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SQUEEKY2's avatar

Why is the right foaming at the mouth over Hunter's laptop?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) February 10th, 2023

It was left at a repair shop and forgotten, thus became property of the shop, fine that was probably the shops policy.
But the data doesn’t become the shops property just the laptop, so wipe it and move on, sell it, use it, give it away, whatever.
Plus what is the big deal Hunter wasn’t in Government, the right seem to think there is an entire crime syndicate on that laptop and the left are scared about it.
Do you think the the Government , and the public should know what is on that laptop and why?

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35 Answers

jca2's avatar

Plus the laptop was in some shady hands, shady meaning Rudy Giuliani. I wouldn’t trust anything with that.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree,it has been compromised for just that.
Thanks @jca2
Plus if it really had all this damning evidence of a crime organization you sure as hell wouldn’t take it to some random shop for repair,and you sure as heck wouldn’t leave it there overdue to become the shops property.

gondwanalon's avatar

So all the incriminating evidence discovered on Hunter Biden’s laptop was all fabricated by those EEEEVIL mean spirited and hurtful Republicans. Glad that that’s all cleared up

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Or maybe just Rudy who had it in his possession ^^.
Also what incriminating evidence?

filmfann's avatar

There is also the diary that was stolen from Biden’s daughter.
The diary was stolen, and two men were found guilty of theft. They tried to sell it to the Trump campaign, and eventually sold it to Project Veritas. The contents of the diary would be quite damaging to Biden, if it was true.
It is a mystery to me how Biden, who was in government for many, many years, didn’t instill in his kids the importance of protecting private information.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ok now a diary,and a lop top, is any evidence from these items credible because they spent time in hands that shouldn’t have had them, thus could have been tampered with easily?

filmfann's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Exactly. The chain of custody is ruined, and the items are all now in question.

KNOWITALL's avatar

The whole thing is a mess. Some Reps believe there is a cover up Hunters alleged crimes.
And analysts cleared something like 18,000 emails that showed nothing illegal.

Dig_Dug's avatar

The right foams at the mouth if the wind blows in the wrong direction. Screw them and look at all the atrocities their side does everyday that amazingly floats right by with no problems. Yeah Hunter may have the secret spices formula for KFC’s chicken recipe!

jca2's avatar

It would be like police collecting blood evidence at a crime scene, and then taking the evidence to a fast food kitchen, or for a ride on a boat. Once the evidence has any chance that it was tampered with or compromised in any way, it’s no longer valid and it no longer can be used.

Forever_Free's avatar

There is nothing that can be believed that is on it. Chain of custody has long been broken.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Yeah,but it hasn’t stopped the right from bringing it up every chance they get,or to stop foaming over it,saying it’s a big conspiracy from the left to cover it up.

gondwanalon's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Payola to the big guy. Selling access to the big guy.

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

Because they will foam at the mouth at whatever Fox News, News Max and the like will tell them to foam.

kritiper's avatar

I think anything on the laptop is only alleged. The far right would LOVE for there to be dirt on it and in lieu of any dirt, the alleged dirt will have to do for them since people, generally speaking, are stupid and will believe that there is dirt. And some people LOVE dirt. ANY kind! It’s a form of mob mentality.
Out in society, the accused are assumed to be guilty. Only in a court of law are the accused innocent until proven guilty. A sad thing…

seawulf575's avatar

Hunter’s laptop is important for a whole lot of reasons. Let’s look at the history first. Hunter dropped his laptop off for repair and forgot about it. We know this because he signed a service agreement. That service agreement stated specifically that if it was not claimed within 90 days the shop could do what they wanted with it. It was not so Isaacs finally got around to opening it up to see what was on there. What he saw made him realize the sensitive nature of the stuff on there so his dad called the FBI to try turning it over to them. This was in the summer of 2019. The FBI refused and sent him away. When the impeachment proceedings against Trump started in October of that year suddenly the FBI was all hot to trot about this laptop and they then seized it from Isaacs.

It should be noted that there is evidence on the laptop of corruption by Biden when he was VP, something the left claimed wasn’t true during the impeachment proceedings and something that would have tanked their whole case if it was true.

On Oct 14, 2020 the NY Post ran the first article about the laptop. It was immediately branded by a corrupt media and a corrupt group inside the US Government (or that used to be in the government) as fake news, Russian propaganda, etc. The NY Post was banned on social media, as were anyone that dared to comment on the laptop. According to Biden during the presidential debates, it was all lies and 50 intelligence experts verified it to be Russian intelligence. Please note this all came out right before the 2020 election. Mac Isaac had to close his business and go into hiding because the “tolerant” left had been making death threats against him and vandalizing his business. But we later found out that the laptop was legit, that it was real. We have corroborating statements from Hunter’s business partner that it was real. Even the NYT finally ran an article that the laptop story was real.

