What tropical Jelly has earned a sleeping porch in the mansion with 30,000K?
Asked by
janbb (
January 31st, 2023
It’s our own TW – Tropical Willie! Break out the barbeque ribs and sweet tea to welcome him to the mansion!
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18 Answers
Yeah! Congratulations TW.
Congratulations!!! Woo hoo!
To a wonderful contributor to our little lagoon.
Congrats! BIG party in the works!
Thanks penguin; that happened quickly, the last 50 Lurve in 24 hours.
Ribs and pulled pork for all !
Congrats! What do want for your party?
Ho’omaikai! I’ll eat a malasada in your honor.
Congratulations to a great Jelly! Happy Dance!
Congrats on the well deserved 30k. It’s no secret that your presence always brightens the place.
I’ve been documenting the temperatures here and, confidentially, we can use a little more tropical warmth in the mansion.
Bowing humbly to your greatness!!!!
Congrats to you and all the color you add to this place!!!
WTG TW! Sorry I’m late!
Lots of quality contributors making it today!
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