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Is this vase from Japan possibly valuable (see details)?
In the late 90’s I lived with a Japanese family in Hiroshima one summer in high school. The school hosted a fundraiser where parents donated goods to sell and it was like a school-sized yard sale. My fellow American students were given “first dibs” at the stash since we were guests.
Among the things I picked up was a vase. I think it’s painted porcelain, but it’s VERY lightweight which makes me extremely suspicious that it’s junk. I’m planning on giving it away, but I just wanted a quick sanity-check that I’m not somehow inadvertently tossing an heirloom from the Meiji dynasty era that’s been passed down for generations, or something. If it’s really lightweight, is it possible that it’s porcelain? If it’s really lightweight, does that mean it’s necessarily not valuable? It did come with a special box with decorative paper and red fabric lining.
I can post some pictures and link them below, but I’m hoping there’s enough detail to just know if it even has the potential to be valuable.
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