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In your experience, do most people play mind games?
I want to know if I will ever be able to get away from it and how or where. I used to think it was where I lived and then online friends proved it was a global thing. Like a pandemic. I used to think it was me until I learned about gasslighting and all the different crazy conscious and unconscious tricks people pull. I used to think it was my family until I realized that once you get passed the formalities and get to know a person, they can be even worse! And I fear that now even if I found this utopia where all people don’t play crazy hostile mind games all the time, I’d be infected with it and discover it’s too late and become the object of my hatred.
By mind games I mean:
– Concealed offenses
– Gaslighting
– All kinds of framing tactics
– Insincere words and actions concealing bad intentions
– Psychological projection
– Obscuring the truth to gain the upper hand
– Taunting, deception, and sabotage
– Evasive tactics and misdirection
– Isolation and slander
– Guilt tripping or framing as such
– Demonizing
– All forms of manipulation
And whatever else
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