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chyna's avatar

So Nikki Haley, former governor of South Carolina just threw her hat into the Republican Presidential ring. What do you think her chances of winning are?

Asked by chyna (51769points) February 14th, 2023 from iPhone

So far, she is the first challenger against trump. Will he try to destroy her and her reputation? Or will this be a fair fight?

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23 Answers

rockfan's avatar

She has zero charisma and she’s not a populist, so I doubt she has any chance. Also, her campaign announcement video is laughably bad. Her premise is basically “They execute people in North Korea and Saudi Arabia, so don’t complain about income inequality, corruption, or racism in America.”

Forever_Free's avatar

dunno, but I am stocking up on popcorn.

Acrylic's avatar

Likely won’t win but can still campaign and get her agenda out there, like most politicians do.

Entropy's avatar

Slim to none. It’s common for people who know they can’t win to run in an effort to raise their profile in preparation for the next cycle. The GOP field will be dominated by Trump and voters looking to coalesce around the next most likely to win candidate in an effort to beat Trump. Probably DeSantis.

If I were the RNC chair, I would be going to each of the non-Trump candidates and saying “Listen, last time this clown won the nomination because we were all divided. If you’re not polling REALLY competitively by the time the first primary arrives, please drop out. We can’t afford a repeat of 2016. We respect your right to run, we’re just asking you to think strategically in a primary that is VERY important for the future of this party.”

Now, it’s worth pointing out that these sorts of small candidates CAN win sometimes. Obama in 2008 was running as a relative nobody trying to raise his national profile when the Democratic voter base rejected Hillary because….well, she’s awful. Hillary had (unwisely as it turns out) used political pressure to clear the field to make her nomination as perfunctory as possible. But what that did was it allowed the not-Hillary voters to have ONE person to coalesce around.

Oh, and the fact that Obama was really charismatic.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Politics = NOT a fair fight!

LadyMarissa's avatar

Old 45 is going to have a field day with the name “Nimrata Nikki Randhawa” which was her maiden name!!! She claims to have been born in SC but I can see another birther attack in the making. He smiled & gave her his blessing to run while his inside was laughing as he thought “there ain’t NO way you can beat me little girl”.

The press is making a big deal out of the fact that she was the first female governor of SC & she was the youngest governor. As well as I can remember, she beat a governor who had LIED to the state & skipped the country to spend time with his mistress in place of being home with his wife & kids & taking care of the state’s business. So, I never saw her win as a huge victory!!! During her time in office, she didn’t do anything terrible, but she also didn’t do anything overwhelmingly great either. I’ve always found her ego to be her biggest downfall. My vote did NOT matter to her as I didn’t live in her state. I do have a lot of friends who live in SC…many of whom had voted for her & say it won’t happen again.

She has the personality of a dead log, so I’m unsure that she has what it takes to carry the national stage. Now to her positive…she’s NOT 45 & I see that as a PLUS!!!

Will it be a fair fight??? Oh hell NOOO!!! He does NOT know the meaning of the word “fair”. She just might get lucky & his ego will underestimate her ability & she could possibly sneak in under the door. Then again, I’m NOT going to hold my breath until that happens!!! Rumor has it that she’s planning on choosing a black man to run as her VP so that might help her some.

LostInParadise's avatar

From what I have read, she is splitting the anti-Trump vote and may be a factor in whether DeSantis can outpoll Trump.

janbb's avatar

My gut says it won’t be Trump and my heart says, please let it not be DeSantis. So anything that muddies the water is fine with me.

kritiper's avatar

Same as Trump. 0%

chyna's avatar

I don’t want it to be trump or Desantis either.

Dig_Dug's avatar

Since trump should be in prison and desantis is a skunk, how about G.S. or whatever his name is? I’m sure he can come up with a good story.

filmfann's avatar

She is closer to being a moderate (but still miles away), which is an improvement over DeSantis and Trump. However, she is not white, not a man, and is facing assholes in the primaries.

jca2's avatar

A lot of Republicans are now against “RINOs” which is “Republcan in Name Only.” If you’re not far to the right, you’re a RINO and the extreme fundamentalist right-wingers don’t like it and won’t vote for any RINOs.

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ Maybe they’re run themselves too thin and start self destructing. Oh happy day! :D

smudges's avatar

^^ Rhinos can run fast, but they’re not thin. Babies are a-effin’-dorable! hehehe

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^LOL!!!! My vertigo just kicked in !

smudges's avatar

Rumor has it that she’s planning on choosing a black man to run as her VP so that might help her some.

True, but it also may hurt her…

mazingerz88's avatar

Nikki who? ~

smudges's avatar

^^ That was my first reaction!

JLeslie's avatar

My money is on her becoming the VP pick.

Smashley's avatar


That’s a ¼ shot of winning the primary, and then it’s a toss up.

She’s claiming the moderate (for these times) ground, and hoping the nutters eat each other. It could work.

LadyMarissa's avatar

For many years she held the moderate ground fairly secure. Then in 2016 she declared that 45 was a lunatic, & she would NEVER vote for him. Then he became the nominee & she DID vote for him <shocked> Then he bestowed the UN position upon her & she fell hook, line, & sinker towing the line like a good little girl!!! I can also see her jumping at the chance to be the VP to either of the nut jobs!!!

filmfann's avatar

@JLeslie The force is strong with you! She is a probable Veep selection.

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