Does Marjorie Taylor Greene advocating for a national divorce send a bad message?
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March 1st, 2023
She wants to separate the us by red and blue states, I guess split the country into 2 countries.
Enough from me here is a clip of her talking about it.
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79 Answers
I guess she doesn’t understand The United States.
I guess if she ever got her way it would be the divided states of America.
I think she wants Jefferson Davis back again
Yeah what she is proposing is really against what a congressmen is suppose to be proposing, so take that for what it is. She’s a buffoon and should be run out of town! She needs her stupid yap shut. Her actions are unbecoming of the office she holds. Why she still has a job is beyond me?!
Her voters in Georgia think the same !
get rid of Washington DC.
Red States have more land.
Blue States have more money, industry, people, and, well, common sense.
This has been proposed many times, won’t happen so no need to harp on it.
Yeah @Acrylic but if a Democrat brought this forward the right would lose their collective minds over it, but a right winger brings it up and nothing but crickets from the peanut gallery.
@SQUEEKY2 Maybe, no idea. Still choosing not to harp on something that’s not going to happen regardless of the source. Not worth it.
Her voters don’t know that ” . . . something that’s not going to happen ” ! ! !
Sometimes I fantasize about how that dystopian hellscape of a Republican extremist dystopia would turn out. I imagine it would involve the national religion becoming extremist Christianity, the invasion of Mexico and the attempt to enslave brown people as justified by the Bible. Only a handful of employers and most people being dirt poor. It would probably look a lot like an extremist Christian analog of Saudi Arabia.
She’s crazy, most of us know this, so why repeat ourselves.
@gorillapaws Did you watch The Handmaids Tale?
I was reading an article pointed towards MTG as an example and it stated:
She is the perfect example of someone who is not intelligent enough to realize that she’s not very intelligent.
Hence her enormous self-confidence.
Sadly, her supporters are even less intelligent than she is.
Hence their confidence in her.
She’s not that smart. Stephen Colbert played a video of her last night, where she was reading a number, a monetary number, and she couldn’t read the actual number. Instead of saying “over one million” or “one point five million” she tried to read it out and she screwed it up. Basic. Very funny. I’ll see if I can find it.
@jca2 @Forever_Free LOL!! That’s rich! IQ just below Forest Gump’s. Wonder if she can run across the country? Nope she’d get lost for sure right after she left her street.
Stephen Colbert video from last night (Wednesday 3/1). You can start watching at around 3:00 for MTG.
Also, prior to that, very funny video of Biden talking about the nurse who treated him in the hospital:
Would we roshambo for the swing states?
“Instead of saying “over one million” or “one point five million” she tried to read it out and she screwed it up.”
Here’s (3:50) where her numerical illiteracy sputters forth from her Hitlerhole:
I wonder how much net federal tax revenue the red states would lose if they broke away.
Interesting chart. The division between red and blue states was not as large as I expected.
As far as I’m concerned, she sends a bad message EVERY time she opens her mouth. I can’t remember ever hearing anything good come out of her mouth!!!
@LostInParadise Federal Dependency Rankings show New Mexico (blue) is number one. Vermont and Maine are also in the top 10, the other 7 are West VA, Mississippi, Alaska, Kentucky, Montana, Arizona and Alabama.
@raum Please win! Wisconsin needs to be with blue. I don’t want to move from this beautiful state!
Oh My Freaking Gawd! I just saw that video of MTG and what makes it even more ridiculous is she’s talking about childhood math and reading skill illiteracy and she can’t even read the damn simple number! WTF? ...drop the mic!
You know what is even more scary than MTG is the people that vote for her.
I know I’m speechless smh. I’ll say one thing, MTG hides her tin foil hat well.
