General Question

janbb's avatar

How can I get bananas to ripen fast?

Asked by janbb (63391points) January 10th, 2023

I bought some green bananas as I am planning to live til my birthday. However, I would like them to be overripe by Friday or Saturday so I can make a banana cake.

Anyone have some suggestions as to how I can achieve this?

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28 Answers

Ltryptophan's avatar

Shop around other stores for ripe ones. Ask for them. Bananas are kinda inexpensive, so it should be affordable to buy extra.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Paper bag with an apple or orange or put in freezer for 12 hours.

janbb's avatar

@Ltryptophan I’ve thought of that but would prefer to try this first.

gondwanalon's avatar

Rap the bananas in plastic. The bananas release a hormone called ethylene that ripens the fruit. By rapping the bananas in plastic the ethylene concentration builds up and ripens them rapidly.

Not a good idea to put bananas in the refrigerator. That stops the ripening process.

RocketGuy's avatar

Banana skin turns black in the fridge, but you’re right – ripening does not progress when cold.

janbb's avatar

I’ll try the big plastic bag and see where I’m at by Thursday – otherwise look for other bananas or hold off on the baking.

longgone's avatar

If you put them in a paper bag and leave them in a warm spot, they’ll be very ripe within three days. Check on them every day so you don’t miss the perfect time. Once they’re perfect (which in your case woud be slightly overripe), bake or freeze them.

I’ve always used a paper bag. Plastic is probably fine, too.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve had success with a paper bag & set them in a warm spot (like near your stove). I’ve never tried the plastic bag; but, logically, that might work as well,

canidmajor's avatar

I have always done the paper bag thing, like @longgone, and had great success with it.

RayaHope's avatar

@janbb May I ask when is your birthday? I just thought that was something funny to say. As to, what does that have to do with bananas getting ripe? I know this does not answer your question and I don’t have an answer and you will probably flag this and for that I am sorry. :(

jca2's avatar

I saw something recently on a banana bread recipe that said if the bananas aren’t ripe, you can nuke them and it will ripen them. I also heard a paper bag because it’s dark. I think if you start now (Tuesday night) they should be nice and decently ripe by Friday.

janbb's avatar

@RayaHope It’s a joke. You tell an old person not to buy green bananas.

janbb's avatar

@all I switched them to a paper bag with an apple and will see what happens.

@jca2 The nuke idea is a good fall back.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I hope you live past your birthday.

RayaHope's avatar

@janbb But it don’t take that long to…oh..! lol! you guys!

Zaku's avatar

Remove plastic wrappings on the stem, if they have those – they’re designed to block the ehtylene @gondwanalon mentioned, so they last on shelves longer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

How are those nanners coming along?

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III They’re ripening but slowly – thanks for asking! I bought a couple that were a little more ripe today and threw them in the banana bag. Maybe they’ll give the other guys inspiration or it’s into the oven with all of them!

RayaHope's avatar

@janbb They better hurry, the clocks ticking. tick…tock…tick…tock…LOL!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Banana Inspiration, LOLLLL!!!!

RayaHope's avatar


janbb's avatar

It’s the great yellow and brown banana race!

RayaHope's avatar

We’re in a freaking Banana Republic here!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Aaaand into the ovens with you!

RayaHope's avatar

Oh NO! You’re not baking MY bunz!

Dutchess_III's avatar

This slid quite rapidly into Social!
Yes, we have no bananas….

canidmajor's avatar

You aren’t afraid that the less ripe ones will resent the intrusion, rebel and decided to regreen?

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