General Question

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

Please tell us more about the new dwarf planet Quaoar discovered in our solar system!

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25143points) February 18th, 2023

Is it habitable?

Also may Jellies post a link to the info.

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8 Answers

gondwanalon's avatar

Not inhabitable by humans. It’s half the size of Pluto. And the temperature there is close to absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.

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LostInParadise's avatar

I think it is more interesting that 12 new moons were just discovered for Jupiter, pushing it ahead of Saturn as the planet with the largest number of moons. Link I don’t know how the sizes of these new moon compare to Pluto, but I know that Jupiter’s largest moon is larger than Pluto.

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Dig_Dug's avatar

This thing is out past Neptune so it would be far to cold for us to ever live there. It’s also very small, looks to be about the size of Texas. How it’s even classified as a dwarf planet is beyond me.

RocketGuy's avatar

Much more interesting are moons of Jupiter and Saturn that have liquid water or hydrocarbons. They seem to have cool liquid-affected geography and might have the right chemicals for alien life.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@RocketGuy I wonder what kind of life that would be, since Jupiter and Saturn are not in the “Goldilocks” zone for know life to exist?

RocketGuy's avatar

For the moons that have liquid water, there might be life forms that survive on material dissolved in the water + warmth from the moon’s core or from the moon’s interaction with Jupiter’s atmosphere.

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