If unexpectedly you pass away today, do people you care about knowing that you loved them, know that you did?
Asked by
mazingerz88 (
January 10th, 2023
from iPhone
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18 Answers
Im pretty sure they do, and if not screw em.
Oof, that’s heavy.
I think so? I told my friends at the beginning of the year. I told my husband and dogs just yesterday (and try to tell them most days). While I haven’t specifically said it to my parents or my sisters in the last couple of months, I believe I usually make it clear with my behaviour towards them. I’ve been particularly supportive of my mum recently. My dad is a bit more reserved, but we had some close moments around Christmas. Even though I had some conflict with my sisters last autumn, I’ve sent a care package with a loving message to one since, and showed the other that she can rely on me for emotional support and financial help.
My grandmother might have been a little neglected. But I’ll see her sometime this week, and I’ll be sure to let her know.
Love you, jellies!
This is an interesting question. The New York Times had a five days or seven days of happiness feature the other day, and one of the days, the article was about writing a “living eulogy” to each person in your life who means something special to you. Each writing would be specific to the person, telling them how precious they are to you and what your relationship with them means to you. It’s an interesting concept and one I would consider doing.
I make a concerted effort to let them know on a frequent basis. I have been doing so since my kids were born, and more so in the last ten years
For sure! It is mainly my sons and my friends and they all definitely know.
Yes. I tend to be a bit effusive about such things. Unlike many, I don’t think it diminishes it by saying it often. I grew up in a family that was not at all demonstrative, and I am thrilled to have people to whom I can express it.
Oh gosh I sure hope so! I tell them that all the time! ♡
I tell my children often. My BFF knows. They’re the important ones.
They will find my rotten corpse melted into the mattress when the neighbours start to smell the foul stench.
@canidmajor S/he’s got to hide their hentai porn under something!
After my husband died in his sleep, I found it a comfort that our last words to each other were “I love you”, so I make a point of telling those that I care about that I love them every chance I get. IF anybody doesn’t know, they probably didn’t care. If they cared, they would probably remember that I had told them!!!
I’m really busy. But maybe I can fit it in Thursday.
I hope it will not happen. But if the unexpected will happen, I really hope that my husband and my only child, a daughter, knew that I love them both dearly.
I think most would.
Maybe some people need to hear it more or need specific actions that I did not meet their bar to know they were loved by me, but some people have very high bars or just have different parameters than I do. I can’t guess what they need to feel it so maybe I fell short with some people in my life.
I tell my husband I love him regularly. I tell one of my favorite friends where I live that I go into Firstname withdrawal when I don’t see her for a long time. I do little things all of the time that show I’m thinking of someone or to help friends and family.
I doubt it, no one in my family even answers their phone half the time. I’ll end up as a damn skeleton some where and a subject of speculation. Fore Shore. If they do find me they better play this at my funeral or I’ll haunt them for ever. : ) https://youtu.be/9v2PK7_NMZ4
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