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RayaHope's avatar

Are you ready for this next BIG winter storm?

Asked by RayaHope (7448points) December 21st, 2022

I’m a little scared, I don’t like winter storms.

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32 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Forecast predicts rain every day for the next 2 weeks.

chyna's avatar

I don’t like that it is coming. I won’t get to see my family for Christmas if it hits as bad as they say it will.
But other than that, I have a gas fireplace for heat if the electric goes out and I have food and beverages.

RayaHope's avatar

In the US @ragingloli we are getting hit with a big storm that is gonna affect a lot of us. We went shopping today to stock up on stuff because the roads are suppose to get really bad.

smudges's avatar

It’s already hitting where I am and, having lived through quite a few blizzards and storms, I’m not impressed so far. Today’s the first day of it, though, so we’ll see.

RayaHope's avatar

^^So it’s not too bad yet? I hope that’s a good sign. Storms scare the crap out of me and winter storms with a lot of wind are the worst!

cookieman's avatar

Friday is looking ugly here around Boston, but seems to be all rain and wind.

RayaHope's avatar

@cookieman You better prepare for the worst-case scenario, it’s heading straight for ya!

Dutchess_III's avatar

My fear are the temps.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I will have to run the hot water at a “trickle” because I have “tank less water heater ” with copper piping outside the house.

I’ve had to go out with a heat gun and heat up the connection that is copper tubing twice ! !
Hot water NOT! !

JLeslie's avatar

In the South it sucks to get a winter blast with snow, because the Southern states don’t handle it well and everything gets paralyzed. In northern states it’s usually not a very bad thing, but it can be.

I’m in FL (which I don’t consider to be a Southern state Lol) and we are supposed to be in the 20’sF at night for three days straight, which is crazy low for central Florida for so many days in a row. I’m not worried, except to say I’m worried about the citrus crops, other plants, and wild animals, that don’t do well in such cold temperatures.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The power grid is going to be stressed pretty hard across the country because of this. Every MW will count. That’s the real concern people need to have. It’s being downplayed in the media for some reason.

JLeslie's avatar

One thing to consider is a lot of people are traveling for the holiday and won’t be home to watch their houses. I’ll be away. If a pipe burst I wouldn’t know. I’m not worried about my pipes, it’s only below freezing at night for us, but for other parts of the country that could be an issue.

Entropy's avatar

I’m far south enough that they’re not predicting anything for my area. We get rain THEN it gets cold. Which is fairly typical for my region. There’s two ways we get big snows – either something moving across the country hits us, which is where most snows come from but usually aren’t the big ones.

Our big snows happen when a cold mass coming across the country slam into a big pocket of moisture moving up the East Coast from the gulf. That’s when we get BOMBED. But it’s become increasingly rare thanks to global warming.

I LIKE snow, and I LIKE big snows. So I’m not thrilled that we’re getting a miss. On the other hand, Xmas is a road game for me this year….so the timing would have been irritating.

JLeslie's avatar

@Entropy I thought climate change was supposed to cause bigger snows. Or, was that just the stuff of movies like The Day After Tomorrow.

smudges's avatar

Well, it’s morning here and it looks like we got about 3 inches. That’s perfect – it looks pretty, covers the ground fully, but doesn’t cause too many traffic issues.

BUT…it’s -14 with a wind chill of -37! The high is supposed to be -4.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Hitting Missouri now, sleet, snow and bitter cold. Kills the bugs so fine with me. The homeless and animals suffer the most. :(

chyna's avatar

^ I have a few cats that come by at night so I have water dishes around the house. I put an outdoor cat house out in case they need it. Don’t know if they will trust it enough to go in it though.

RayaHope's avatar

Oh I hate this cold so much and I am worried about the poor animals outside. The ice and wind is the worst:(

ragingloli's avatar

If you see a coyote outside, bring it inside. Free spicy doggo.

RayaHope's avatar

@ragingloli (shaking my fist at U) if you could see the look on my face….grrrrr

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh it’s here. :(

smudges's avatar

Just got a text from my sister in Houston that her power just went out. I asked if she was having bad weather and she said, “Just freezing and high winds”. It’s 25 there now and supposed to get to 20.

Do we have any jellies in that area?

LuckyGuy's avatar

12/23 It is going to hit here in 4 hours, at 10AM. Preceded by rain and then drop to 15F with 6 inches of snow, winds of 40 mph gusting to 65 mph. Blizzard with near zero visibility, ice on roads and wires. Widespread outages are expected.
I am so ready! All batteries are charged. Both generators are gassed, Cars are full, I have plenty of wood for the 2 wood burning stoves, a year’s supply of heating oil, well water, radios, etc. Let’s do it!

Blackwater_Park's avatar

We had high winds here last night. It blew half our Christmas decorations into our neighbor’s yard. It’s currently 5 degrees by my thermometer. Local power company is operating on the extreme fringe of reserve capacity and is about to start shedding load. Looks like the temps are going to come up slightly just in time to keep that from happening.

chyna's avatar

It’s 12/23/22 here in WV. 2 degrees with high winds. A little snow, not much.

cookieman's avatar

We had high winds and wind-driven rain all through the night. We lost power this morning, but only for a couple hours. Oddly, it was 52°F until about Noon today, but now it’s dropping. After a brief lull this morning, the wind and rain is back now.

LuckyGuy's avatar

It hit on schedule, 9:30 am. The temperature dropped so quickly!. Now it is 9 F with 40 mph winds gusting to 60 mph and snow. But it is warm in the house.
It sounds awful out there.

chyna's avatar

^The wind howled all last night and most of today. Pretty scary. It has quit now, though.

Jeruba's avatar

I love a good, cathartic blizzard, New England variety, as long as I have a safe, cozy place to stay, and a supply of bread, milk, eggs, and orange juice, and I don’t have to go anywhere. Even better when the windows rattle and the wind screeches around the eaves. I used to just love to sit by a frosty window and watch it come down.

Here in Northern California, though, it’s just going to be wind and rain, sometimes with floods, or droughts and fires. Those will never produce scenes worthy of a Christmas card.

I am mindful of those who don’t have a safe, warm place or provisions, and I worry about them. But just speaking for myself, I love it. Even when the power goes out and we play board games by candlelight.

@LuckyGuy, your description of being braced for the storm sounds idyllic to me.

P.S. I did not feel the same about bluzzards in Iowa. Ye gods.

Jeruba's avatar

Oh, dear. ^^ Blizzards.

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