It sounds to me like she is proposing not a division of the country, but rather getting back to sovereign states. Renew state rights. The differences between the red states and the blue states is obvious by any number of metrics. But a red state should not be telling a blue state how to run itself and a blue state should not be telling a red state how to run itself. But they should all be allowed to govern themselves. The USA has moved away from that, which was what they original intent was when this nation was founded. Instead we have a domineering, bloated federal government that is trying to subvert states’ rights. The divorce she is talking about sounds to me like it is not splitting up the nation, it is about divorcing from much of the Federal influence.
@seawulf575 What you call the “Federal influence” is what the United States is, that’s why they call it “United States”. If you gain “sovereign states” you will lose America.
PS. I bet if Marjorie Greene flies a flag in her yard it will be the flag of the United States.
@seawulf575 Well since the high court shot down Roe THAT directly threw it to the states! Also the RED states depend on the Federal government nearly TWICE as much as the blue states. Not to mention that a lot of these so-called red states contain a whole bunch of “blue” voters. These “blue” voters are getting tired of those far right nut-bags telling them how to live their lives and forcing their “red” religious ideals down our throats. Totally stomping on the first amendment everyday!
I mean, if openly calling for sedition and secession does not, then what does?
Here’s a prediction: If Trump gets the nomination (and that’s a big if), I predict she’ll be his running mate.
Uh Wulfie did you miss when she said if a democrat moves to a red state ,they wouldn’t be able to vote, now there is freedom for ya.
For MTG it is important when you are a fascist; to act like one.
There is a Republican state senator in Florida who wants to abolish the Democratic Party there because they were for slavery! Oh – the hypocrisy!
@ragingloli The fascism in that state is rampant! (And growing in others as well.)
@ragingloli I saw that today! I think I’ll have to up my blogging about Desantis. LOL!! What a Nazi!
@Dig_Dug Be careful about using the terms fascist and Nazi interchangeably. They are different.
@janbb Although I agree they are not exactly the same they are darn close: Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, scientific racism, white supremacy, social Darwinism. (wiki)
@flutherother I think you have that a little skewed. The United States was designed as individual states, all governing themselves, working in cooperation for trade and protection. The Federal government was not set up as an overpowering master, it was set up to capture all those things that no one state could do and that impact all of them. National Defense, interstate trade issues, interactions with foreign governments…those sort of things. Over the years the sovereignty of the states has been chipped away at. The power of the federal government has been expanded to the point where it is a bloated tick that is interfering in the governance of states. Draining that tick of some of the things that should be in the states control is what this national divorce discussion sounds like it is about.
So I see someone wants the Confederate States and the United States !
. . . and the United States stops payments to the Confederate States; how is that going to work ? ?
@Tropical_Willie You are arguing from the point of view of someone that wants the Communist States of America. Lefties are terrified and always try pulling this argument of “what will red states do without federal funds?” Let’s look at what is happening in this country right now. In just about every major Democrat run city and state, businesses and wealthy people are leaving in droves. They are taking all their tax dollars with them. They are doing this not because they are looking for federal funding, they are doing this because the bureaucratic nightmare and exorbitant tax rates make doing business impossible. They are leaving to other states that have a much friendlier environment towards businesses. What are those lefty states going to do when they have all the big businesses and wealthy people gone? Suck more at the federal teat, of course. That is why they want a bloated federal government. To take care of them and not make them responsible for their actions.
A lot of New Yorkers are running to Florida, yes, for the nice weather and the lower taxes.
What does Florida do when there are big hurricanes? Cry for Federal money for help rebuilding.
Yes, they love being their own sovereign state until they need money, then they’re no different than any other.
Apparently @seawulf575 missed the memo that nearly twice as many “red” states rely of federal funds more than blue states.
The Militia of Myrtle Beach is going to stop Putin ! ! ha ha ha ha
So the single submarine from Savannah is going to patrol Xi and China ? ?
