Could someone explain the Republican agenda to me?
Asked by
Dig_Dug (
February 12th, 2023
Seems like everything I support “they” seem to shoot down or stall or put on the back burner to die. Alternative energy sources, S.S., Medicare, reduce taxes, DST, corporate greed, excessive government spending (both sides guilty of this) the list is long. Bottom line, what are they trying to do and what do they want?
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51 Answers
If you look at gorillas throwing shit against the wall, I think you’ll find the closest analogy.
I think they would tell you smaller government, more private sector everything, they claim they are for the working slob but in turn give the top 1% all the tax cuts saying the lower class will benefit from the trickle down problem with that the top 1% have super good plumbers and have sealed up all the trickle.
They also believe everything will benefit from a lot less regulations.
They are everything the corporations and the top 1% want I just can’t figure out why some of the working slobs think they really are out for them.
Maintain the status quo: The rich get richer. Screw the poor.
Everyone above gave good examples.
More examples: “drill, baby, drill” oil and gas drilling in national forests and parks, forget the environment and the animals, let their friends who are heads of corporations profit from the fucking of the parks and forests.
Deregulate everything.
There was a post on the internet a few years ago about how Republicans wake up to clean air, clean water, etc. which are all things that are done by Democrats.
Seriously, though, Republicans will deny these things and say that they, too, want clean air and water and they want forests and parks, but yet they also want drilling and leasing of these lands to oil and gas companies, so go figure.
They regularly vote down labor laws which benefit the working class.
It’s all google-able, and a lot to try to explain.
I think the problem you are having with understanding the Republican agenda is that you aren’t necessarily hearing the full story. You support things that they “seem” to shoot down or stall. When the media (which works mainly for the Democrats) reports on something, they rarely report accurately on the Republicans. Let’s take one you were looking at to dig deeper.
Alternative Energy Sources – Republicans are not really against alternative energy sources. But they are against the radical push for all things electric, all the time, right now that the Democrats have. There are many reasons why but the biggest is that alternative energy sources won’t/can’t meet the needs of our country by themselves. Part of the problem is the non-linear output of electricity (i.e. solar panels don’t produce electricity at night), part of it is the existing power grid that is not prepared for the increase in demand. To rush forward to force everyone to start using alternative energy sources would be a disaster of epic proportions. Picture everyone has to have an electric car by 2035, the plan being pushed hard by the Dems. If you take away all forms of electricity other than renewables, you suddenly decrease the amount of electricity produced while increasing the demand on the system. And even if you managed, somehow, to produce the electricity demanded, you are still trying to push more electricity through wires and equipment that are not up to the demand and cannot physically pass it. It is common sense. But when they speak out against it, the Dems scream (and the media echoes) that the Republicans are slaves to big oil and hate the environment.
You mentioned cutting taxes. President Trump did that. He cut taxes. And the Dems and the Media accused him of only helping the rich. But it helped everyone down to schmucks like me that are solid middle class. I can’t say if it helped people less fortunate than me or not, but in a way it did. The result of cuts was lower taxes for us and lower taxes for industries. Industries began expanding and hiring more people. Unemployment dropped and tax revenues for the government actually went up. These are things the media and the Dems will never tell you…it would be too much like giving Bad Orange Man a win. But the oddest (and most telling) part of your statement was that it implied the Repubs want higher taxes. Yet it is the Democrats that raise taxes and waste the money. They are the party of tax and spend.
It takes a little research to dig into each and every thing you believe about Republicans. But I would suggest taking articles from CNN or MSNBC and not wasting any time on them. Ditto that from most left leaning “news” outlets. If you want to find out what Republicans want or how they think, you don’t go to a Democrat outlet.
Their agenda is to obtain and maintain power. Period.
Republicans have no concept of civics which is the rights and duties of citizenship. Instead, they stand for unbridled greed.
This is impossible to answer as they don’t even know themselves.
They gave up on having an agenda years ago. Instead they talk out of BOTH sides of their mouths at the exact moment in hopes that somebody willing to vote for them is listening & will hear something that will resonate with them enough to obtain their vote!!! Once they get in office, they will KILL any form of democracy in order to retain their power & have everything THEIR way!!! Fifty years ago they bragged that their base is STUPID & they continue to prove it daily!!!
