Social Question

Jeruba's avatar

Are there words that you simply find abhorrent? What are they?

Asked by Jeruba (56256points) February 17th, 2023

This isn’t about profanity or socially repugnant labels or anything like that. It’s about ordinary vocabulary words that some people simply can’t stand.

Moist is a top favorite for loathsomeness; so is panties. Here’s an article about words that some people hate.

Among the words that I abhor, words that almost make me feel like gagging, are these:


I hate to even look at them. Are there any that get to you like that?

I’m trusting you not to think it’s funny to torment people with words they hate.

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20 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

Yes. I agree with the ones you listed. I couldn’t open your link.

“Moist” and “panties” are porn words in my mind.

Jeruba's avatar

@Dutchess_III, I’m sorry—it’s probably behind a paywall. My search terms were abhorrent words, moist. Several articles came up that were basically the same.

I don’t care much for gurgle either, just to pick another example, but it doesn’t affect me the way the others do that I listed above.

SnipSnip's avatar


LostInParadise's avatar

I never cared for the word gay, apart from its current use to mean homosexual.

Acrylic's avatar

Apropos. Besides, nobody seems to agree on the correct pronunciation. Is the A long or short? Don’t answer, don’t care.

chyna's avatar

Yes, moist is one I cannot stand.

janbb's avatar

Smegma – although it is a perfect onomatapoiec word!

Dig_Dug's avatar


rebbel's avatar


Acrylic's avatar

Abhorrent also comes to mind for some reason.

LostInParadise's avatar

Tongue twisters like inexorable and particularly

Forever_Free's avatar


Jeruba's avatar


and “duh,” no matter how you spell it, but especially “d’oh”

chyna's avatar

I also dislike the phrase “the money shot.” They say it in sports a lot, but I believe it’s a porn movie phrase.

Dig_Dug's avatar

phrase’s, “you’re under arrest” I’d hate that!

LostInParadise's avatar

On the other side of the spectrum, I read somewhere that profane words, apart from their meaning, are words that sound unusually good.

Forever_Free's avatar

twit, twat, tweet. All the same.

flutherother's avatar

I don’t like the word phlegm it always jumps out at me from the page. I don’t mind so much when I hear it spoken.

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