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chyna's avatar

How many times have you taken your children to the emergency room?

Asked by chyna (51730points) January 28th, 2023 from iPhone

Or even, how many times have you been? I ask because I was talking to a lady that told me she has 4 kids and had been to the emergency room hundreds of times between all 4 kids. I’m sure that’s an exaggeration, but it’s probably true that they have been many times. She is probably in her 50’s, so her kids are now grown.
I have been to the ER one time in my life and that was about 5 years ago.
Maybe as a boomer our parents just didn’t take us as much. They pretty much poured iodine on a near decapitation, slapped a band aid on it and made us go outside to play.

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16 Answers

NoMore's avatar

My parents didn’t have to worry about that. My dad was military and my mom was a stay at home mom. They married young and my mom was only 19 when I was born in a base hospital . As were all of my siblings..when when we got sick we would be to the post hospital or clinic and on can remember getting a bad case of strep throat when when I was in 9th grade and dad getting me out of school and driving out to Fort Bliss (El Paso) for meds and a shot of penicillin..I have been to ERs twice the last two years. Blah


Dutchess_III's avatar

Same here @Chyna. I had a girlfriend take her kid to the ER because the kid touched her neck on a bare light bulb.

From the time he was 2 I took my son several times because he kept wrecking after hours and needing stitches! So many stories.
My daughter’s not so much. One kid because she broke her collarbone.
There wasn’t much I couldn’t fix at home.

Acrylic's avatar

Maybe 3 times. Twice for very high temperature.

SnipSnip's avatar

Two kids; three trips.

ragingloli's avatar

I just make a new one every time one dies.

Dutchess_III's avatar

I finally got some iodine and steristrips. I’ll fix you now my little booger!
Miraculously the stitches stopped….for 5 years when he busted his head open so bad you could see bone. I wanted to tap it with different objects and ask him what THAT sounded like!
It’s a helluva a story. Chris wrote about it for a college paper!
Anyway, it was way way out of my ken, so in we went.

RayaHope's avatar

I wish I was one of those that don’t know what the inside of an Emergency Room looks like. Sometimes I think I live there, just two days ago a nurse was trying to get my I.V. to work and the line was Occluded (blocked) and wasn’t working. She changed the I.V. tubing and it still didn’t work. I told her that the I.V. it’s self need flushed, so she did that and it then worked. The nurse was impressed that I knew what was wrong. I just told her that I’ve been here done that so often that I knew what to do. Because there was a little bit of my blood up inside the tubing so it need to be flushed out to get it working again. One point for future nurse! YAY! :D

RayaHope's avatar

The abuse I endured as a child landed me in the hospital many times and I have ongoing health issues. Also other family members have also been to the hospital numerous times.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I’d say a dozen times among three children. Maybe a baker’s dozen +1.

NoMore's avatar

My grands are all covered by Medicare on my son and DIL so any Doc visits for kiddos are taken care of by them. My visits always result in surgery. : (

LuckyGuy's avatar

Between 2 kids, I can only think of 4 times.
Kid A: 3 year old fell off the “Dipsy Doodle” (a type of small see-saw) and broke his arm.
6 years old, high fever and dehydration
Kid B: 4 year old was running, fell and hit his mouth on the table
7 year old had a bad allergic reaction.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Two kids many years ago, twice each by the time they were 12.

I had 7 trips by the time I was 6, five times for asthma attacks starting at 18 months (admitted each time to hospital, oxygen tent and meds). At three I pulled drawers out to make steps in kitchen, I knew where the cookie jar was in cabinets over counter, tripped from counter and landed on left ear lobe and required five stitches. Next time was picking up broken “bubble jar”, I got a piece of jar in my right wrist , I have the ¾ inch scar.

janbb's avatar

Never. We had a pediatrician. I did go twice with my Ex for emergency treatments.

seawulf575's avatar

Quite a few with one of my boys. He was very accident prone. He made the statement one time when we were sitting in the ER: “You know? I think this is the nicest ER in the area”. The fact that he had been to them all enough to make that opinion should tell it all.

Forever_Free's avatar

I think I signed the HIPAA form here.
Twice for young’un, 3 times for me.

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