1) Keep the poor poor
2) Make the rich richer
3) Dominate the courts with Judges with similar views
4) If you can make more money by destroying the ecology, fair game!
Some are able to work things out and others are power hungry. I’m one but I don’t talk politics that much. I hate the arguments that happen. I think the party is somewhat split up they have a few agendas. I don’t want to have an flame war on this thread so if you want I can PM you my view. But I don’t care that much about politics. It get in the way of other things.
I tend to agree with @seawulf575 and @KRD. Both parties are terrible and sell out regular Americans in different ways.
Take the single feel good issue of electric car batteries. Incredibly toxic and even Biden admitted they are made with forced child labor.
Until you examine each and every issue down to the language, it’s all a game intended to benefit the fat cats of both parties.
It seems to me the party is controlled by the base, and the base is the evangelical religious right. There are people in the party who are not evangelical, but the politicians are always concerned about catering to them, and the very far right Dominionists fund a lot of the political campaigns for a lot of the Republican politicians, and then those politicians are beholden to them. This results in the primary goals of the party being:
- Limiting abortions or forbidding them altogether.
– Taking money away from the public school system.
– Giving public money to religious institutions.
– Lowering taxes, damn the consequences, and especially giving tax breaks to the wealthy.
– They think competition in the free market solves everything, but they fail to consider regulations when there isn’t any competition, and they often are willing to ignore collusion and price fixing. .
– Fend for yourself. Whether it is trying to climb out of poverty, a hardship on your family, new to the country, they don’t want tax dollars helping, although many of them are in favor of charities that can help.
-Against the central government, and they don’t trust it.
– Don’t trust atheists, and they think the Democrats are pushing secularism.
– support Israel, because it is the key to the second coming.
– Limiting abortions or forbidding them altogether. (this SUCKS)
– Taking money away from the public school system.(this SUCKS and why?)
– Giving public money to religious institutions.(this SUCKS and totally UNCONSTITUTIONAL)
– Lowering taxes, damn the consequences, and especially giving tax breaks to the wealthy.(this SUCKS cause the wealthy are ummm, let me see…already WEALTHY!)
– They think competition in the free market solves everything, but they fail to consider regulations when there isn’t any competition, and they often are willing to ignore collusion and price fixing. .(this SUCKS)
– Fend for yourself. Whether it is trying to climb out of poverty, a hardship on your family, new to the country, they don’t want tax dollars helping, although many of them are in favor of charities that can help.(this SUCKS on so many levels)
-Against the central government, and they don’t trust it.(this SUCKS because we don’t trust them)
– Don’t trust atheists, and they think the Democrats are pushing secularism.(this REALLY SUCKS because atheism and secularism are probably the only things that would save this planet from it’s self if ever given a chance)
– support Israel, because it is the key to the second coming.(this SUCKS since this is arguably were most of the planets problems have originated from in the first place)
Well this may ruffle a few feathers…
@Dig_Dug Our political conversations here are far deeper than ‘this sucks’, we are primarily educated adults.
If you really want to ruffle feathers, post verifiable facts that each party denies. Then we’ll have a real party! :)
@KNOWITALL The “facts” are already there. This sucks is just my comment after the facts.
PM may be a better place for grievances.
@KRD Because there will be abortions, whether they’re legal or not. Because for some, abortions are necessary.
Like that 10 year old Ohio Rape victim that had to leave the state to get one? ^^^
The Republicans should have been very ashamed of that one, instead they chose to harass the Doctor that performed the abortion, nothing but class those Republicans.
@SQUEEKY2 That case made me want to vomit! Freaking 10 years old and their worried about an abortion! Not that poor girl or how THAT happened or what’s gonna happen to her or the scum that did that to her! WTF?!
I don’t know @SQUEEKY2 and @Dig_Dug – - – - it may not be illegal in, GOP states, to rape a 10 year old but it illegal for her to get an abortion.
^^ I think I just threw up a little in my mouth…
@Dig_Dug There is some grey within the black and white.
