling relationships are usually the longest relationships in our lives with knowledge and experiences like no other.

jca2's avatar

I noticed after the Queen’s funeral, the “walkabout” which was touted so much in the press, allegedly at the request of Charles, when Harry and Meghan and William and Kate were walking among the crowd and shaking hands and making small talk, the two couples walked out together and they looked at the flowers, standing next to each other, and talked to each other (wife talked to husband, wife talked to husband) but there was no cross talk between the two couples. No wife talked to the other wife or BIL or no husband talked to the brother or other SIL.

tinyfaery's avatar

@Jonsblond That was my takeaway. I wanted to watch it specifically because of the horrible racism surrounding Meghan. The parts of the doc series that talked about what Meghan meant for POC of England, especially the Black people was so meaningful (I wished there was more of that.) And then how the calculated tear-down of Meghan went on to affect them.

I have no problem with them trying to set their story straight; especially, because the story is awful.

To me, they seem to really love each other. I hope that this is the last we here so much about this whole shit-show because then it would seem like they want the attention.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I enjoyed it. That said I don’t truly care.
As far as racism and abusive media/palace staff, I completely believe Harry and Meg. Asking about the baby’s color? Racists worry about it but normal people do not. Sick.

Frankly I don’t believe any famous people deserve to be publicly stalked by these paps.

JLeslie's avatar

@KNOWITALL I mentioned the baby color thing above. Are we sure the person was worried about it?

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLeslie How much racism is acceptable?

JLeslie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake If it was racist it’s not acceptable. If it was said just as a wondering thing, it might not be racist.

My husband is darker than me, black hair, curly hair. A lot of green eyes in his family, his eyes are light brown and mine are blue. I always hoped my kids would get his darker coloring. My mom’s side of the family has a few people darker than me.

In my family commenting on skin color isn’t racist, it’s always talked about in a positive way. My family has a lot of artists, and usually when they comment on features and coloring it’s to talk about beauty. I can’t remember my family ever saying someone was ugly, they’re comments are always about someone’s gorgeous thick hair, or beautiful skin, and it has never been limited to one race or another.

My friends in interracial marriages (Black and white) their kids are gorgeous. Their skin color is beautiful.

Ever see that episode of new adventures of old Christine where her son likes a blonde and she can’t believe she maybe could get blonde grandchildren? It’s just not that unusual to wonder what features kids might wind up with. Not that it matters.

I have a friend who has huge breasts, and her mom once said to me, “I couldn’t believe I produced a daughter with such big breasts.” These are things people say.

It’s very possible the person commenting about the royal baby is racist, but maybe not. I wouldn’t even think to mention it, because to me Meghan looks white. I would never guess her mom was Black.

Maybe the mom of your kids had very similar features to you.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Meghan and Harry seem to think it was racist. Why bend over backwards saying they may be wrong and give them the benefit of the doubt.

JLeslie's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake I’m not bending over backwards, I just know miscommunications and misunderstandings can ruin a family. It might very well have been racist, but better to talk to the person directly and see their intent. Maybe Harry and Meghan did give the person a chance to explain.

People say all sorts of things that can come out wrong or sound wrong. I don’t know who said it, as far as I know they won’t say who, but I didn’t see the specials in full.

They WANT to believe there is a lot of racism, it justifies their decisions and actions. So, I’m not saying there wasn’t racism around them, I’m saying they are also probably going to see racism when there isn’t any because of all the bad experiences. It’s human nature.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@JLeslie All I can say is that is common couched WS language. Racism is often subtle but no less real and dangerous.

Jons_Blond's avatar

@JLeslie The part about their baby was just a blip in the entire story. They barely spoke about it. In fact, what you heard in the promo was just that. They didn’t explain any further. It really feels like you are trying to gaslight them. That’s how your words and question is coming across. If someone says they experienced racism we need to believe them. There are dozens of other examples of racism in the entire six episode series.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@JLeslie I agree with @Jonsblond. You are gaslighting the racism. I believe the victims.

JLeslie's avatar

I do believe them. I said I believe they have been harassed and endured racism.

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