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LostInParadise's avatar

Anybody else miss winter?

Asked by LostInParadise (32310points) February 16th, 2023

I know some places have had some brutal weather and I don’t envy them, but here in the Philadelphia area we have regularly been getting temperatures in the high 50’s.

I like the change in seasons. I miss having that one brutally cold day when it gets close to 0. I miss seeing frozen lakes and snowmen and kids on sleds. Not interested in tropical so called paradises. If there is any weather during the year that I could have less of it would be some of those summer days when temperature and humidity are in the high 90’s.

Anybody else here a fan of seasonal variation, including winter?

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53 Answers

snowberry's avatar

Me! I like the seasons too.

Acrylic's avatar

We’re usually covered in snow now, would be since December. So far just one minor snow event and two cold snaps. Today will be just the third time this season I’m having to wear a jacket outside. A person can really get used to this, wish it were this way every year.

Smashley's avatar

I miss winter. I live in the Northeast, partially because of my love of seasons, but it’s not at all what it used to be.

@Acrylic – you ain’t seen nothing yet.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Yes. We actually had some cold days, here in Charleston. Got into the 20’s, around x-mas…
The entire area, was built on thick tropical swamps, and salt water marshes. We basically have no “winter” season. Just ridiculously hot, and humid conditions most of the year. It is supposed to be around 80° F today… (That’s “freezing,” to our locals.) It snowed a good bit, after hurricane Hugo, and two or three times in the past three decades.
I have lived in a lot of different places, including Europe. So. Snow was fun, and I miss it…

We still have traditional/regional oyster roasts, in the colder months. Usually. They are a night time, large gathering, couple fires, and oyster tables type of events. For my age range anyways. And we have our share of “Pig Pickins,” from fall, to spring.

It’s funny when we have anomalous cold weather here. Like only 15% of our population even own jackets. I have like 10 hoodies, and only two actual jackets. One is leather. It’s my most expensive item of clothing. It gets worn about twice a year. Otherwise it just takes up space in my closet….

janbb's avatar

My ideal winter would last one week. A good beautiful snowstorm where everything stops for a day or two and then is gone; temps around 32. Other than missing that one week, I’m very happy with the mild winter we’re having here. Makes it much easier for me to get out and walk, go to water aerobics and to the movies.

Forever_Free's avatar

Yes. I am missing ski days in the Northeast. My Ski Passes are being used (18 outings so far) but the conditions are not the norm.

zenvelo's avatar

It’s been in the low 30s in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area off and on for the last month. We aren’t prepared for that on a continual basis. This morning the thermometer in my car said 33!

Dig_Dug's avatar

That’s a big fat NO! I like 21 Celsius or 70 degrees fahrenheit is ideal!

Entropy's avatar

YESSS! I like a wider array of seasonality. I’m okay with it being very cold, but I want SNOW with my cold, dammit. I grew up with MULTIPLE snowfalls of 6 inches to a foot per year. That’s not alot to some people but it’s WAY more than I get now. It’s been probably a solid decade since our last 6 inches or more snowfall where I live. This year, I never even took the shovel out. We got one very minor snow flurry. Zero accumulation.

jca2's avatar

Here in southern NY, it’s been odd becasue this is April weather right now. It’s 57 right now, 10:30 in the morning. I miss an occasional snow storm. I don’t really like going out at night when it’s 20 degrees out because if I get cold, it can take me hours to warm up. I would like it a bit more chilly than 60s though. I wouldn’t mind if it was in the 40s. A little snow here and there would be nice, too. Maybe waking up to an inch or two, so that by lunch time it’s off the roads.

I know the kids would appreciate a good snow day or two.

kritiper's avatar

I don’t. I work outside and when it snows I can’t work.

smudges's avatar

Come here! Right now we have about 8 inches and it’s still snowing!

SnipSnip's avatar

Yes. No real seasonal changes here.

Jons_Blond's avatar

I could never live where there wasn’t a change of seasons. I love every season for their own uniqueness.

We have had a snowstorm every Thursday for the past three weeks and we’re expecting another storm next Thursday. The only Thursday this year that hasn’t received snow was Groundhog’s Day. Want me to send some pictures? :)

I’m in south central Wisconsin for those who don’t know.

rebbel's avatar

As far as I’m concerned winter can not end fast enough.
One month is all I ‘need’.

raum's avatar

In theory, yes. I love the idea of snow. And cocoa by a cozy fire.

In reality, I’m incredibly spoiled by California weather and complain when it drops into the 40’s. And I don’t think we’ve ever used our fireplace.

NoMore's avatar

Hell to the no.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I live in the SE of the US where the weather is warm by design. We’ve already had our perfect winter!!! We had Christmas Saturday where we dropped to 9 degrees F for the best part of the day & by the next Saturday we were seeing 70 degrees F. We were threatened with snow last Friday (02/10) but it never materialized. We’re back up to 70 degrees F today. I don’t mind 1 cold day (or even a week) as long as we jump back up to spring-like temps shortly thereafter. I was raised in a HOT climate & I don’t enjoy really cold weather. If I wanted to live where it was cold, I’d move up north!!! However, I do appreciate those who were raised in a COLD climate & don’t appreciate hot weather!!!

