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RedDeerGuy1's avatar

To those who eat meat, do you prefer Costco rotisserie chicken or KFC?

Asked by RedDeerGuy1 (25161points) February 27th, 2023

Also rank any other cooked chicken. Like Popeyes, Mary Brown, and JollyBee,

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43 Answers

Mimishu1995's avatar

No fast food for me. I want restaurant’s luxuriously cooked chicken! ~

JLeslie's avatar

Do you have Walmart up there? Their tradition flavor rotisserie chicken is really good when bought hot. Walmart is close to my house, I wouldn’t go far out of my way for it.

I like Costco and KFC, but I haven’t had either in a long time. I remember a couple of times the Costco wasn’t cooked through, but that was probably a problem at that particular store.

RedDeerGuy1's avatar

@JLeslie I have two Walmart’s in Red Deer. I’ve never tried their rotisserie chicken.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Popeyes is bettee than rotisserie, for me, but rotisserie is healthier.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Just wanted to give a shout out to Bojangle’s. If you want some good chicken, It’s Bo time!.. Plus. They have PERFECTED the egg and cheese biscuit…..

Rotisserie is probably my favorite.

It’s almost an “apples to oranges,” comparison….

elbanditoroso's avatar

Rotiisserie is healthier than fried.

Forever_Free's avatar

I have never had Costco’s KFC makes me ill within 10 minutes. I have not had it in over 20 years.
Buy a chicken, Roast it at home.

raum's avatar

Costco. But KFC gets points for nostalgia.

ragingloli's avatar

Rotisserie chicken from a van, obviously, though he is at a different location each weekday. I think on Wednesday it is somewhere close enough to walk to.
I did like the Burgerking wings at the main train station. I think they inject butter into them, at least that is what it tastes like. Unfortunately that ony has been closed since early 2022.

jca2's avatar

I try not to eat fried chicken too often. I have KFC maybe twice a year. I am in Costco a lot and may buy their rotisserie chicken maybe every few months.

My preference is chicken I make at home, in the oven, with some BBQ sauce on it. I make rice and veggies and I like that best.

JLeslie's avatar

KFC has grilled chicken in some locations. I think that’s what the OP was talking about. That’s what I assumed anyway.

jca2's avatar

@JLeslie Iti’s possible but in the details he says “also rank other cooked chicken” so I am not sure what he means, exactly. I’m guessing “all cooked chicken.”

filmfann's avatar

KFC. I worked there 45 years ago, for 2½ years. I never got sick of it.
These days I find KFC helps control my blood sugar. When I have several consecutive days of high numbers, I get some, and the next day is much improved!
(High numbers are usually 155 and up. KFC brings it back down to 115)

JLeslie's avatar

@filmfann Wow. Who would think eating at KFC would be helpful. Lol.

LadyMarissa's avatar

I’ve NEVER had Costco chicken but I can guarantee you that it is better than my KFC chicken. My KFC used to be good, but the owner got tired of having it & sold it to somebody new. The new quality sux so I’ve STOPPED eating from there!!!

I agree with @MrGrimm888 Bojangles is the bomb in our neck of the woods!!! Our Walmart also has delicious chicken, but you got to be there right at 5pm to get it while it’s hot!!! If I’m there at 5, I usually break down & buy one. Sadly, I’m seldom there at 5pm. :-(

Entropy's avatar

I’ve never had Costco brand chicken. I haven’t had KFC in…probably two decades.

I will say, unheralded, Royal Farms chicken is startlingly good. Royal Farms is a convenience store chain. One wonders why a convenience store has good chicken, but they do.

Zaku's avatar

Costco rotisserie chicken! It’s actually really very good, and is clearly a “loss leader”, it’s so inexpensive. Not to mention easy. Several meals worth of chicken for like $5. There is no comparison. Vastly healthier for you, too.

