Happy New Year, Jellies! What are your plans for New Year’s Eve?
I am of an age and a place in my life where I would rather greet the New Year well rested, so I don’t stay up and watch the ball drop anymore. Someone will shoot off fireworks at midnight so the dog will be up announcing the event, but that’s about it. I’ll have a glass of bubbly, watch a movie (any suggestions?) and hit the sack around 10.
What about you?
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How about Enola Holmes if you haven’t seen it? Or the sequel which is even more delightful?
An old friend is coming down this afternoon from NYC to stay overnight. We’ll go out to my other friends’ Japanese restaurant for dinner on the early side and then home for cookies, pjs and streaming a movie. I don’t expect to stay up. The turning of the year doesn’t mean that much to me these days.
@janbb +1 on Enola!!!
Happy New Year to all fluthrens! My wife and are spending it with some friends at the beach. Have some wine, talk about nothing and everything and last but not least, play fetch with Cosmo. link
Wait! @Tbag is old enough to be married? I thought you were a teenager! Lol
I’m staying in and watching movies.
My plan is to go with my husband and meet up with friends to see one of my favorite bands in a town square here and dance, but the forecast says rain so it might get ruined. The band is only 5:00pm-9:00pm like every night, so I would have been home at midnight anyway.
I passed on doing any indoor parties. I felt like it was too risky. So many people sick, plus my husband is falling asleep by 9:00 or 10:00 anyway.
@chyna Hahah. I’m 31 now….. Tied the knot 2 years ago!
We will be staying in, noshing some yummy food, hanging with the doggies, and watching the Nashville New Year’s Celebration on CBS. Probably be asleep before midnight.
My wife and I are heading over to my friend’s house for dinner with his girlfriend and kids. We’re bringing some tortilla española and he’s cooking pasta plus a Pantone. Should be a fun time.
I’ll stop in at a party I’m invited to, but I will leave well before midnight. The fireworks will be deafening here, so I will be awakened at the witching hour. I hope it won’t scare my cat too much.
I am watching “Demon Wind” in a cinema on an alien planet, while 3 aliens in front of me do a funny commentary the whole time.
A few drinks after work. Come to think of it, only two most likely. Work tomorrow.
@Hawaii_Jake Ohhhh you did get a cat! Cool.
Someone’s already shooting off fireworks and it’s only 7:10 pm. lol No school till Monday!
It’s pouring rain here, not a good time to be out. So I worry about folks on the road, especially after partying, but I won’t be one of them.
My son and I have planned a nice dinner. I still have all the Christmas lights on.
For later, I made onion dip, and I have a bag of chips. Those will go well with a movie. I might stay up till the ball drops (3 hours after it really drops in Times Square), or maybe not. Like others, I have to say the ringing out and in are not such a big deal to me any more.
Stay safe, everybody. Drive carefully and soberly. A happy new year to all. If the Misanthropes’ Club (Trump, Putin, Kim, et al.) were a happier bunch, we’d all be better off.
Later: Well, I don’ t know how to watch the delayed broadcast at midnight PST, so maybe I’ll just warch it live from New York at 9:00 my time. Seems kind of silly, but not sillier than watching it “live” three hours later.
I had a lovely impromptu New Year’s Party with my new neighbors, both downstairs and upstairs. The upstairs family is from Ukraine and everyone else does not speak Ukrainian, so conversation is always hilariously inefficient. We make do with Google Translate and a lot of grace. We ate great food (Raclette) and played around with some mirrored glasses that flip the room upside down. We also sang Auld Llang Syne and listened to some Ukrainian songs. I’m happy and relieved that puppy Rosie did great for her first New Year’s, not scared of the (plentiful) fireworks at all. She had a relaxing time in the bedroom with two older dogs as role models.
It’s four a.m. now, and I really need to sleep – seeing a concert of the local symphony in seven hours!
The rain stopped and it turned out to be a great night. We went out dancing from 6:00–9:00pm, and then came home. I showered, ate some corn on the cob, and now we are watching some New Years TV, flipping back and forth between channels. It’s 10:15, we’ll see if I make it until midnight. I think I will, but my husband is falling asleep.
I was out with my daughter and we met a friend for dinner in a Mexican restaurant. They had a Mariachi band and it was very festive. We were home by 7:30 and I’m laying on the bed with the computer and watching different new year’s shows. I made Indian rice pudding so I’m going to eat some in a while and I’m drinking Diet Coke. I have the phone and friends are all texting about what they’re drinking and doing.
This is the first new years in a few years that we’ve been home. The past two years we were invited to friends who live about ten minutes away. That was fun but it’s equally fun to be home and snuggly in my jammies.
It’s about 50 degrees here, and raining. When we were out before, I was telling my daughter to look at the fog in the distance, with the trees coming out of the fog like hands in a scary movie. My daughter said it feels more like Halloween with this weather. Usually New Year’s eve is freezing cold.
We had fog here too! We rarely have fog here. I kind of liked it for a few hours. It started to clear right before we left to drive home.
I’m already experiencing my first day of New Year. New Year’s Eve was yesterday. I hope you all have a great day :)
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