Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What bright star just reached the illustrious heights of 40,000! 3 PARTIES IN ONE DAY!

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37844points) January 31st, 2023

Judi, welcome to the dizzying heights of the 40K floor in the mansion! You are one of the most lovable jellies.


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15 Answers

chyna's avatar

Congratulations @Judi! Though you aren’t here as often, you are a much loved jelly with a kind heart. I hope this party gets you coming back more often.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

@Judi great job !

KRD's avatar


jca2's avatar

40k! Congratulations Judi! I’ll yell it from the mountaintops!

kritiper's avatar

Congrats! And may the upper floors of the mansion not cave in with all the people that are up there!

KRD's avatar

@kritiper The mansion is massive and if it hasn’t caved in yet. I don’t think it will cave in anytime soon. Right!?

kritiper's avatar

@KRD Lets hope not. But I never assume anything!

Judi's avatar

I haven’t been here for years! How the hell did that happen?
Thank you all!

chyna's avatar

But we are glad to see you again!

flutherother's avatar

40Kongratulations @Judi I’m glad you popped back in. Take a seat by the log fire put on a pair of soft slippers and I’ll fix you a drink.

LuckyGuy's avatar

@Judi It is so nice to see your smiling face.
You asked, How did 40k happen? Well, it’s proof that people love you and your ideas!

Congrats on the well deserved 40k!

Forever_Free's avatar

OMG!!!! for someone on sabbatical from here you made it!!!

Miss your great questions and feedback.

smudges's avatar

Wow! I wasn’t going to leave a response because I saw that you hadn’t been here in forEVVVER! But you’re here! Congrats on making lurve in your leisure time! that sounds kind of weird

tedibear's avatar

CONGRATULATIONS! Lovely to see you here!

filmfann's avatar

Sorry I’m late! WTG Judi!

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