Social Question

janbb's avatar

Did you see that Lisa Marie Presley, Elvis's daughter is dead at 54?

Asked by janbb (63386points) January 12th, 2023

Apparently of a heart attack. Her mother, Priscilla Presley, is still alive.

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24 Answers

chyna's avatar

Very sad to hear about her death. I saw some clips of her at the Golden Globes Awards a couple of days ago and she looked very pale. I thought it was just her make up, but maybe she was sick then and didn’t realize it.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

It’s so sad.

jca2's avatar

Very tragic.

smudges's avatar

Wow, too young!

JLeslie's avatar

Very sad. I thought about her mom too.

That’s another person my age suddenly dead. I need to listen to the universe.

Her son committed suicide a couple of years ago, I think that probably put a big strain on her body.


Dutchess_III's avatar

Yeah. I saw. (:

filmfann's avatar

Night before last she was in the audience at the Golden Globes!
54 years old.
Also 54 years old: Adam Rich, the little kid in Eight is Enough.

Acrylic's avatar

Yes. It seems to hit you hard in a weird way sometimes when you hear of a death of someone your age. For some reason, the death of Lisa “Left Eye” Lopes hit me kind of hard despite my never hearing of her before her accident or not even liking the music of TLC. Weird, I know.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes, quite sad. She is now with the King and The King of Pop.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Grandmother, father and now her. All cardiac issues. Very sad.

jca2's avatar

I saw on TV they had clips of her at the awards show Tuesday night. I missed the show at the time but I saw the clips today. She was unsteady on her feet on the red carpet, and she was next to the actor who played Elvis in the recent movie about him. She asked him to help her stand. Then in the audience, she looked pale and a bit sweaty (face).

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 Maybe she was ignoring symptoms. That happened to a friend of mine recently. He posted on Facebook he thought he had developed sleep apnea, he felt like he wasn’t getting enough air. I told him I get that symptom when my heart is very slow. He died the next day from a massive heart attack. I was so upset.

filmfann's avatar

I have heard that women do not have the same symptoms that men do.
Plus, they aren’t the whiny cry babies men are.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Someone I worked with wasn’t feeling well on a Thursday, left work, went home, dropped dead in front of the computer around 11 pm (they knew because of his last emails being around 11), didn’t show up to work on Friday, family was trying to reach him all weekend, went to his house, figured they’d wait till Monday to call the job and see if maybe he was on vacation, called the job Monday, found out he was out Friday and didn’t call in sick both Friday and Monday, the cops went to his house and found him deceased.

Lesson for us all – if you’re not feeling well, go to the ER. I was thinking at the time, most people don’t go to the ER every time they’re not feeling well, but it just might have saved this guy. The guy was about 50 years old when he died.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I’m going to the ER tomorrow.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 That will likely be me one day.

@Dutchess_III Why? What for and why wait? The ER is 24 hours for a reason.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I have things here to get done first.

janbb's avatar

@Dutchess_III I hope you’re ok!!

smudges's avatar

OK, @Dutchess_III so this is “tomorrow”. Did you go?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Thanks Jan. I will be.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie a friend was a triage nurse in the ER and she told me that on Monday mornings, the waiting room would be full because many people who get hurt or sick over the weekend wait until Monday mornings. They don’t want to spend their Saturday or Sunday in the ER, so they go Monday morning.

JLeslie's avatar

@jca2 I never would have guessed that. I would think it’s the opposite.

mazingerz88's avatar

Saddened that she passed away and at a young age and shocked to just recently found out that her son kiiled himself at 28? The young man looked so much like his grandfather. He would have made a great young Elvis in a movie.

smudges's avatar

@mazingerz88 Actually, he was 27 – that famous number that has claimed so many celebrities.

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