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LostInParadise's avatar

What do you think of this comparison of Barbara Walters and Terry Gross?

Asked by LostInParadise (32308points) December 31st, 2022

Hearing of the death of Barbara Walters, I reflected on never being much of a fan. Not wishing to say anything nasty, I asked ChatGPT to compare Walters to Terry Gross. I think the response is pretty much on the mark:

“Barbara Walters and Terry Gross are both well-known journalists who have conducted interviews with a wide range of subjects over the years. Their interviewing styles are somewhat different, however.

Barbara Walters is known for her confrontational and aggressive style of interviewing. She is known for asking tough, pointed questions and pressing her subjects for answers. She has a reputation for being a tough and persistent interviewer who is not afraid to challenge her subjects.

Terry Gross, on the other hand, is known for her more laid-back and conversational style of interviewing. She is known for her ability to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere for her subjects, which often leads to more candid and honest responses. While she still asks tough questions, she tends to do so in a more subtle and indirect way, allowing her subjects to open up more freely.

Overall, both Barbara Walters and Terry Gross are skilled and experienced journalists who have their own unique styles of interviewing. While they may differ in their approaches, both are known for their ability to get their subjects to reveal interesting and informative insights.”

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2 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

I’d be shocked if anywhere near the amount of people know who Terry Gross is compared to Barbara Walters. One of the biggest differences between the two is Barbara Walters is really known by the masses and reached such a large audience. Unless, my assumption is wrong, and more people than I realize know who Gross is.

I haven’t heard very many interviews done by Gross. Back in the day I didn’t watch much Barbara Walters interviews either, because I could care less about the personal lives of actors, or how they found their path to fame, and a lot of interviews were about that. Of course they both also did more serious interviews. That was more interesting to me.

I personally wouldn’t compare the two, but I can see why someone would. Maybe it’s just my limited knowledge of Terry Gross.

Jeruba's avatar

I think Terry Gross is a terrific interviewer, always sounding very well-informed on her subjects and good at drawing them out. I never listened to Barbara Walters very much, even in her heyday.

The AI comments sound pretty fair to me.

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