Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

Why are there humans on this planet Earth?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) December 31st, 2022 from iPhone

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19 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

Because gummy bears don’t have thumbs.

Entropy's avatar

I was going to do what @Irukandji did.

kritiper's avatar

There is no why, no reason. We are a fluke of nature. A quirk. A germ. A cancer.

RayaHope's avatar

So you can ask this question.

smudges's avatar

Life is a whim of several billion cells to be you for a while. Groucho Marx

Dutchess_III's avatar

There is no answer to that question. It’s like asking why there are mosquitoes on this planet earth.

wearemiracles's avatar

My own personal idea:

The answer to why can be behind or in front of us. Meaning, it could be predetermined by a hypothetical creator for example. Or it could be undetermined but discoverable or yet to be established, perhaps by accident.

I think outside of the context of time, the distinction collapses and they become the same.

Without the context of before and after, the question of meaning and purpose becomes, is it intended or not (accidental)? In other words, is there a someone behind it?

We don’t know. And that’s not the question. But it is important because if there is a someone behind it, then it means it may be established. Where as if there is no one it might not be established. Then you can say maybe it is established by laws rather than a being or beings.

These are big problems. Is there a God? Does he have a plan? What about other universes and big bangs and other immutable laws within the context of some specific instance of a universe. Well we’re obviously talking about this universe to which there do appear to be some immutable laws. But we can’t seem locate God to get a satisfactory answer that stands out against the noise and with somekind of signature or token of authenticity.

Now to the one who keeps seeking even in the face of obscurity, you might find that the best we can do is look at what is, and let it tell the story of what the purpose, function, meaning and value of what is, is all about.

I don’t have all the answers but here are some ideas:

We are here for existence/manifestation/cosmos to experience itself as a living conscious intelligent sentient being.

Meaning, we mundane humans, as well as animals, are like body suits. Avatars basically. But the being for which this form, which is yourself, was created, is deep inside and invisible as something called awareness, maybe.

It’s tricky to model but imagine the film Avatar. Now in that film there is a blue being that is brain dead I believe. There’s nobody home. The consciousness of the human controlling the avatar is present inside of it when they are in operation. And a real human exists elsewhere controlling it remotely. The consciousness in the avatar is the same consciousness that is located in the human elsewhere.

Now lets tweak it a bit. Lets say that even the consciousness in the human body (the avatar pilot) is itself an avatar for something or someone else.

What? Well awareness, as a universal primordial being. How? Lets say that this whole avatar scenario is taking place not inside a computer, or the real world, or a movie set, but inside of someone head. As an imagination or a dream. Maybe even an hallucination. Whatever. But its inside of a mind.

Now it comes together. In this scenario there is nobody but the person who is dreaming.

In their dream there is a human, who is an avatar pilot. And the Avatar. From the outer layer which is the layer of the drama of the film, there appears to be this blue being that is alive. And then we find out that it’s more sophisticated than that. Because of the human pilot and the fact that there is no being inside the avatar other than the human who isn’t even physically there. Then we find out that the human being isn’t real. They’re so called being or living presence is entirely thanks to the dreamer. And the real being behind the human pilot is actually the identity of the dreamer. His awareness gives light to the humans sense of presence. And every other being in this sophisticated dream that they are having. It centers in the meantime on one individual and see other as others.

From the point of view of some other human pilot in the dream, because this dreamer is prior to time and all of manifestation, it is the exact same dreamer in every pilot and it is both the case that they are all experiencing the same dream together, but also that the one who is dreaming is the same being. Necessarily completely beyond or prior to everything in the dream and the dream itself.

What then could the purpose of humans on planet earth, within this cosmos be?

It’s entertainment. It’s a cool experience for the dreamer. And it may be that the cosmos is perfectly suited for this but it also may not be. But it seems that purpose is written more clearly in the human being than in the cosmos and periodic table.

The human being, according some other source, when it follows a natural course in life of total devotion to another, it may reach a state of love in which the self of the human is lost inside of the other and self-realization of the universal self occurs. If that is true, what could you imagine in your mind that could trump that in terms of purpose?

That is, the idea that purpose of existence, is for the omniscient infinite and omnipotent one to manifest in limited ignorant human form and follow a progression or narrative in a dream of self-realization where the one comes to realize itself again through love.

Just an idea….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Dispassionate evolution accounts for our exisistance.

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