Meta Question

chyna's avatar

Why am I getting lurve out the wahoo?

Asked by chyna (51769points) February 19th, 2023 from iPhone

I understand that someone is stuffing my lurve score, but I don’t deserve it. I’m not that clever or interesting.

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12 Answers

canidmajor's avatar

You’re lurvely! That’s why!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

You simply glow with lurve.

Jeruba's avatar

I think this Santa has been filling a lot of stockings. Don’t know who or why, but you’re as good a candidate as anyone.

canidmajor's avatar

And now we are jumping up and down!!!

kritiper's avatar

I’m getting a mess of lurve, too. Can’t explain it. Not complaining either…

smudges's avatar

When our Russian friend shows up I always get lurve – he was here in the past day or so, so I’m guessing that’s what we’re seeing.

But @canidmajor is correct – you’re lurvely!

KRD's avatar

I got a GA on a answer that I posted on March 8th 2021! I guess they love giving us lurve.

Jeruba's avatar

@KRD, I just gave you a GA on your first answer, here:

Anyone can do that, and not just Russian trolls.

KRD's avatar

Thanks @Jeruba. How do we know the spammers are Russian trolls?

KRD's avatar

I wonder how long the spamming will last. I like the free lurve.

Jeruba's avatar

Check Meta and read @longgone’s post.

Most spammers are not Russian trolls. We have spammers virtually every day, by my observation. And most of them are not lurve machines, either, by my observation.

If you want to see some spammers, look in the Community Feed, like right now, and read the names. There’s usually an influx around this time of the night.

longgone's avatar

I feel compelled to note that the user who caused so much trouble through lurve gaming, deception, and harassment was not a troll, a bot, or a spammer. Just a person who broke Fluther’s rules. Even though his actions were harmful, I believe he’s a good person.

For the sake of accuracy, here’s how we define the above labels.

Troll: a user whose sole purpose is to harm Fluther and disrupt the discussions. Does not want to learn, is content posting “lol this place is garbage” 150 times.

Bot: a computer program designed to help people perform simple tasks. It’s very unlikely you’d encounter a bot on Fluther.

Spammer: a person trying to sell you something or spread the word about their product. Often comes with a link. Spammers are usually paid.

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