@Dig_Dug Perhaps you are merely spewing the same old tired rhetoric and not actually thinking about what is really going on. Example: California has about 1/8 of all people on SNAP in the whole country. They manage to cover that because they tax the hell out of everyone including businesses. Pretty soon those that are being punished for being successful will move somewhere else, taking their tax dollars with them. When enough leave, CA will be THE welfare state in the union. Meanwhile look at somewhere like NC. The Dems ran the state into the ground, running up a huge deficit and debt. The Repubs took control of the House and Senate and brought things back to where they had something like a billion dollars in excess which was used as a buffer in case of things like Hurricanes.
And in the end, the point behind the drive to reduce the federal government is to do away with useless programs that are better handled at the state level.
@Dig_Dug And the problem with links like that is that they do a per capita comparison and then say “See? This state gets the most support!”. Wyoming has the smallest population in the nation. If they get $1 it counts more in comparisons like that one than that same $1 does in, say, California. New Mexico doesn’t get more federal funding than California does.
California gets about 10x as much as New Mexico. And right now California is in a world of hurt. $24B (underestimated) budget shortfall
Taxes are not collecting as they thought because they have driven many of the tax payers elsewhere….to red states where they can have businesses and not pay for all the Democratic nonsense.
^^ Democratic nonsense like fair wages, unions so workers get treated like human beings, health insurance, clean air and water so maybe we won’t die of factory caused pollution, safe work places so maybe workers won’t die when they fall from that unsafe railing or something. Is that the kind of Democratic NONSENSE you’re talking about?!
Of course it is @Dig_Dug you have to know the only thing that matters to Rep/cons is the bottom line,safety, fair wages,health benefits, those things are just entitlement programs, I mean if a worker gets hurt or falls ill they should just crawl off to some ditch and die so not to get in the way of profits.
But this, those people will just go to a state that doesn’t tax them to death, really is that the same as corporations manufacture overseas because labour is a fraction of what it is in the states and they have to worry very little about in safety and pollution regulations,I mean how dare a worker would want safe working conditions , fair wage, and clean water to drink and air to breath good grief will it never end?
I mean by god those workers should just be happy to have a job who cares if they can’t live off the wages, or if they get hurt NOTHING matters more than profits for the owners and share holders.
@Dig_Dug Isn’t it amazing that all those things exist in red states as well? No, I’m talking about the overblown taxes, the pet SJW projects, the soft-on-crime policies, the pushes to defund the police…all the little things that piss off most rational people.
@seawulf575 “overblown taxes, the pet SJW projects, the soft-on-crime policies, the pushes to defund the police…all the little things that piss off most rational people.”
Sources please and not from “right wring” mantra lor DeSantis, MTG and the tangerine TURD ! ! ! !
@Dig_Dug Yep, rhetoric. You like statistics, right? Okay, let’s dig into statistics. There were about 14,600 gun homicides in the US in 2019. It spiked up in 2020 due to the COVID lockdowns that Dems were screaming for. But of the 14,600, the vast majority were not committed by law-abiding citizens. They were committed by criminals that were not supposed to have a gun anyway. Those horrible AR-15s? More people died by hands and feet than by those. There are many things that play into gun violence and I am against gun violence…as are the huge majority of gun owners in this country.
There are roughly 345M guns in this country. Let’s say they are owned by 150M people. I’m being purposefully low on that estimate. And lets say that half of the gun homicides were committed by a legal gun owner. That means that 0.005% of all gun homicides not committed by criminals were committed law abiding citizens.
But let’s look at the term “Legal gun owner”. Take Nicolas Cruz. You know, the Parkland School shooter? 17 dead. Big deal. Yet Nicolas Cruz got his gun legally. How could this be? He was in trouble all the time. He scared many people because he was so crazy. He’d been collected by the authorities a number of times for crimes that would have branded him as being off limits for gun purchases. Yet he managed to pass the background check without problem. Huh. Oh yeah! Obama pushed a program to not arrest students. The Dems in Broward County pushed it to be right in line. So Cruz would break the law, get picked up, the cops would realize he was a student and they’d let him go again. Nothing on his record. This happened many times. And finally he was old enough to buy a gun, went to do it, filled out the background check and passed it and was allowed to buy the gun.