So what is in the laptop that makes it so pertinent? Well, it shows many, many lies by Joe Biden for one. It seems he DID know all about Hunter’s business dealings and was possibly even getting kickbacks from it. It puts out a story that shows there was likely influence peddling going on. It makes Joe Biden’s push to get rid of the AG in Ukraine that was looking into Burisma look like the exact quid pro quo that the Left claimed Trump did. It shows there are potentially strong ties between Biden and Ukraine, Biden and Russia, and Biden and Communist China. ALL of this make Biden a security risk and one that should be pulled from his position posthaste.

seawulf575's avatar

So to sum it up, the entire laptop shows a concerted effort by the Dems, the social media and the MSM to suppress information that could harm a Dem, that they are all in for censorship, that they are supporting corruption at the highest levels of this country. Put that together and Hunter’s laptop could be the smoking gun that shows the Dems are pushing for a totalitarian government.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I think your views on Hunter’s laptop are speculative at best, why would anyone leave a laptop with that much damning evidence at a repair shop, and forget about it?
If there really is that much evidence was it obtained legally ?
It was in custody of hands no one trusts that could have corrupted at that time, hows that for speculative?
As you state the laptop if left for 90 days becomes the property of the repair shop,but the data is still private.
So was the data obtained legally?

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I believe you forgot that Hunter was (and possibly still is) a crackhead. He may not have even remembered that he dropped it off.

As for the legality, the WO he (Hunter) signed specifically states that if it is not claimed within 90 days of the repairs being completed it will be considered abandoned and the customer holds the store blameless for any damage or loss of property. This includes, in the case of computers, anything on the hard drive.

And all of your questions add up to a deflection. You asked the question of why those on the right foam at the mouth over this laptop. I told you why. And you are just trying to deflect from it. Look at it this way…what if this was Don Jr’s Laptop? Do you think you would be questioning if the information was obtained legally? I will guarantee you would not. You have never questioned a single thing that pointed to potential wrongdoing by Trump or anyone he ever knew. And that is where we differ. Given the exact same situation with it being a Trump instead of a Biden, I’d be calling for it to be investigated. There is not a lot of gray area here.

But the parts you are ignoring even more is the potential corruption by the government itself. The laptop was seized by the FBI prior when the Trump impeachment started. This was months after it was first reported and attempted to be handed over to them. Isaac had made a copy of the hard drive to review it. It was that copy that was given to Giuliani. It doesn’t really matter if Guiliani did anything with that data or not. It could easily be proven to have been altered if he had…the original was with the FBI. And the FBI raided his home and he offered them this 3 times and they refused it. He finally gave it to Delaware authorities who passed it on to the FBI. You don’t trust Guiliani, I get it. But his actions are idiotic if he had tried altering information to frame up Hunter. Not to mention, the information on the laptop was verified to be accurate by people that had information on the laptop. Too many checks and balances for it to be made up. And everyone has admitted it is valid.

So the FBI sat on this information and, in fact, participated in a concerted effort, to suppress this information and to take no action on it at all. They supported the lies that this was Russian disinformation.

The NY Post put out the story after Isaacs got tired of not hearing anything of it from the FBI. He finally went to a conservative outlet because he knew how corrupt the MSM was. And as soon as the NY Post ran the story, the rest of the media and social media immediately began running a disinformation campaign to brand it all as lies. You might want to ask why “news” agencies would reject, out of hand, a story about a primary candidate for POTUS. It is potentially blockbuster news. Yet they didn’t report on it and suppressed it instead. Why? Because they are propagandists. Additionally we had 50 deep state players automatically reject the story as Russian disinformation…players who in some and probably all cases could not have actually reviewed it at all.

Let’s compare what we have now with the beginnings of Nazi Germany. We have a federal police force that is corrupt and works for only one party (Gestapo). We have media that will tell whatever story is wanted by that party (Propagandists) influence public opinion and behavior. We have all the markings of the beginning of a totalitarian regime. And we have a smoking gun that could expose it all to head it off.

Why are the left foaming at the mouth to discount all this?

SQUEEKY2's avatar

OMG you are one scary person,as for foaming as foaming at the mouth to discount this laptop I personally wish it would be investigated (if the data was obtained legally) and put out there if for nothing more than to shut you extreme fright wingers up!
I do like how you claim any news source that doesn’t run a story against the left propagandists .
But the Fright wing news source can say any lie they want and it’s gospel.
As for deflecting Wulfie you do as much as any one of us on the left.

filmfann's avatar

I am not defending the argument, or crazy speculation, but it is possible Hunter forgot about the laptop because of drug abuse.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Which “news” outlets or social media outlets censor all left wingers? Which of the right wing outlets censored any of the many frame ups against Trump? Why does censorship not bother you? If someone is spouting lies (as you often accuse me of doing), then the lies should be easily exposed…if they are lies. But exposing “lies” requires facts. But someone asking questions about something of potentially enormous importance being censored for merely asking questions? How is that acceptable to you? And would you feel it was acceptable if it was the left getting censored for offering opinions or asking questions?