Most Democrats are ok with some limits on abortion, it’s a matter of degree.
Plenty of religious people are scientists or accept scientific facts.
I don’t see how you can say Israel is the cause of most problems on the planet. Most Democrats support Israel, it’s only the uber liberals who have a lot of negative to say about Israel. The US always supports Israel’s right to exist no matter which party is in charge of our country. The US is going to support Israel at minimum for geo-political reasons let alone just believing Israel’s right to exist.
@Tropical_Willie Actually California and New York have more child sexual abuse than any other states.
@KNOWITALL You know I love facts and proof. I googled your statement and I couldn’t find anything with child sexual abuse broken out, but I found child abuse stats and the number one was Texas, and then NY and Cali were in the top 3. I was guessing it might be because they are populous states, which is why I was googling for rates, not just quantity.
Do you have anything backing up your claim?
Here’s the stats I found:
@KNOWITALL It would make sense that the most populated states would have the most abusers. So statistics can be misleading taken on face value alone.
The point is, the comment above about Republican states legally allowing children to be raped is out of line and untrue.
@Dig_Dug Exactly.
@KNOWITALL I don’t believe any states “legally allow children to be raped” although the Republican stance lately has been that Democrats are supporting pedophilia.
Do you have a link to back up your statement about NY and CA?
I cant find it in my history because I dont recall my wording. But Texas definately has the most child abuse, my google was for child sexual abuse.
Again, it was more about the idiot’s words above than proving anything via Google. The biggest states obviously are always going to have high numbers.
Remember on the new Jim Jordan said the news of the raped pregnant 10 year old ,was a lie but then changed his tune when the raper was arrested.
That was disgusting itself.
@KNOWITALL You have no right to police other people’s language, because it sucks and makes you look like an pedantic asshole.
@tinyfaery I’ll GLADLY be the asshole when it comes to Democrats political jokes about raping kids.
@KNOWITALL The rapeing of anyone female, male and especially children said in jest by anyone is disgusting no matter what political banner they fly.
But you have to admit the republican handling of that 10 year olds rape case was truly disgusting and they make no apologies for it,then to add insult they harass the Doctor that did the abortion again bottom barrel stuff.
There is NO excuse for child abuse!
Very much so,child abusers should be dealt with the furthest extent of the law ,lock them in a room and throw away the room.
@KNOWITALL Where are the Democrats’ political jokes about raping kids?
Can you please back up your statements (shocking statements, I must say), with some links?
You made the statement above about NY and California (which we all know lean mostly Democratic) having the most child sexual abuse, which you can’t back up with a link, and then you admit that if it’s true, it’s because of the population of those states, meaning your statement was a bit deceiving because if those states do have the most child sex abuse (which you can’t back up), it’s because of population, not percentage. Then you say Dems make jokes about raping kids. I haven’t seen that. Do you have a link for that one?
@jca2 I was referring to @Tropical_Willie‘s comment above, obviously.
It may have been this link, it was first thing before coffee and I can’t recall at the moment.
I was trying to look up child sexual abuse, not just abuse in general, so I went through a lot of links. So Texas may be first, actually, but I can’t say that with 100% certainty because some of these are not filtered with degrees of abuse in the stats.
And yes, states with larger populations are obviously going to have larger numbers, so we do have to keep that in mind.
Additionally, if you want to believe I’m a liar, feel free. I couldn’t possibly think less of many of you here, so it doesn’t really matter at this point.
@KNOWITALL I don’t think of you as a liar. The word “liar” has a malicious intent to it. @seawulf575 will call me a liar, and has maybe on this thread but definitely on some Fluther threads. The word “liar” implies that I am saying things that I think or know or maybe am mistaken about but with a deliberate intent to deceive. I don’t think you had a deliberate intent to deceive. When people say things that are somewhat shocking, I like them to back it up but I don’t think of you as a liar or malicious.
I should add that the reason why I ask people to provide links when they make statements that I find hard to believe is that I think with today’s separation of the right wing and left wing media, and some media being considered centrist or more truthful, people may spout things that they hear, maybe from friends or from local politicians or from some media, that is not true but then becomes to be believed by others. That’s why, when I make statements I try to back then up with links, so it’s not like I heard it from somewhere crazy and am just repeating it, I show the link.