For me, the perfect snow is when I wake up to snow falling, it has stopped by noon & melted off the roads by 3:00. I love watching it fall, but I DON’T want to go out in it!!!

gondwanalon's avatar

I don’t have time to miss winter. By the time I’ve recovered from winter it starts up again. I live in the Pacific Northwest where winter (pea soup) weather lasts from November through April (and then some).
FYI: Snow should stay up in the mountains where it belongs.

smudges's avatar

2:15pm and it finally stopped snowing. It says we got 12 inches in the past 24 hours (but it didn’t snow until after midnight, so 12 hours). I’m retired so I don’t have a problem with it.

flutherother's avatar

This year we have had a few days of air frost a couple of icy mornings and one day of snow. Winter is being squeezed between encroaching autumn and spring. My grandson has my old sledge and I wonder if he’ll ever use it.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@flutherother Is your sledge called “Rosebud”? I had a crazy carpet and a circular blue thing growing up . I almost killed myself going down too close to a cliff in the mountains of Jasper National Park in 1997.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@NoMore My man! SUMMER!!!

filmfann's avatar

Nope. Plenty of Winter here!
It snowed a bit yesterday.

LifeQuestioner's avatar

I’m in the Baltimore area, and I’m right along with you as far as your feelings towards the weather! I love snow! Even the snow we got back in 2009 through 2010 did not turn me off from loving snow! So the fact that we here have gotten barely a dusting once or twice this winter is breaking my heart. Now, I do like cold weather, those blustery days where you have to bundle up like crazy to stay warm. But I will say that as I get older, I prefer those days from the inside of my cozy apartment. However if less of those days means that we’re not getting snow, then bring on the cold!

By the way, I’m a real weather buff and I follow a number of good weathermen on Facebook. None of those I follow are climate change deniers, but they all seem to think, and I agree, that this is just one of those cyclical things. Some winters we get little to no snow, and others we really get hammered. So don’t give up the faith! We may not get any this winter, but that doesn’t mean our future looks bleak!

kruger_d's avatar

Brutal here was -30, so no.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Just cold here. Let me out!

Jons_Blond's avatar

We gained another 6 inches of snow today.

jca2's avatar

It hit 65 on Thursday where I live (NY), which was really weird, being out with a light sweater on and no coat in mid-Feb.

At around midnight, I had to take the garbage out and I had on a tee shirt, no jacket and it was about 55 at that point. Again, felt nice but so odd to have it so warm this time of year that I could be outside without a coat. Normally, going out like that would give me a chill that would take hours to recover from.

AlaskaTundrea's avatar

Winter isn’t even close to being done with us in Alaska. Snowing as I type with about 6–9” predicted for mid-week.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Anyone else kind of surprised, that no phallic related attempts at levity have popped up,during all this talk about inches?..........~

Dig_Dug's avatar

@MrGrimm888 LOL!! These numbers are far too large/big/long/huge to make that connection!

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Dig_Dug . I didn’t think it was a “stretch,” to make “that connection.”...

(Uugh. I’m a terrible person. )...

Dig_Dug's avatar

@MrGrimm888 You really pumped that one didn’t you? :)

zenvelo's avatar

@MrGrimm888 When it’s cold out, too many men worry about shrinkage

Dutchess_III's avatar

So just don’t whip it out in 30⁰ weather @zenvelo!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’s not just about temperature. There are many variables….

Forever_Free's avatar

It’s back!!!!

Dutchess_III's avatar

13⁰ tomorrow

filmfann's avatar

We have two feet of snow, with more snow falling over the next 3 days.

NoMore's avatar

Y’all can have it. Known fact that human life can’t thrive in less than 70 F. And even that is nippy with a strong enough wind.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@NoMore Lets run away together!

Forever_Free's avatar

Party on the beach in St. Thomas next week. All Jellies welcome. Start your propulsion engines.

p.s No peeing on jellyfish allowed.

Dig_Dug's avatar

St. Thomas Caribbean will be in the 80“s next week! Woo Hoo!

NoMore's avatar

@Dig_Dug sounds like a plan. Think we can make the Bahamas in a bass boat?

Dig_Dug's avatar

Where we starting from?

NoMore's avatar

Texas Gulf Coast

Dig_Dug's avatar

Shit! No problemo!

NoMore's avatar

Bring you one of them thar buykeenis ; )

Dig_Dug's avatar

I think I left something burning on the stove…

NoMore's avatar

Don’t burn your pad down!

MrGrimm888's avatar

It’ll be 80’s this week in The Holy City…
Ironically. My brother is coming back tomorrow from the Bahamas. There are a few Cruise ships that leave from here. The Bahamas aren’t that far.
I prefer the V.I.s though. St.Croix ,and St. Thomas, are definitely awesome. If you drop into St. Croix, ask a taxi driver to take you to see “the pigs drink beer,” in the mountains….

But Virgin Gorda, is my favorite. There are natural “caves” there that are created by massive boulders. Amongst all of the places I’ve been, that may be the most enchanting.

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