Social Question

ragingloli's avatar

Would you like to answer these 3 logic questions?

Asked by ragingloli (52313points) January 13th, 2023

I will reveal the correct answers later.

1. You have a Giraffe, that you need to put into a fridge. How do you do it?

2. All the animals of Africa are having a meeting with the Lion King. One animal is missing. Which one?

3. You are at a river in Africa, that you need to cross. How do you cross the river without risking being eaten by a Crocodile?

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10 Answers

Caravanfan's avatar

1. Kill and cremate it so you’re left just with ashes. Put the ashes in the refrigerator, but save some giraffe steaks.
2. The giraffe. You just killed it.
3. Throw the giraffe steaks you saved from #1 into the water to distract the crocodile.

chyna's avatar


Acrylic's avatar

Toy giraffe standing 6” tall.

The lion took attendance and forgot to count himself.

Walk across a bridge.

Zaku's avatar

1. I don’t need to put a giraffe into a refrigerator, so I don’t.
2. Humans who don’t believe in animal intelligence.
3. Use a boat or a bridge.

Entropy's avatar

I was going to answer but as soon as I scrolled down, I was immediately shamed by the excellence of @Caravanfan ‘s answer. I decline to put my shitty, nit-picky answers next to that masterpiece.

flutherother's avatar

Assume the fridge is thirty feet tall. The giraffe will go in by itself to cool down.
They are all missing as it was a hot day and they followed the giraffe into the fridge.
Evict all the animals from the fridge and use it as a boat to cross the river.

ragingloli's avatar

The correct answers are:

1. You just put it in the fridge. The size of neither the giraffe nor of the fridge were specified in the question.
2. The giraffe is missing, because it is in the fridge.
3. You just swim across leisurely. The crocodiles are at the meeting with the Lion King.

Caravanfan's avatar

My answer is more violent

RocketGuy's avatar

and tasty

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