Social Question

smudges's avatar

Do you remember how to dance?

Asked by smudges (11566points) February 1st, 2023

Just for fun… Do you remember doing this? or something like it?

Reminisce with us. 8)

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16 Answers

NoMore's avatar

Absolutely. Good times.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I never knew how to dance. This is me:

JLeslie's avatar

I was just telling someone last week that clothing seems so much more conservative than when I was young. Look how short her mini dress is in the video! Lol. Maybe young people still wear mini dresses and I’m unaware.

I remember women dancing like that when I was little. Go-go boots, Pucci fashion. Awesome. I listen to ‘60’s and ‘70’s music all the time where I live, and once in a while some people in the audience dress the part.’70’s was more bell bottoms and platform shoes.

I dance almost every day.

Forever_Free's avatar

Absolutely. It looks like my sister was caught on cam again.

chyna's avatar

“When George is embarrassed for you, that’s a problem.”
I dance like that. But not since the 70’s.

smudges's avatar

@Jonsblond Ohmigosh! Jerry in his puffy sleeves, and that guy playing music lowers his sunglasses to look at Elaine. Love her as Elaine, love her as Old Christine!

smudges's avatar

@chyna 30 minutes later and I just figured out who “George” is! Takes me a minute. LOL

SnipSnip's avatar

Indeed. We still like to dance, but not exactly like that.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Mostly a booty shaker here, but I’m definately better than Elaine. I have always enjoyed dancing from clubs to ballroom, never been a showstopper though. :)

ragingloli's avatar

I never could dance, except to this song

Tropical_Willie's avatar

7th and 8th grade, student instructor for Cotillion classes.

By 8th grade I could do 200+ dance steps / breaks in Cha Cha, Foxtrot, Waltz, Lindy, Samba, Tango and Mambo !

smudges's avatar

I love to dance/move to music. I’d love to learn actual dances because I don’t really know any. Ballroom dancing…now that would be something! I think I’ll see if there are dance classes here.

JLeslie's avatar

@Tropical_Willie That’s Awesome. You’re in Hawaii right?

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Nope Eastern North Carolina and the Cotillion classes were in Los Angeles with two times on local TV.

RayaHope's avatar

Do I remember how to DANCE? I think so!

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