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chyna's avatar

What sound(s) do you hate most?

Asked by chyna (51767points) March 1st, 2023 from iPhone

For me, one of the worst is the sound of a drill in a dentist office. I think some one should invent a silent drill. It would take some of the anxiety of visiting the dentist away.
What sounds do you dislike?

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32 Answers

Forever_Free's avatar

Someone chewing with their mouth open. Lip smacking will drive me out of the room.

gondwanalon's avatar

Little girl’s high pitched scream.
The powerful and loud whistle people make when they put their fingers in their mouth.
A powerful loud motorcycle going by.
The guy rapidly talking (like a machine gun) the disclaimer at the end of a radio commercial.

Mimishu1995's avatar

I used to be scared to death by drill but now my fear has been drastically reduced. I’m just annoyed at the sound of regular drill, and although the sound of dentist’s drill can be anxiety-inducing, it isn’t enough to make me curl up.

Now the sounds that I wish could disappear from the planet are:

- The sound of someone’s nails scratching a glassy surface. It just gives me an irrational sense of dread.
– Powerful loud sound of a motorcycle’s engine. It in itself isn’t a scary thing, but whenever I’m on the road and I hear that sound near me, it just triggers the fight or flight response from me. It’s because the motorcycles with that sound are usually very fast, and I’m afraid of being involved in an accident with one.

NoMore's avatar

Fingernails on a blackboard. Cringe.

NoMore's avatar

And as someone above posted, loud motor bikes. California chopper types aren’t bad, always thought they were cool. It’s the punk kids on the crotch rockets zooming past me weaving in and out of traffic at 90 mph that drive me nuts.

ragingloli's avatar

Have you ever heard Ben Shapiro talking?

jca2's avatar

When I’m in a movie theater, the sound of someone rumpling a candy wrapper. Very annoying and disruptive. I’ve only been to a movie theater twice since the pandemic so it’s not been an issue I’ve had to experience too much, recently.

rockfan's avatar


Personally I think Michael Knowles is far more annoying

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Pop music, the top 40 autotune stuff.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Currently, it’s roosters crowing. I also hate car alarms. They serve no purpose, and they go off randomly.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Fucker Carlson does it for me…His voice is exactly like having fingernails raked across a blackboard!!!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I agree Tucker has a voice that makes my skin crawl.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Babies crying, kids screaming, little dogs constant yapping, loud yard work tools, car alarms, and the back up alarm on vehicles.

filmfann's avatar

I have tinnitus, and hearing the exact same tones amplifies it, and is painful.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Yelling or very loud voices.

Brian1946's avatar

The screeching of the wind in my head, when it blows into one ear and out the other. ;)

jca2's avatar

I can’t stand when little kids scream at the top of their lungs. I hear it in stores some times, and I’m sympathetic for the parents and grateful my daughter never did that type of thing. Of course all kids might scream if they’re hurt or on occasion, but some kids seem to do it for attention or to get a toy from the store, or something.

Dig_Dug's avatar

I can’t help it, (I’m gonna get all kinds of hate for this but) I think this is bad parenting when kids scream at the top of their lungs in public for a toy or something! We did that once when we were kids and never again, if you get my drift. We were corrected then and there one time was all it took.

Oh the sound of a screaming kid!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@Dig_Dug when some child is screaming and crying in a store ,I have an evil little play I do just loud enough the parent can hear ,I say “DON’T BEAT ME MOM!” oh you should see the looks I get from the parent as I walk away giggling my ass off.

Dig_Dug's avatar


KNOWITALL's avatar

@Dig_Dug Same here. Being raised in church no fussing was allowed period. In stores or restaurants, mom said I could act like a big girl or she’d leave me at home next time. It worked on me! :)

MrGrimm888's avatar

“Fucker” Carlson! Love it….. And agree.

Rush Limbaugh was maybe worse. Rot in Hell Rush!

Evangelical Preachers…

When I was a bouncer, the sound of drunken white girls in their 20’s…. NOTHING is worse…

And that’d be a big 10–4, regarding bad kids/shity parents…

SnipSnip's avatar

Dog barking.
Aretha Franklin songs.
Drilling or grinding teeth.
Whiny people.
Smart aleck rude kids.
Thanks that go squeak.

smudges's avatar

animal in pain
an unanswered phone
little ones squealing
little dogs yapping
tires screeching around a corner
most, but not all, gospel music
weather warning sirens
Mike Lindell

Kardamom's avatar

Weed whackers
Leaf blowers
Car alarms
Loud motorcycles
Backfiring cars
The sound of glass from the recycling trash bins being dumped into the trash truck
The sound of neighborhood construction work

raum's avatar

Sounds that don’t have a reason to continue really bother me.

Radios on super low volume, so that I’m the only one that hears it.

Incessant yipping of small dogs.

Car alarms.

LostInParadise's avatar

an out of tune piano, someone singing who can’t carry a tune

RocketGuy's avatar

Definitely a dentist’s drill. I used to get cavities all the time and the nerves on my left jaw cross over to my right jaw, so shooting Novocain on one side didn’t work. Dental work was painful until the dentist figured that out and numbed both sides.

chyna's avatar

^That makes me cringe!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

I don’t like the sound of gears grinding.
Children screaming.

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