Meta Question

Do you know why thousands have left
Well, I don’t know all their individual reasons, but I have seen at least one reason that makes it easy to me to understand why many of them left. And that one reason is enough for me to leave, too.
That means that for a short period of time I will visit this space only once in a while, just to see if some big chances will occur. And if they don’t – which I expect, judging by the mindset of most of those that I could talk with – I’ll follow those who left you already.
This social website looks pretty good, but most of the users that replied to my questions have “peculiar personalities”, so personally I’m not surprised by the fact that you were abandoned by the majority of your ex-members.
Can anyone tell me if there is a way for me to delete my questions and answers that I have published here so far? Or shall I send a message to the admins and ask them to do that for me? Or can they just react to this text of mine and delete my stuff here in a week or so?
Anyway, thanks for the short fun here. If anyone wants to stay in touch with me, you can find me on Facebook. Just PM me and I’ll send you the link to my profile there.