General Question

How can I make my profile more visible on dating sites?
Something is blocking me on popular dating sites:
- Tinder has me reaching “model like” girls but nobody matching. I saw then an “overweight” girl amongst the various model like girls and understood something was wrong too with my profile. I’m not overweight. I’m white, normal body. But no matches since weeks.
The only site working is one in Asia far away, I’m getting easily over 100s messages in my mailbox. I’m not going in person so far. I’m not a sexual tourist. I know nobody in Asian.
Is there any kind of legal or judiciary way to block someone from being seen on popular dating sites? If so, what can be done, who to contact in order to “ungag” me from that?
The block seems to appear like some weeks ago. Before everything was normal. Same pictures as now.
I did contact those dating sites: nothing. They say for them my profile is ok.
I did use my usual emails and my CC to pay.
I did talk to a criminalist. His answer was just ‘What do you think they want?’. He didn’t explain at all anything else and left me with more questions than answers.