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JLeslie's avatar

Have you ever missed something special because you were sick?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) December 20th, 2022 from iPhone

Something that you can’t easily reschedule or do again. A wedding, a party, a vacation, a theatre date, your child’s recital, graduation, it can be anything.

It can be a contagious illness like flu or something else like an accident or emergency surgery.

I can’t think of anything like that. I have traveled at the end of an illness, and by the time the vacation was really starting I was better. I was sick right before my wedding, but I went to the doctor who gave me antibiotics that I might not have needed, because she said it’s my wedding we need to err on the side of doing everything. I was better by the day before. I think it probably was bacterial since I was better faster than a usual cold. Usually, I would wait a week before resorting to antibiotics for a sinus infection.

Are you more careful before special events? I usually don’t go to zumba the morning before I have to perform. I don’t want to risk hurting myself, even though I’ve never hurt myself in zumba. I also usually avoid being with a lot of people right before a vacation. A little more aware of keeping my hands clean. Since covid I have exaggerated that and wear a mask more a few days before traveling.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, I’m going to a potluck and I’m not eating anything. Lol. I wouldn’t even go at all, except I’m the leader of the group. I am not the one who planned it. Friday I leave to see my inlaws for the Christmas holiday weekend, and want to reduce my chance of arriving for Christmas sick.

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8 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes. I couldn’t go on my 6th Grade Class trip to an Amusement Park due to medical reasons.
I am still shattered. I know my life would have come out so differently.

RayaHope's avatar

I think I have been missing something very special because of (perceived sickness?) but that is about to change. I am scared and excited at the same time. :)

cookieman's avatar

When I was a kid, I missed my birthday for a few years in a row due to strep throat.

Later, as an adult, I went to London on vacation but came down with the Flu the first day we arrived. Spent the whole trip in bed with a fever while my wife went sight seeing.

cookieman's avatar

@RayaHope: Oooh, do tell…

RayaHope's avatar

@cookieman I’m afraid that this is a little too NSFW and very personal. ;)

Entropy's avatar

I don’t recall anything. My sister has. She had an unbelievable track record when we were kids for getting sick right around Xmas vacations. One year, the family went to DisneyWorld which she had been looking forward to like a crazed squirrel…and she got MASSIVELY ill to the point where she couldn’t even leave the hotel room until the last day. She was devastated.

As a result, my father made sure we went to Disney again a few years later and…. you guessed it. She got sick again.

JLeslie's avatar

@Entropy Oh man That sucks.

The first time my husband went to DisneyWorld was with a trip with his elementary class (I’m not sure what grade) and he was sick and sat on Main Street all day basically in the same spot and a friend of his stayed with him the whole time. He doesn’t remember if they were there more than one day, so the other kid maybe missed out on riding any of the rides. They flew in from Mexico City, so I like to think they were there more than one day.

I’m in a Disney Facebook group and so many kids and adults are sick right now at the parks or having to cancel trips because they are sick. Lots of flu, covid, and strep. In February and March it will likely be a stomach virus, ugh.

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