Have you ever had a friend, relative or even a stranger save your life?
Asked by
chyna (
December 20th, 2022
I have. My best friend back in high school (she still is) and I went to the beach right after high school. We were swimming in the ocean and I went out too far and was struggling to get back to shore. My friend who wasn’t as far out as I was, noticed me struggling and came to get me. She pulled me back to the where I could stand up. She looks at me and says “idiot”, and goes on up to the beach.
She’s not a very sympathetic person.
Tell us your life saving story.
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9 Answers
That’s quite a story.
I’m a sober alcoholic, so I had a woman who was at first a stranger save my life. She later became an important friend. When I was struggling with the idea of having a god or higher power relieve me of my obsession to drink because god hated me since I was gay, she said 8 words that saved my life: “Why don’t you make up your own god.” I did, and it saved my life, and I’ve been sober ever since.
Possibly my girlfriend.
Actually, both my girlfriends (both the former and the current).
Twice I was (severely) depressed, and both persuaded/pushed me to (visit) the GP.
True, I was the one that acknowledged it, and started therapy, but if it wasn’t for them….?
I have a smile on my face that I should wipe off because I look like a goofy idiot. Thank you @chyna but I could not go into details here but I can tell you that this very kind soul has showed me the light and I believe has saved me from myself and has helped me like I can never repay. I have yet to truly experience the, ummm “gift” but I am well on my way and could not feel more relieved and happy to know I don’t have to do this alone. I’m blushing and hope that JLoon sees this because she is the one that deserves all the praise. :)
^So happy for you! And yes, @JLoon is a wonderful person.
Not to my knowledge. I did save my sister’s life when we were kids. Twice I think, though my mother claims I’m misremembering one of them. Both involved near drowning when my sister was young. The one my mother agrees with, my sister and I were in an old school deep hot tub and she came up after diving down, but then missed the seat she needed to stand on and started to sink. She panicked and almost certainly would have drowned had I not realized her predicament (which was very subtle) and pulled her up.
The second was similar in a pool when she was crossing from one side to another and was running out of steam, reached for the edge and missed…and lacking the stamina was going down and I think I was the one to grab her an pull her out. My mom says she was the one who did it.
Around 40 years ago I had an anaphylactic reaction and suffered a cardiac arrest in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Dick K. and Audrey K performed CPR on me while my heart took a 45 second “rest”.
Even today I still tear up thinking about the gift they gave me – a second chance.
I can’t think of a time someone saved my life but as the oldest of 3 girls in the 60s, one of whom was accident prone, so I shaved my share of lives.
Several surgeons and a nurse who recommended a course of treatment my doctors had not considered.
I almost died in 2012. Doctor saved my life with surgery.
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