Social Question

JLeslie's avatar

What are some women’s issues or hot topics that would be interesting for a presentation?

Asked by JLeslie (65918points) January 27th, 2023 from iPhone

The audience is mostly people over age 55, both men and women, politically it’s about 70% Democrats and 30% Republicans. People from all over the US.

The presentation should only be 20 minutes and the audience gets a chance to ask questions and give opinions after the presentation for an hour.

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11 Answers

RayaHope's avatar

Reproductive Health,
Gender-Based Violence,
Being Talked Over
These should be a good start. Please don’t ask me to make a presentation for each of them right now though.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Have a heart doctor explain the the different symptoms that women have for heart attacks from males.

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smudges's avatar

I think hot topics would be better than women’s issues since men will be there also. If I were a man I’d be rather ticked off if I showed up for a presentation and it was about women’s issues. They get enough of that everywhere else. Rarely do people discuss men’s issues and it kinda bugs me. Afterall, men are people, too, and they’re not the stupid dolts represented on so many TV shows. Just a thought in general.

Something neutral and interesting to your target audience would be good…maybe find something new in science or an unexpected discovery. Maybe check out the AARP website and see what they’re talking about.

smudges's avatar

OMG @longgone! I’ve described exactly that to both of my exes and also to girlfriends! I didn’t know it was a thing with a name!! Thank you!

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges The leader of this group asked if I wanted to do a presentation, and he suggested a women’s topic. He said none of the discussion groups hit women’s topics very much, and he thought it would be something different from the usual.

My reaction was I hadn’t even noticed, and I don’t think topics that are neutral are not women’s topics.

I do remember four years ago a retired lawyer in the group did a presentation on Roe, and the actual language in Roe. He happens to be a man.

I asked the collective, because I was curious to see what people come up with.

What men’s issues do you have in mind? People tend to talk about minority issues, because the minority has less power.

@longgone That’s a good term—mental load. I think men must have some of that at work, both sexes do. It’s just the mental load at home isn’t acknowledged as much. I like the topic. I’ll look into it more.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Definately mental health through the aging process/empty nest syndrome. Mid-life crisis signs. Losing a spouse or being a caregiver for a spouse. What are the financial repercussions of a husbands unexpectrd death or critical illness?

Financial fitness as you get closer to retirement, as women are working more and later in life.
Paperwork for your estate, wills, DNR’s, medical POA’s, etc…and why it’s so important to plan ahead.
Of course menopause, osteoporosis and the importance of fitness and annuals like mammograms and colonoscopies.

smudges's avatar

@JLeslie Oh I didn’t mean focus on men specifically. As I said, something neutral and interesting to your target audience, maybe something in the medical/science fields. Just 4 months ago I saw this about a new theory on the cause of Alzheimers: from Healthline

I think @KNOWITALL has some great ideas.

JLeslie's avatar

@smudges I recently attended something on Alzheimer’s. We actually have someone here who used to do research for Alzheimer’s medications, but he wasn’t presenting the topic for the recent lecture.

Here’s the website for the discussion groups here, you can see the topics. Mostly, I attend Freethinkers and Civil Discourse (I’m on the Civil Discourse Boards) and now and then the Philosophy club.

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