If people find Biden to old to run again in 2024, doesn't that say the same for Trump?
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January 21st, 2023
I mean he seems just as confused as Biden at times, says about as many gaffes, and really is just a little younger by only a couple of years.
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11 Answers
Yes. They are both too old IMHO. Of course, Trump has many other factors going against him (‘natch).
I just wish that both parties world encourage and run younger, more forward thinking candidates (whatever your political beliefs). I’m tired of the old man game.
Yes, as @cookieman said, trump has many other things, along with age, going against him.
We need NEW BLOOD!! Younger more “with-it” candidates and kick out the old crony’s! lol
Being confused and too old has nothing to do with it. However, being shameless, a sociopath, a master-clown of chaos and most of all a douchebag TV entertainer in the White House does. Trump worshipers need to continue their acts of worship otherwise they will feel lost and victimized. That is simply what the deeply desperate or the hateful deplorables do.
“Younger more “with-it” candidates…”
I vote for you @RayaHope (well, in a few more years)
If my memory hasn’t completely failed me, 45 is 5 years younger than Biden. In my book, one thing Biden has going for him that 45 doesn’t have is that he still understands what the Constitution is & he SUPPORTS it!!! Some of the people who are screaming that Biden is too old want to replace him with Sanders who is a year OLDER than Biden. I have NOTHING against Sanders except that he puts me to sleep when he talks!!!
Another point I would like to point out is that JFK was the YOUNGEST President we had had & he didn’t live 3 years after being elected. Jimmy Carter was about 55 when he went in & he’s still alive at 99. So, there are NO guarantees when anybody is going to die. Reagan almost died in office; but, like Kennedy, it had NOTHING to do with his age!!! In my lifetime, we haven’t had a President die from natural causes while still in office, so I’m NOT overly concerned with Biden’s age. If you go back & listen to him 50 years ago, he had some of the same cognitive issues that he’s having now. Only difference is that people are using those things to blame on old age when it’s just him being him!!! I often wonder how closely related it is to the stutter problem he had when he was younger & whether he still has to work at it to keep it under control???
The issue with Biden is that he is getting more an more vacant. You can see it when he talks or is in a group and is recorded when it is unstaged. He looks lost. I had an uncle that had dementia and he acted a lot like what I am seeing from Biden as the disease progressed.
@cookieman Don’t hold your breath. I have 18 more years for that. :D
But thank you ♡
I have been saying on here that I think that both Biden and Trump are both too old, and can we please have some younger candidates for both parties? Not young, but please no more 80 year olds. You would think that both the Republicans and the Democrats could find some people that are not 80 years old.
I hate Trump and I would never make excuses for any of his shit, but I do think that Trump appears to be not as lost and blathering as Biden. There are lots of videos on YouTube of Biden “word salad” and Biden mumbling, looking lost, saying “quote” when the word “quote” is there on the teleprompter but supposed to be a guide, not spoken.
Personally as an outsider looking in they both look lost, I mean Trump can think he can just declare classified documents declassified with his mind,wondering in circles on the Whitehouse lawn, saying they took over the airports in 1776, drawing on a map with a sharpie to include Alabama in a path of a hurricane.
And Yes Biden has looked lost as well, and said his share of gaffes.
I don’t think of Trump as lost or senile, I think of him as sleazy, power hungry, ego driven, lying, and delusional (not in a demented way, but from growing up as a little rich boy and being a very rich adult).
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