Social Question

Did you hear about the shooting at Michigan State University?
I graduated from MSU, and some of my BFF’s are my friends from my college days. Four of us are a very tightknit group, and we are always in touch.
Last night, when I arrived home from a very fun night out, I looked at my phone when I returned home and there was a stream of texts with my friends talking about the active shooter.
One of my friends in the group has a daughter at MSU who lives off campus. Another has a niece on campus. The other has a nephew on campus. The nephew on campus has three friends who were in the Union and witnessed people being shot The three ran and got out safely. This same nephew was friends with one of the students who was shot and killed.
This morning I reached out to another college friend who was my roommate in my junior year. She works at MSU. The sister of one of her student employees was shot twice and critical this morning, I don’t know her status now.
The chances that all of my friends would be so connected to this horrible event at this moment in time is just crazy.
Do you think it’s going to get any better any time soon? My friends became very emotional today as it all really started hitting them. Understandable and expected. The two girls went home this morning, and the boy, the nephew, chose to stay on campus with his friends who are out-of-staters. Actually, his mom is out-of-state, but he could go to his aunt’s house (my friend).
Do you think it’s going to get better any time soon? Will the shootings slow down? Are you numb to it now?