But hey, you know you will just to the Dems defense here. Blame the gun, not the idiots that created the program that allowed a troubled kid to be able to buy one.
But let’s dig even deeper. You blame the Repubs for all the problems with gun violence. Yet last year 695 people were killed by guns. Most, if not all, were illegally obtained. But this is down from 797 in 2021. Yet Chicago has among the most strict gun control laws in the nation. It also happens to be controlled by Democrats. So the Dems got their strict gun control laws put into place and they have high gun death numbers.
@seawulf575 “Dems” are always pushing for stricter gun laws and banning assault weapons, but you “Repubs” are always saying we are infringing on your second amendment rights (which we aren’t) and your precious NRA keeps the wheels of gun ownership well greased and rolling along no matter what. I’m not going to quote a bunch of nonsensical numbers because numbers can be manipulated to show just about anything. We have more guns than people in this country and we have a problem no matter how YOU want to spin it!
@Dig_Dug And again, rhetoric. We have about as many guns as cars and cars kill more people every year than guns. And of the people that guns kill the majority are suicides. Throw out the suicides and the gang related killings and you are down to a pretty low number, considering that there are more guns than people.
And yes, Dems ARE always pushing stricter gun laws and banning assault weapons (which, by the way, is not a true description). But none of that will stop the killings. Murder is already against the law…doesn’t stop some people. Brandishing a weapon is against the law..doesn’t stop some people. That is the part the Dems are snowing everyone with. The is no law that you can pass that criminals will suddenly say “well, I guess we can’t do that…it’s against the law!”.
Why do we have to throw out gang related shootings?
Because the point is that gangs don’t get their guns legally. They aren’t going to follow the laws anyways. The statistics show that the vast majority of law abiding gun owners do not kill others. The very small percentage do.
Now, if you want to make the penalties for the crimes become massively increased, I’m all on board with that. Then you are at least putting a deterrent into place. Trying to pass more and more gun ownership laws, you are targeting the wrong group. But again, it is the Dems that don’t want to push punishment on the wrongdoers. They want to do away with bond and just let people go on their own word they will come back. They want to give ridiculously small bonds to violent criminals. They want to do away with police. They want to raise the bar for what is a criminal offense. And they are the ones that want to disarm the law abiding citizens so they can’t protect themselves.
@seawulf575 You make some Grandiose statements that are just untrue! [Dems don’t want police], [we don’t want law abiding citizens to have any guns], [we don’t want to punish wrongdoers], and all this was just in your last paragraph. I hate to look at the reams of other “stuff” you’ve written.
Well with logic like yours, I’m out. My two cats make more sense to me then that.
Sources are good @jca2 ! ! !
Not just taking dogma from the “right” blindly !
^^^^^ what a rabbit hole!
^^ You thought Alice’s Wonderland was bad?!
@Dig_Dug The fact you don’t want to acknowledge reality does not mean my statements are untrue.
Dems want to do away with Police: NYC: June 2020 DeBlasio, the DEMOCRATIC mayor of the city cut $1B from the police budget. That did away with an upcoming recruitment class (less cops), reduced OT and contracts (less cops on the streets) and reduction in non-personnel expenses (less equipment for those cops left). Crime went up with shootings almost doubling in one year.
Minneapolis: June 2020 the City Council (Democrats) pledged to disband the city’s police department. By June 2021 they were down 213 cops (out of 845) and violent crimes and murders had almost doubled.
Washington DC, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Seattle, Portland…ALL DEMOCRAT CITIES…made similar moves and saw similar results. But hey, don’t let reality block your narrative. Even Biden and Harris both campaigned during their presidential run on the idea of doing away with police. Ilhan Omar and Cori Bush both called for doing away with police. Maxine Waters even called for protesters to get more confrontational with police. Yep, pillars of sanity…one and all.
