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SnipSnip's avatar

Are your parents proud of you?

Asked by SnipSnip (7301points) February 15th, 2023

How does your own answer affect you?

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15 Answers

Dig_Dug's avatar

Now they are!
In a positive way, indeed!

janbb's avatar

They were but now they’re dead.

Acrylic's avatar

They’re deceased now, but I don’t think they were. Never lived up to their expectations.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Not sure. But they’re dead now.

filmfann's avatar

They were. Long gone.

gondwanalon's avatar

Hard to say what my Mother thought of me. My Father died when I was 4. My Mother never and I mean never paid much attention to me. Never attended any of my high sports events or awards banquets. Begged her to go to my high school senior band concert (big mistake) where I played 3 solos out in front of the band (was awarded “outstanding senior musician” and given a college scholarship). After the concert on the way home in the car my Mother said nothing (dead silence). I wondered what she was thinking. I said nothing also but I was absolutely crushed.

My Mother also didn’t attend my high school or college graduations. Or recognized any of my professional successes in any way.

You ask how I feel now. I’m 72 now and I still feel hurt by my Mother’s behavior towards me. She died at age 73 after suffering in poor health for many years. I feel sorry for her suffering. I’m grateful for all that she did for me (the good and not so good).

Jons_Blond's avatar

They’ve always told me they are and they do/did often.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh @gondwanalon. I am so very sorry.

kritiper's avatar

To an extent, I suppose they did. But we mutually disowned each other long ago.

Entropy's avatar

Probably not. They say they are. But I suspect not.

Forever_Free's avatar

They certainly voiced it many times to myself and my siblings. So I would say, Yes.

raum's avatar

I’d say it’s not so much proud or not proud. But more like relief.

They often thank me for not having to worry about me. (They had a lot on their plate with my other siblings.)

Which is an odd thing to respond to. I’m never quite sure whether to say “thank you” or “you’re welcome”.

canidmajor's avatar

Dad always was, mom never was.
Confusion abounds.

smudges's avatar

I don’t know, and they’re gone so I can’t ask them. I suspect no, but could be wrong. I know they would never say they weren’t.

I wrote a book, but decided to go with succinct.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Both of mine, yes. They’re still around. I was a bit of a hellion in high school but grew out of it. My grandmother before she passed got up in front of the whole family and told them I was the only grandkid worthy to wear my grandfather’s ring and then gave it to me. Grandparents were too apparently.

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