Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

You are given an elephant, and you may not give it away or sell it. What will you do with the elephant?

Asked by ragingloli (52329points) January 13th, 2023

I would just put it on a shelf.

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16 Answers

LuckyGuy's avatar

I can put a fence around it and charge admission.
The exhibit would be called: “The Elephant in the Room.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Rent it out for a year at a time.

longgone's avatar

I’d clear out the covered patio and turn it into a comfortable elephant stable. During the day, my elephant could roam the property. If he likes to bathe, he can wade in the lake and spray water at the neighbours.

I’d ride around on him. Ideally, I’d have some sort of covered seat on his back, big enough for two people and two dogs. As elephants are probably expensive to keep, I’d sell elephant rides. I think I could make a lot of money that way. Hopefully enough to adopt a mate for him – I don’t think elephants like being alone.

RocketGuy's avatar

I would take it to a zoo and let them take care of it, but stipulate that I would retain “ownership” of it (so not really giving it away).

Acrylic's avatar

Will finally be able to make that joke recipe book entry of elephant stew.

RayaHope's avatar

I’d wear it around my neck, they are great as a necklace.

Entropy's avatar

Have the person who gave it to me arrested for trafficking in endangered species.

smudges's avatar

@longgone They absolutely don’t like being alone. They’re huge on family, and family includes aunts, nephews, etc. That’s why it’s so cruel to separate them from their families to put into captivity or take babies from moms. It’s been proven that they actually grieve and the herd will stay with a dead baby before moving on. Often the mother will stay longer and the rest will eventually move on without her and she catches up.

Elephants are remarkable. They live in tight-knit groups, and will help injured animals or bring them food and water. They show grief when a family member dies and sometimes bury their dead or cover them with leaves. They also have long memories and complex mental maps, solve problems such as piling up blocks to reach food, and use branches and rocks as tools.

I know this is a humorous question, but I love elephants and wanted to throw this info in here.

rebbel's avatar

Blow it up.

kritiper's avatar

Take it to the park and turn it loose.

longgone's avatar

@smudges Aw. Thanks for that information. Elephants are great. Have you seen baby elephants snuggle?

PS: Are you quoting the text in italics from somewhere?

smudges's avatar

@longgone Yes, I forgot to cite it:

I’ve seen the snuggle video…more like wrestling. LOL Have you see the one where the guy plays the piano for the 80 y.o elephant?

And the baby taking a bath:

I’m sure you’ve seen these but wanted to share just in case.

mazingerz88's avatar

I would paint in big and bold letters G, O and P on the poor pachyderm’s side and place a sticker near its butt saying, “Wait for Trump, Gaetz and Green.”

longgone's avatar

@smudges Two beautiful videos. Thanks, I hadn’t seen them. One made me feel peaceful and nostalgic, the other one made me laugh. I love how the baby forgets that he has back feet and then just decides to flop into the bath without worrying about them anymore.

smudges's avatar

^^ Elephants…I just lov’em!

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