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chyna's avatar

What is the BEST thing that happened to you or that you did in 2022?

Asked by chyna (51733points) January 1st, 2023 from iPhone

Let’s keep it happy. If you have nothing good that happened in 2022, then move on and start your own question of bad things that happened.

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25 Answers

janbb's avatar

Reconciled with a close family member that had estranged themselves for years.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

I got diagnosed with I.B.S. (Irritable bowel syndrome) , and went on a low Fodmaps diet, and take daily Metamucal.

The results is a drastic reduction of physical pain.

chyna's avatar

I lost all the weight I gained during Covid. And an extra 5 pounds over that.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Went to audiologist, getting hearing aids, significant hearing loss in speech frequencies! They will be fitted after January 8!

Jons_Blond's avatar

My 88 year old father visited us for Oktoberfest and he had the best time he’s had in years. The polka band played a bunch of songs my father and mother used to dance to. He did a few steps at our table. His visit was such a success we were able to talk him in to moving up here to be near us so we can help take care of him and show him the city.

gorillapaws's avatar

My wife and I adopted a Pyrador-mix rescue puppy in April and have been spending a lot more time outdoors as a result. It’s been really great and Cupertino (aka “Cooper”) has been a great addition to our pack.

RayaHope's avatar

Gosh that is a tall order. I guess I would have to say our trip to Barcelona, Spain. That was so awesome and unforgettable. Finding fluther would be on my list also because I found some very nice people here and some have helped me out more than I can say. Some success with my health issues also, but I better stop because this is becoming a long list.

Strauss's avatar

Got to connect with an adult daughter I’d never met, along with her eleven year old granddaughter.

jca2's avatar

Took a great driving trip out west – South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Everything worked out well. Hotels, towns and parks I researched extensively beforehand. The weather was perfect, the scenery gorgeous.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Strauss….I’m confused. Could you clarify?

Jons_Blond's avatar

@Strauss that’s life changing! I hope it went well.

snowberry's avatar

I have 2 new grand babies born 4 months apart, and the daughter who lives in Japan is here visiting. Oldest baby just tried his first solid food tonight. So fun!

Jeruba's avatar

I’d have to say it was my month on the East Coast, visiting three siblings for a week apiece and ending with a week to myself in Cambridge, my former home. The relief of getting away was a major part of what made it so good.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I learned a new skill of needle felting. It’s surprisingly relaxing to make things out of felt. Here are a few things that I made.

chyna's avatar

^ Those are cute and really good!

jca2's avatar

OMG so cute, @Mimishu1995. My daughter and I took a needle felting class at the library. It’s a lot of work! My daughter was better at it than I was. I forgot what she made – it was a few years ago. I think she made a bird.

Mimishu1995's avatar

@jca2 @chyna thanks! I notice that the time it takes to make a needle felt project reduces each time. It used to take me a month to make a thing, now it only takes a couple of days. It’s a really cheap and relaxing hobby, and it isn’t messy like clay. One downside is that you have to constantly watch your finger. The needle is extremely sharp and it’s really easy to get stabbed.

What did you make @jca2?

jca2's avatar

I asked my daughter and she thinks she made a hedgehog and I made a bird, @Mimishu1995. If she has them, I’ll post a pic. Yeah the needle is very sharp and in order to be efficient, you have to do it quickly so the chance of stabbing is great.

Strauss's avatar

@Dutchess_III The kids my wife and I raised were not biologically mine, and I had thought that I had no biological children. A genealogy website made the connection in the summer of ‘21. My daughter’s mother and I had parted ways in the late 1980 ‘s, and I had no idea she was pregnant.

Strauss's avatar

@Jonsblond It went exceptionally well! The “new” daughter and granddaughter came to visit last summer and we had a great time. My wife was very supportive and accepting, as are the other children (all adults now!).

canidmajor's avatar

The best thing that happened was a (somewhat conditional) all clear from the oncologist, I don’t have cancer again.

The thing I did was to help my nephew and his family get their first house.

kevbo1's avatar

Moved out of my townhome, rented it out, and am now renting a much cheaper place. I initially thought I was netting an extra $400 a month, but after the agita about being forced to move lost its grip, I realized it’s more like $850. Definitely takes a lot of the sting out of the situation.

chyna's avatar

I’m glad you got out of your terrible neighbor situation. That alone is worth not having to worry about @kevbo1.

RayaHope's avatar

@canidmajor Oh that is WONDERFUL news! I am so happy for you! :D

Acrylic's avatar

Bought house in December 2021, closed January 2022. Moved in day after close. It’s all paid for, planning to retire and die here.

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