@jca2 I get that, and if I wasn’t livid after reading that comment first thing, I would have posted it.
Yes @SQUEEKY2 it is. I wonder why I am the only one that said it. Smh.
I just re-read @Tropical_Willie‘s comment and my impression is he was not making a joke about raping children, he was making a joke about the handling of the case.
For what it’s worth, I didn’t that it as a joke, but as a very sad and horrible fact.
The Republican agenda is not what you’re hearing from above. I’m not even going to read it all, I know what left-wing propaganda drivel Flutherites say and think. There really is not one Republican agenda at the moment. The republican party is not functional, it’s fragmented. It has been infiltrated by corporate interests and evangelicals. The few conservatives keen to this fact are trying their best to plug the holes in our democracy being poked by Trump following conspiracy types, wokesters and foreign interests trolling the hell out of our population with the intent to divide us. The left side of the isle is broken and fragmented too, just not as bad…yet.
I have another take on this whole thing that I’m putting on the “back burner” for the time being while I do some research. And it’s a whopper! Now in the mean time someone else may mention the same thing and if so, so be it. More power to them. Stay tuned!
Taking care of their cronies and screwing the working people. If they have any agenda at all.
@NoMore Huh. That must be why inflation skyrocketed under Biden and yet they Dems continue to pass enormous spending bills that help no one. Because it is all part of the Republicans diabolical agenda.
So tell us Wulfie, what would you amazing Rep/cons have done so inflation wouldn’t have sky rocketed?
@SQUEEKY2 Gee…I don’t know. Trump cut taxes and increased revenues cutting deficit. But that is just silly! Ask the Dems. When you start stimulating people to grow businesses and expand their businesses, they put more people to work which results in more taxes. It’s pretty well common sense. People have more money so they spend more and the economy grows.
The Dems, on the other hand, believe that you have to raise taxes and spend all sorts of money to stimulate the economy. What happens is that you increase the deficit, increase the debt, and cause inflation. Businesses see the taxes increasing. They are not going to expand….they are going to contract. They are going to move somewhere that will have lower taxes. So the average worker ends up with his household expenses climbing significantly meaning they are going to spend less to try offsetting the impact. Less spending means more companies struggling and they start laying people off. It’s the quickest and easiest way to reduce operating costs.
But hey, the Dems get to reward their cronies so all is good.
Wulfie, Trump’s cut to taxes increased your countries debt by 25%.
As for inflation nice to blame Biden (it’s always the democrats fault) but your nations refineries were in a major slow down due to covid then people started driving again that with Putin’s invasion of Ukraine and the world sanctioned Putin’s oil ,inflation started to go nuts, transporting of goods went crazy, the world was seeing record setting inflation rates but like a good little conservative it’s all Biden’s fault, then you conservatives went crazy again when Biden took oil out of your nations reserve to bring the cost of fuel down for the average tax payer and it did,he then replaced that oil with cheaper oil due to bringing that oil of the reserve but again all bad.
If Trump had done that you would be falling all over yourself worshiping him more than ever but Biden did it,so bad.
So is Canada’s inflation Bidens fault as well?
Is Europe’s inflation Bidens fault too?
@SQUEEKY2 Why would I expect you to believe anything Trump did was good? This and this and even this show benefits from the tax cut plan. What you are conveniently ignoring is the Covid impact. The forced shutdown of the economy was pushed hard by Democrats and that led to massive increases in government spending and increases in deficit.
In the end, Biden inherited an economy on recovery from Covid with inflation relatively low…about 1.4%. He drove it up with his policies to closer to 8%. Prices went sky-high and his solution was to waste more money on pork projects. A gallon of gas when he took office was around $2.50. We were energy independent in this country. He has claimed he has reduced gas prices by a whole lot with his policies. But what he doesn’t tell you is that his policies drove prices up to around $6/gal and is now claiming a great win because prices are only $3.50/gal. But we are no longer energy independent and he has drained our national reserves just to get gas prices that low following his incompetence.
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