Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

[NSFW] Should society encourage people to gift anal sex toys to men?

Asked by ragingloli (52399points) December 23rd, 2022

I was inspired by a recent news story of an 88 year old french man sent to the ER with a WW1 shell stuck up his bum, and the general prevalence of these stories of men with zweckentfremdet objects lodged in rectums.
Since men clearly have these suppressed primal urges, and are eventually going to act on them, would it not be prudent to just gift them a buttplug or anal dildo once in a while, so they have a safe object to use, instead of a 100 year old grenade?

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33 Answers

Lightlyseared's avatar

Yes. Just… yes.

wearemiracles's avatar

I think the question is a deliberate joke and I get the humor. If it’s not I would have much to say. But I don’t personally find it funny. Can you fathom the humiliation that man must have endured and as an 88 year old.

I’ve heard that some people in the old age suffer a host of mental issues including sexual pathologies. While I think it’s much more preferable if ones atypical sexual proclivities are concerned with only ones self, I do pity that man. And I believe that people presenting to the emergency room with strange objects stuck up their rectums is supposedly quite a common occurrence in both men and women.

JLoon's avatar

@wearemiracles – Your first sentence is probably what you should go with here.

You can tell everything else to docs in ER ;)

JLoon's avatar

@ragingloli – I think society is already on this ;P

Caravanfan's avatar

Well, then they have to call me in to remove them when they get lost, so I would say no.

wearemiracles's avatar

@JLoon I find that projection is a little more sophisticated than that. It often takes the form of ridicule.

JLoon's avatar

@wearemiracles – Projection is for the movies. And I think what’s ridicule and what’s ridiculous are two different things.

Merry Christmas.

kritiper's avatar

No. They sell hot dogs and frankfurters at the store.

Lightlyseared's avatar

@Caravanfan would you prefer to remove an inert lump of silicon or WW2 era mortar?

gorillapaws's avatar

@Lightlyseared It makes you wonder if the MD has to wear a bomb squad vest for the procedure, or at least have a bomb-squad agent in the room to hand the thing over to after it’s extracted.

Lightlyseared's avatar

They evacuated the entire hospital. Reading between the lines of news report bomb disposal were in the room assessing the situation as they went along.

Caravanfan's avatar

@Lightlyseared the mortar. The problem with silicon is that it slips and you can’t get a grip on it with the forceps. Besides, it’s a much cooler way to die than lying in a nursing home.

Lightlyseared's avatar

If you’re still using forceps to remove foreign bodies you need to get on the phone to your local med rep. Theres a whole range of stuff out there to make the job significantly easier. The largest thing I’ve ever removed was about the size of a wine bottle and it came out no bother at all. (for me anyway – the patient may have felt otherwise)

Dutchess_III's avatar

@wearemiracles from what I’ve read it seems to be limited exclusively to men. Now WHY they have that urge is beyond me.

gorillapaws's avatar

@Dutchess_III “From what I’ve read it seems to be limited exclusively to men.”

I’ve got an MD friend who told the story of a woman arriving at his ER complaining of a “blue discharge.” After physical examination, the source of her blue discharge was identified as a racquetball lodged inside of her that she’d neglected to mention. I think they had to make an incision in the ball, insert an angioplasty of some kind, inflate it and then use it to extract the object.

wearemiracles's avatar

@Dutchess_III pubmed says 14.9% of rectal foreign body removals are women. It is an overwhelming proportion of men but not at all exclusively men. The same article says they see 400 cases each year and it’s on the increase.

Caravanfan's avatar

In 33 years I’ve never seen a woman do it. I’m sure it happens, but never happened to me.

rebbel's avatar

By the way, they had to clear the hospital when they found out it was a grenade in his ass.

wearemiracles's avatar

@JLoon You can’t handle a simple comeback so you accuse me of stuff in private? And no matter if I ask you will not explain or cite what you’re talking about in all your accusations.

kritiper's avatar

The story of the 88 year old man with the explosive WWI round up his butt sounds phony.
Any explosive round, or grenade would be too large to be stuffed up some guys poop chute. Maybe a rifle round for a 1903 Springfield, or a German Mauser, or a .308 British Enfield.
But one of the smallest explosive artillery rounds was the (75MM) French 75 and it was too big (and too long) as well.
So I’m calling BS on this one.

ragingloli's avatar

You have never heard of Goatse, then?

Forever_Free's avatar

Do this mean that vacuum cleaners will be outlawed as well?

kritiper's avatar

@ragingloli Goatse? Is that German for BS???

kritiper's avatar

No, I have never heard of Goatse. Without trying to download your Wikipedia info, which would take all night on my system, (and why I don’t download sites, especially here) I will say it, whatever it is, figures since it takes all kinds.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Short for Goat Sex.

Dutchess_III's avatar

So…..WHY would a man want to do that????

KNOWITALL's avatar

Perhaps more should be taught about male anatomy instead.

gorillapaws's avatar

I just realized this story gives new meaning to the term “explosive diarrhea.”

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