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Dutchess_III's avatar

What can cause a floor joist to break?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 18th, 2023

1 story house, built in 1950.

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15 Answers

Dig_Dug's avatar

Termites, fungus/mold a knot in the wood or simply rotten from water infiltration over time. Also ants depending on where you live.

SnipSnip's avatar

House settling or sliding down the side of a mountain. Stuff like that.

Smashley's avatar

Lots of things, but usually water in one form or another. A physical stress that breaks a joist seems very unlikely unless you live in a bad earthquake zone or your house got Dorothy’d.

Forever_Free's avatar

Depression. Even a joist can breakdown every now and then.

smudges's avatar

@SnipSnip Hate when my house slides down a mountain and stuff like that! ;P

smudges's avatar

@Forever_Free or even anxiety!

sorry, am in a mood today, still sick and need to make myself laugh

Dig_Dug's avatar

Oh them moods..

Tropical_Willie's avatar

I’ve only seen one; the joist was not properly supported (where located to foundation) on the end and moved, then broke. Also sometimes the piers in the middle shift.

SnipSnip's avatar

@smudges We owned a house built on the side of a mountain over limestone. It shifted and we had to have extensive work done. There was another in my city, at that time, that slid so far and it caused so much damage it had to be torn down. Our house was built in 1900. So, yeah, ‘stuff like that’ really happens. Thanks for the laugh, for sure. :)

Forever_Free's avatar

@smudges No apologies. I am in that same mood

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

A dozen morbidly obese people jumping to Sweating to the Oldies.

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ LOL!! At least they’re jumping and sweating, that’s a start I guess. :D

LuckyGuy's avatar

Buy one of these now! Adjustable Jack Post
They come in different sizes and lengths. Well worth the money!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Rick’s going to get those tomorrow.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Great! I will sleep better.
The jacks are strong enough to actually raise the house bit by bit. Sticky doors might start opening smoothly again!

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