What was the worst bit of parenting advice you ever got, solicited or not?
Asked by
Acrylic (
February 16th, 2023
For me it was “it takes a village.” Found out quickly it doesn’t.
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17 Answers
Never buy a house.
Instead, rent it.
I’m not a parent, but I suspect that the advice my parents got was, “spanking works”.
^^ Hi sis! I know..modded :(
^^ What? Sorry, I don’t know what you mean by ‘modded’.
I didn’t exactly answer the question above from the OP. But my parents were all about spanking and more spanking.
Hey about the other, I just figured you would rather sort things out “behind the scenes” instead of in the public. (my bad) now I know, so we cool?
yeppers! we be cool. btw, I’m really sick today or I prolly would have been more laid back. my bad
Here’s some “parenting” advice, chicken soup. Cures everything. ;)
I was told by a male speech therapist that my son had delayed speech because I had nursed him. “Lazy lips!”
Mom would always say stuff about how things would be when we grew up and got married. Out of 8 kids, only 4 ever got married. I never did and didn’t realize what a good thing I had until I turned 45.
This is just too hurtful to respond to.
DAD: Don’t go over to so and so’s house because of the color of their skin.
ME: “the time’s they are a changing, Dad”
^ A quote from Watchmen, nice!
Nite Owl: “Looks like bean juice.”
Rorschach: “Yeah, human being juice.”
Talking about blood on the smiley face pin that the Comedian was wearing when he was murdered. You may not get this if you’re not familiar with the novel or the movie.
@filmfann I’m really sorry, and I can understand, although I don’t know your specifics. I wrote a lot but deleted most of it. {hug}
A friend told us, “Once you have a kid, your life is over. You’ll never go anywhere, sex life is over, and your house will be a mess.” None of that was true.
@cookieman I heard those, too, and found to be not so true. Didn’t really care about the sex thing, and sure the housecleaning took a bit more effort than before, but was all worth it.
@Dig_Dug ^^ That was a reference to Bob Dylan and something I truly told him often.
Similarly I often would ask him a question after he referenced a certain adjective – “What color are they Dad, purple, green?
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