Do combine it with other food – make sandwiches, add to soup and ramen, etc.

jca2's avatar

Good point, @Zaku. Costco is known for their $5 chicken, which happens to be quite a large chicken, too, plus their hot dog and soda at the food court which is $1.50 and has been the same price for decades.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

I prefer rotisserie over fried

canidmajor's avatar

Costco, absolutely.

SnipSnip's avatar

I prefer that which comes from my own kitchen.

Dig_Dug's avatar

I never been to a Costco and KFC has uncooked chicken with free salmonella, no thank you! I prefer my insides to say inside! I used to get Walmart’s rotisserie chicken until they started putting it in these crappy plastic bags loaded with BPA’s. Roast it at home is the safest and best! :)

smudges's avatar

When I was a kid I hated KFC and would only eat my mom’s fried chicken. Now I really like KFCs grilled chicken…the seasoning is great but the breasts are awfully small.

@Entropy I can vouch for convenience store chicken! Ex and I used to go to one that had huge chicken breasts and the crust was perfect – not as hard and thick as KFC’s.

NoMore's avatar

The Colonel is finger kickin’ good. You aren’t into advertising?

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ Maybe if they cooked it all the way through, I prefer my insides to stay inside! :D

NoMore's avatar

Aww, let’s go visit the Colonel, I’ll buy. Live a little!

Dig_Dug's avatar

But @NoMore I don’t like living in the ICU.

NoMore's avatar

Lol @Dig_Dug. Ok, Golden Corral then.

zenvelo's avatar

To those who eat meat, why would you eat KFC or Costco “chicken’ when you could actually eat meat?

NoMore's avatar

@Dig_Dug we have a dinner date then. Such as it is anyway.

canidmajor's avatar

@zenvelo A lot of us define “eating meat” as not being specifically vegetarian.

KRD's avatar

Golden Corral is a nice place to eat. Same with the others.

RocketGuy's avatar

If I wanted a roast chicken, I’d go for Costco. It’s less greasy. If I wanted just a few pieces for lunch, KFC is fine (esp. if there is one nearby). These days, there is a Korean fried chicken place closer to me so I go there much more often.

raum's avatar

@zenvelo Why does the chicken at Costco warrant quotation marks? I’m pretty sure that’s a chicken. Not any less legit than a chicken you’d buy at the grocery store.

RocketGuy's avatar

In certain countries, meat = beef unless otherwise specified. Maybe he’s hinting that chicken <> beef?

JLeslie's avatar

^^I think it’s more like the Catholics use the word meat synonymous with beef. Maybe it’s a country thing too, but in the US it varies depending who you are talking to. In my opinion anything that is animal flesh is meat, but I know so many people don’t, so I’ve stayed away from using the word meat and saying beef, poultry, or seafood or saying “anything animal” rather than just saying meat.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Where’s the beef?!!!

zenvelo's avatar

No, As @raum was hinting, I am not of a belief that Costco chicken is quite like the chicken I buy at the grocery store.

@JLeslie and @RocketGuy It has nothing to do with being Catholic. Catholics that are abstaining from meat don’t eat chicken on Fridays in Lent.

RocketGuy's avatar

In Thailand, if you ask for meat you will get beef. You can ask for chicken meat and pork meat, and you will get chicken/pork respectively. Based on what I see/hear on K-dramas, it seems Koreans have something similar going on.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo They eat fish.

zenvelo's avatar

^^^ @JLeslie or we eat vegetarian pizza, or pasta with a meatless sauce, or some vegan Mexican food from Gracias Madre

RocketGuy's avatar

And meat sauce is usually made with ground beef.

JLeslie's avatar

@zenvelo I know. Why do you think so many schools in America have pizza Friday. Most likely tradition at this point, but originally when Catholics were still doing no meat Fridays, Pizza was a crowd pleaser. Where I live more than one restaurant still has fish Friday.

My point was “no meat” on Friday allows for seafood. Since I’m from a family with a lot of vegetarians, seafood is right up there will animals being killed, because our point-of-view is either caring about the animal or health reasons for being vegetarian.

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