Social Question

How could we explain the concept of 'Conscience' to the early Humans who were able to talk and think complexly?
Suppose we can go back in time for some 20,000 – 30,000 years.
Suppose we can communicate with the Humans of that time, because we have observed them and learned their language before we went there to talk to them.
How long do you think would it take us to explain them the concept of ‘Conscience’?
Or do you think it will be rather them to tell us something about it, that we have never thought of?
It’s all hypothetical, of course, so all I want is to hear your pro’s and con’s concerning that question.
Personally, I think that it will not be just ‘their thinkers or Philosophers’ who will be able to teach us better, but even common mortals about them will surprisingly know much more about Conscience than most of the people of our time know about. The ancient people will probably have different terms for it and they will probably have even some terms that we won’t be able to process properly, so the exchange of “information” will not be easy, but taken as a whole we will be astonished by their way of reasoning in that regard.
I think like that, because if they knew nothing about Conscience, they wouldn’t have survived at all. Living among beasts and having almost no means for self-protection (apart from fire and some primitive “weapons” that were absolutely useless against bears or other large and fast beasts) would make the early Humans disappear if they had no Conscience. It was sure not that kind of Conscience that we can talk about, because we live in relatively calm times, but exactly that would make their Conscience much more effective than ours. For instance, they were much more benevolent towards their Human “enemies”, and they probably didn’t even have such, because if they had been fighting the way we have been doing all the time, they wouldn’t have remained for longer than 100 years tops. I guess you can follow this, and you understand that Conscience is among other things connected to understanding and helping. Which means, if some of their “enemies” were in trouble, they would rather help them than let them perish, because they wanted to be helped by them in a similar situation – which of course was always the case, for if it hadn’t been, all their small groups would have vanished one after another within a relatively short time.
In case you think the early Humans had some complex thinking much earlier than just 30,000 years ago, have it that way, I took the period of 20–30 thousand years ago as my own assumption, which need not correspond with your own understanding. But the exact time period isn’t important at all, what counts is that the Humans were capable of complex thinking.
So, what do you think about it?