What are avid Fox News watchers saying about the lawsuit against Fox?
Asked by
JLeslie (
February 17th, 2023
from iPhone
There is a lawsuit against Fox regarding their lies about the voting machines for the 2020 election being unreliable. There is evidence of Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingram, and others, texting that they knew the accusations about the voting machines and voter fraud was bullshit, but then they went on air and knowingly lied.
What I’m curious to know is do Fox News watchers still think it’s true that the voting machines were giving votes to Biden? Do they think it’s ok to lie about that? Do they think it is helping to divide America by telling these lies?
I know some people will hold onto believing the lies, even if Tucker Carlson says under oath he knew it was a lie, because it’s hard for people to change their beliefs, but I would think some people might wake up.
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8 Answers
The Trump types I know abandoned FOX years ago because it got “too liberal”. When 2020 hit, they’d already moved on. It’s part of why (I think) FOX embraced the 2020 bullshit campaign. Recall that when Trump FIRST began making these claims, FOX actually had multiple reports saying there was no evidence and even Carlson challenged a few guests about it.
It wasn’t until a few days passed that it seems like a memo went out at FOX saying they were embracing these things. Carlson did a 180, as did the network as a whole. Then of course, the Kraken lady went a step too far into a world where provable slander was on the table and suddenly FOX, Newsmax and others retreated from the claim in a hurry.
I’ll sit here with a box of popcorn,
What are avid Fox News watchers saying about the lawsuit against Fox?
Lawsuit? What lawsuit?
Probably similar things watchers of CBS News said about them presenting forged documents about President Bush’s time in the military. Both sides do it, just wonder what gets passed that is never caught. We all should be skeptical when anything like this is reported. News is biased, it always was, as humans are inherently biased. Just have to learn to live with that.
Um, they are saying whatever it is that Fox tells them to think and say. That is the whole story.
@Acrylic I thought the CBS Bush situation was a failure to fact check (triple check) but in the Fox News case, the “reporters” literally think and/or know what they are saying is total bullshit.
Yeah but the fright wingers lap up Fox’s bullshit like fresh made chocolate pudding.
The “talking Heads” on Fox knew that “Stop the Steal” what a bogus attempt to elect Trump illegally but continued to throw the BS at the fright wingers and now . . . . . . . . . . . . after slandering Dominion they are claim “First Amendment rights” !
WRONG because slandering Dominion and knowing it was not true, just to increases your followers constitutes slander !
Not “First Amendment rights
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