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LuckyGuy's avatar

What is your favorite "power up"?

Asked by LuckyGuy (43889points) January 18th, 2023

During a quiet time with my 6 year old grandson he asked me this serious question – and I was clueless. I had no idea what he was asking or how to answer. Chocolate? Sex? Cocaine? Nitrous? Coffee?
It turns out he is a Mario Kart fan/addict. And was able to rattle off different power ups and what they do. It was a different language.
So, What is your favorite power up? And, please, give me the reason so I can talk somewhat intelligently to a 6 year old.

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16 Answers

RayaHope's avatar

Well don’t say, Sex, Cocaine, Nitrous, Coffee.

Try these:

Acrylic's avatar

For life? Like philosophically? Exercise, for sure, and reading. Both leave me feeling better and stronger. Wish I could do both at the same time.

Jeruba's avatar

If only they had such zeal for spelling and arithmetic.

Like you, I have no idea how to answer the question.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I have a foster grandchild who loves to do that crap to me ALL the time. I used to try & learn enough to have a real discussion with him & then I learned that he really didn’t care what I thought. He was making small talk about the ONLY interest he had. Now when he asks, I respond…you know that my brain is getting old & I don’t understand that stuff. Why don’t you tell me which one interests you the most. then I half listen for the next hour or so as he goes into detail about his favorite subject!!!! Now, he & I are a lot happier because he feels like he’s teaching me something & I get to feel like we’re having a real conversation although I have NO clue about which he speaks!!! When I’m really lost, I suggest that he pull out the game & show me what he’s explaining to me. That way he gets to play his game with permission from me & his Mom can’t complain. When she gets sassy about him playing the game instead of talking to me, I cover for him saying…he’s showing me how it works so I can understand better. He grins & keeps on playing!!!

ragingloli's avatar

The first bite into a Döner.

Entropy's avatar

Don’t fake your knowledge with the 6 year old. I hate when adults lie to kids. Kind of a pet peeve. We have this culture where we tell kids lying is wrong…and then proceed to lie to them about everything all the time.

If you’re interested, trying PLAYING MarioKart with your grandson. Trust me…he’ll LOVE it. You don’t have to be good. He started talking to you about it because he loves MarioKart and he wants to share the experience. So share it with him.

I’ve got a nephew who is like this. 100% obsessed with video games and youtube celebrities. He can go on for HOURS about video games. He’s thrilled everytime I go into the basement to play with him. He doesn’t want to go alone, and his sister refuses to play with him b/c she’s older and everything’s rivalry. She likes playing with me too…so it’s not that she doesn’t like playing video games, she just likes withholding from her brother even more.

kritiper's avatar

A HUGE stack of chocolate chip cookies, and a very large glass of milk. This is living, baby!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Before I wrote this question I actually spent time looking at Power ups. I could not imagine why one would be a favorite. —And between us here… I was a little disgusted that he would be spending so much energy and valuable “kid’s brain time” on this rather than learning something else useful like music, or economics, or orbital mechanics. I know he is learning something by playing but it seems like after an hour or so he has learned 95% of what the game will teach. After that he is just learning about disposable characters that are made up and subject to programmers’ whims.
The next time I’m at his house I’ll play a game or two with him. Even though I still believe an hour spent running around outdoors tossing a Frisbee is way more valuable.

smudges's avatar

@LadyMarissa Bless your heart, I love your answer!!!

Zaku's avatar

I’m not into Mario Kart, but in other games:

Insta-gib. That’s where anyone you shoot, explodes into bloody chunks.

Failing that, Quad Damage tends to add up to something similar.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

The three rotating red turtle shells that you can shoot at your opponents. When you still have one or more it doubles as a shield. That’s the best one.

I have a raspberry pi setup to emulate N64 and we play the original 3D Mario kart version with nieces and nephews when they come over. They love the “retro” look.

Forever_Free's avatar

Playing guitar

LifeQuestioner's avatar

Mario Kart? I haven’t played in I don’t know how many years, but I remember liking the one that made you bigger so you could run over everybody else. It was fun being able to shoot bananas out the back of your car, though, which made everyone slide all over the place!

I can’t remember any of the other ones off the top of my head, although I feel like there was one that gave you extra speed.

cookieman's avatar

<— ::ahem::

LuckyGuy's avatar

I still have not played the game but I have spent a ridiculous amount of time learning.
And my answer is: Blue Shell But I will take anything I can get.

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