Should you ignore a celebrity if they treated you wrong?
Ran into someone famous who was into themselves.I follow this person online. After my encounter I unfollow this person. They are rude and a jerk.
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13 Answers
Good for you! You don’t need this kind of person in your life.
Sounds like you did the right thing. But just to play devil’s advocate, since I wasn’t there and don’t know how you behaved, I think being a celebrity is exhausting and you’re constantly being interrupted by strangers who want to talk to you, take pictures of you, etc. Just doing a basic task like running a quick errand can turn into a major ordeal. I think living your life like that can make you more abrasive to fans. It kind of gives me all the more respect for celebrities that are known for being really great with their fans, now that I’m thinking about it.
I think the celebrity may have been in a hurry or something where they were distracted (maybe with their child or something, who knows), since we don’t know the other side of the story. Celebrities are only human. I know if I was in a hurry, or distracted (with a child or something), I might not have time to stop and chat and take photos with people. As far as ignoring the person, you always have that right. There’s no way to find out what was going on for the celebrity, at this point. Maybe they’re often a jerk, or maybe it was an isolated incident.
I’ve heard of celebs who are often jerks, and yet there are many who are always wonderful.
You should not give a crap about celebrities. Don’t worry about whether they treated you well or poorly, celebrities are just people. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because they have carefully managed publicity appearances where they seem nice that they are. They’re people. In many cases, spoiled people who are constantly being doted on.
No right answer. Acknowledge that your fandom has little impact them, and do what will make you happiest.
Ignore whomever you want. No biggie.
If a stranger approaches someone who is busy and/or distracted, I really don’t think they are owed more than basic civility, unless the occasion is a meet-and-greet.
It is somewhat difficult to see the difference between civility and rudeness when the scales are so unbalanced between the fan’s enthusiasm and the other’s disinterest.
Ignore them, unfollow them, or continue to be a fan of their work while recognizing that they will likely not remember the encounter at all.
Clearly every celebrity’s first responsibility is to give polite attention to everyone who recognizes them at any time in public. ;-)
Well, depends. If I was treated wrongly intentionally by Jim Carrey, especially sans any provocation on my part I probably wouldn’t bother revisiting his old movies anymore.
I was for a fairly short time a prominent figure in a national organization. At a conference of about 1000 members, I was treated as a celebrity, constantly being pinned in a corner or against a bar—and even on an escalator—by someone who wanted to capture my attention and support over some issue, or just by some well-meaning person who wanted to express appreciation for my work.
I was sick of the attention in less than two days. I’ve viewed real-world celebrities differently ever since.
One thing some fans miss is that it’s a one-way relationship. Your celebrity didn’t know you, and he did have to shield himself from unwanted attentions. And he was probably rude and a jerk. There’s no “should” for you in this. Just let it go, @honeybun35, and give your attention to your real friends.
If you are no longer interested in following them, unfollow them. You can always change your mind later on. Just remember that although you feel that you know them personally, they have NO idea who you are; so, you aren’t as important to them as they are to you. You may have learned a valuable lesson in that they are NOT the person that you’ve imagined them to be!!!
As Johnny Depp says frequently, the celebrity is NOBODY without their fans…so, BE NICE!!! This person still hasn’t learned that lesson. They definitely don’t care if you choose to unfollow them!!!
Most of them are. A lot of them don’t even like each other. Johnny Carson hated Bob Hope in the day and Hope used Carson to announce his upcoming specials. Because he had clout with NBC and could go on the show any time he chose.
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