Call_Me_Jay's avatar

So to sum it up, the entire laptop shows a concerted effort by the Dems, the social media and the MSM to suppress information that could harm a Dem, that they are all in for censorship, that they are supporting corruption at the highest levels of this country

Your act is comedy gold. Almost believable. LOL funny stuff.

seawulf575's avatar

@Call_Me_Jay Yes, a typical lefty answer. A snipey answer that attacks a person instead of addressing the statements. Here a challenge for you: given all that I have shown on these pages you should be able to easily prove (not claim, not cite an opinion…give facts) that what I have said is completely false. As you said, it is comedy gold. So have at it. Prove it wrong.

The problem is you can’t yet the facts don’t support your fragile reality that is based on lies.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

The facts about Hunter’s laptop. “maybe….if….if…if…. maybe….if…therefore . . . Joe Biden did it”

Dig_Dug's avatar

I bet Hunter’s laptop has the location of Jimmy Hoffa’s body! That’s it!

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Substitute “Trump/Russia Collusion” for “Hunter’s Laptop” and come to the conclusion that “Trump did it” and you have exactly what we put up with for most of Trump’s time in office. The only real difference is that the Dems actually put forth effort to investigate Trump and have worked diligently to shield Biden.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

“Trump/Russia Collusion” . . . .how may of Trump’s cronies went to jail ??? Then he pardoned the colluder (Manafort).

Ya missed that I think ! !

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie How many of Trump’s cronies colluded with Russia to interfere in the election? Zero. Mueller found that out. If accuse your friend of robbing a store and then dig into your past and find you had a failure to appear for completely different reasons and arrest you for it, does that allow me to use that as proof your friend robbed the store? That is your logic.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Pardoning Manafort does not make him innocent !

“According to Brad Parscale, Trump’s election data guru, the information that Manafort handed directly to Russian intelligence was of critical importance, determining “98 percent” of the campaign’s resource allocations (such as spending on TV, radio and social media ads, rallies, field operations, and so on).” – - – -

Forever_Free's avatar

Fact: Rabid dogs can’t control their foaming.

seawulf575's avatar

@Tropical_Willie Thank you for agreeing with me. You WOULD be proof that your friend robbed the bank.

Here is what Manafort was convicted of (From NBC): “Manafort, a fixture in Republican politics for decades, was convicted of five counts of tax fraud, one count of failure to file a report of foreign bank and financial accounts and two counts of bank fraud.” Hhhhmmmm….nothing there about collusion. Amazing. Oh! and because you will scream for a source: At some point you will have to wake up and realize your TDS is out of control and keeping you from facing reality.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Foreign account rhymes with PUTIN . . .

SQUEEKY2's avatar

What did Flynn plead guilty to then?
and don’t go on if I spelled his name wrong.

seawulf575's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 You spelled it right. Do you know where that whole case went? Flynn, who was the in-coming National Security Adviser, had a conversation with his Russian counterpart. This is a fairly standard thing to do in this position. There are things that can and cannot be discussed at this meeting and there were witnesses that say they weren’t discussed. Yet the FBI went to his house to talk with him. It is questionable as to whether they called it an interview or even told him what it was about…as they should have. They did not video or audio record this interview. We do know Flynn was very forthcoming in his conversation with them as he had not done anything wrong. Until it got back to Comey and his ilk who then tried twisting it into things it was not. He continued to cooperate with them and the more he cooperated, the more they continued to screw people around him…his ex-business partner, his son, etc. So he finally just plead guilty to charges and moved on to trial. That put the FBI and DoJ on their heels since they really didn’t have anything they could prove beyond a reasonable doubt and they tried to drop the prosecution. And in the end, all this was given to Mueller and he STILL said no Americans knowingly helped Russia in efforts to interrupt our elections.

And your point is…?

But now let’s look at what has happened here. The question was why Republicans are foaming at the mouth over Hunter’s laptop. Republicans (or at least conservatives) have given answers to that. The left, on the other hand, don’t like the facts being presented in those answer so they try to deflect to “whataboutTrump!?!” Now we are down to Manafort and Flynn. Unfortunately none of you actually do any homework. You forget (or more accurately never accepted) the facts surrounding all these other cases. And you steadfastly refuse to accept the Mueller finding that No Americans Were Willing Participants With Russia. You all foamed at the mouth endlessly about how Mueller was drawing the trap shut around Trump and how great it was and how great he was. But then his results came out and you all fall back to the fallacy of “what about the prosecutions?” and you start down that path. Forgetting once again that the prosecutions were pretty much bullshit to start with. They were a way to try smearing Trump. And it works with weak-minded fools.

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