Dems don’t want law abiding citizens to have guns: It was Diane Feinstein that proposed a ridiculous “assault weapons ban” that outlawed 99% of guns. But it was the DEMOCRAT CONTROLLED House of Representatives that passed H.R.1808 ‘Nuff said.
Dems don’t want to punish wrongdoers: Take a look at the DC Incarceration Reduction Amendment Act of 2016 and the Omnibus Public Safety and Justice Act of 2020. This is exactly what it does…reduce or eliminate sentences of violent criminals. In 2021, California proposed a change to reduce sentences on all but death row and life-without-parole prisoners. Hell, for that matter, look at the southern border. It is a FACT that much human trafficking and drug trafficking comes across the border yet the DEMS fight tooth and nail to secure that border. Why try to stop criminals from entering the country? Just deal with them when they get here! Of course that feeds back into wanting to do away with police, so there is that.
800 insurrectionists (from January 6th)have been arrested and many will years and may never go back to their old jobs like cops and armed forces . . .
“Why try to stop criminals from entering the country? ” All Mexicans are criminals; just ask Tangerine TURD !
And the conservatives want to defund the FBI, and the DOJ.
And if what you said was true Wulfie I was kinda wondering why the police shootings of unarmed black men went down a bit.
@SQUEEKY2 Once again, you are relying on left-wing rhetoric instead of facts.
If you look, unarmed shootings were slowing going down until the “Defund the police” efforts took hold. Then they spiked up faster than ever. But interestingly, more whites than blacks are shot. And the facts, if you dug in, would show that the people did something to trigger the police into shooting. Michael Brown is the perfect example. He physically attacked a police officer in his car and tried to take his gun. When he walked off the cop got out and told him to stop. Funny…assaulting a police officer is a crime! So does Michael Brown put his hands up and say “Don’t Shoot”? Nope. He turns and charged the cop again. Having already proven he is dangerous, Michael gets shot for his efforts. But hey, don’t let facts get in the way of the narrative that brought on millions and millions of dollars of damage to a smallish town. And certainly don’t hold any of those doing the damage accountable.
No, just blame the cops. That’s the leftist way.
@Tropical_Willie You really are Trump obsessed. Every comment you make is about him. It really is sad. And you can’t even understand the things you post. Here, let me help you.
The J6 committee has been lying all along. They have been suppressing evidence. They have actually edited videos to make them look like something they aren’t. They didn’t actually look at all the whys and wherefores of the whole thing. They didn’t want to acknowledge that Trump suggested National Guard troops be deployed before the rally because he knew how many people would be there. Nancy Pelosi denied the idea of using NG. But don’t bother asking her why she didn’t want to take a basic precaution. They avoided all the evidence of police actually letting protesters into the Capitol. They purposely didn’t look at anything that didn’t give them the answer that Trump was the guilty culprit.
When you do an investigation, you have to gather ALL the facts. You have to look at EVERYTHING. If all you do is come up with the answer you want and then only pick select parts of things to give you a way to come up with that answer is just a sham. Jim Jordan is opening up ALL the evidence. If ALL the evidence comes out that Trump was the guilty culprit then that is what the answer is. But already it is finding so much doctored and cherry picked by the Dems committee that their answer isn’t even close. I know…that is beyond your intellect to understand since it doesn’t end in Orange Man Bad!.
Okay this is the best thing I have ever seen yet! I’m not even gonna say anything here because @seawulf575 I can not even type enough LOL! to express your statements above!
Some people are Fascist obsessed – - they want that to happen to the USA !
I’ll stay Trump obsessed !
I can’t believe he’s not in prison yet! Money talks I guess, to hell with laws.
Yeah I’ll storm the capital and try to overthrow a legal election and then just for fun run for POTUS. They just don’t understand my sense of humor…haha
Look at all the cute bunnies!
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