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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Do you order more than you need, just to get the bulk discount?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25057points) December 21st, 2022

Can be anything.

Like from Costco or any wholesalers.

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11 Answers

jca2's avatar

I’m a big fan of Costco and I shop there often. I buy milk by the gallon, cheaper than buying a half gallon at a regular supermarket. I will use the gallon and if by chance it goes bad, I just throw out what I don’t use. I buy garbage bags in bulk because I will eventually use them. Toilet paper, same thing. I bought toilet paper at the beginning of the shutdown, and I bought a few more huge things of it, and when other people were fretting about not being able to find toilet paper, I was able to say if you need a roll or two, let me know. There’s a lot that I buy from Costco that I don’t necessarily need right away,but I will use it in time.

At the beginning of the shutdown, I bought a 20 lb bag of Basmati rice for less than a dollar per pound, because at that point there was a lot of uncertainty as far as being able to get out to shop. I still have the rice, in a big plastic container. I’ve used about half of it. A pound of Basmati may be about 3 to 5 dollars in a regular supermarket so that was a great deal.

All the time, I get stuff from Costco in bulk – socks, paper goods, fruit, veggies, you name it. Scissors, 3 large ones for 6 dollars on sale – one in every room lol. Shampoo, conditioner, vitamins, I could go on.

JLeslie's avatar

Usually, I don’t. Some paper goods I do, like at my Walmart it’s difficult to find paper towels in less than a 6 pack, often I wind up with an 8 pack, which lasts me for months.

I do buy things before I’m out if I see it on sale. Like I buy my shampoo when I see it on sale. I almost always have an extra bottle of shampoo and conditioner in my cabinet, but not in a mega big size. In the summer I have extra pantry food and bottled water, but again I buy it on sale, not in huge sizes or quantities though.

Forever_Free's avatar

No Kids, No need to bulk buy! I will live if I run out of anything but good Bourbon..

jca2's avatar

For me, it’s a need. A gallon of milk cheaper than a half gallon? Yes, I’ll take the gallon, thanks. A large bottle of Pantene cheaper per ounce than a small bottle from a drug store or even Walmart? Yes, thanks, I’ll take the large bottle and it lasts a few months, but that’s ok, it won’t go bad. 100 garbage bags, yes, I’ll use them up in due time. Instead of 20 garbage bags for five or six dollars, I’ll take 100 for 20 dollars.

zenvelo's avatar

I don’t, because it means I have to store it. And large quantities of some items then need to be broken down into usable amounts.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I’m kind of in the middle. I’ll buy bigger to get cheaper per unit or per ounce, but usually not humongous. Although, some things I buy refills so I can put it in a smaller bottle. I buy refills for liquid soap, hand sanitizer, can’t think of anything else right now.

Milk I rarely buy a gallon, but when I do I freeze two bottles 16oz each.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie: Yes, I get the large dish detergent (liquid) and put a smaller amount into a smaller bottle on the sink, for the occasional items that have to be hand washed. Also, clothes detergent, I have a huge bottle which I pour some into a smaller bottle which is not so heavy. It has a pump on it so I put in a few pumps on top of the clothes.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I don’t make it a habit of shopping a bulk stores. If I run into a good sale where I need to buy several in order to get the sale price, I determine IF I’ll be able to use that many before it becomes useless. I won’t buy fresh food items in bulk because it will rot before I can eat it all. I will but some canned goods that I know that will last long enough for me to eat it. I do buy some dry good items that I can store in airtight containers until I can use them up. I buy my toilet paper in bulk from Amazon Subscribe & Save because it will last for a very long time. Paper towels is another that can be stored until used. I go through a lot of trash bags so I tend to buy a large quantity when they are on sale. Same with zip lock bags when I find a really good deal. I tend to buy the larger bottles of shampoo, soap, dish detergent, & laundry detergent when on sale for close to the same price as the smaller bottles. I’m more geared toward the 2 for $x sale…NOT the large bulk quantity sales. IF I’m going to end up wasting it, I’m NOT getting my money’s worth. If, I can use it up even if it takes a while, I will buy it.

I’ve NEVER been inside a Costco nor Sam’s. I might IF they didn’t require a membership, but the membership negates any savings that I might get buying there!!!

jca2's avatar

@LadyMarissa: I have the Executive Membership from Costco, which gives you cash back. I get back over 500 dollars a year, which more than pays for my membership, so essentially the membership is free.

LadyMarissa's avatar

@jca2 I’m glad it works so well for you, but I wouldn’t spend more than $100/yr, so I’d NEVER get your $500 cash back each year. I live alone, eat light, & I don’t throw that many parties, so bulk just doesn’t fit into my lifestyle & I’m going to go out on a limb & guess that @RedDeerGuy1 lives a similar lifestyle although he buys s LOT more chicken than I do!!!

RocketGuy's avatar

Since the kids moved away, we haven’t bought much in bulk – only non-perishables. Otherwise the stuff will go bad and we will have wasted our $.

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