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JLeslie's avatar

When there is a lot of bad weather is it better if an airline is a hub and spoke set up?

Asked by JLeslie (65976points) December 27th, 2022 from iPhone

Bad weather in the US is cancelling and delaying a lot of flights. What airline gets hurt more? What type of airline will have passengers waiting the longest? An airline set up with a hub and spoke system, like Delta or American, or one that has short legs from city to city like Southwest or Allegiant?

As the weather and airports start to clear, which type of airline will have less trouble ramping back up to normal operation and move the passengers to where they want to go?

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4 Answers

janbb's avatar

I don’t know the logic for it but I read that Southwest had by far the most cancellations of all the airlines.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Southwest’s computer system crashed. It was exacerbated by the weather.

Both styles end up with stranded crews and equipment. Sections of New York State had emergency vehicles only, so crews would have stayed home.

kritiper's avatar

It’s not a system that can be changed throughout the year because of weather. They set up a system that works for them and then they work through the weather problems as best they can when those problems arise.

JLeslie's avatar

Every time I’ve flown over the last six months the flights have been PACKED FULL, so catching up would be a really hard task. The only help for the airlines is some people missed their vacation altogether and aren’t trying to fly now, and all the standby’s that have been on my flights obviously will have to sit a few days out while everything gets back to normal.

@kritiper I know it can’t be changed, I just wondered which system has the hardest time working around weather and regaining normalcy as weather clears.

@janbb That’s what sparked my Q, I saw on Facebook that Southwest is really having a hard time of it. People in one of the Disney Facebook groups are saying they were kept on a plane in Orlando waiting to take off for hours, and then eventually the flight was cancelled. Other people complaining they couldn’t get down here.

Some people rented cars to drive down so they didn’t miss their Disney vacation. It was so cold here, not very fun for all day in the parks.

The way I see it, fewer people made it to Florida this Christmas, which possibly helped the entire country not get as sick as it would have been.

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