General Question

KRD's avatar

What video editing software is there?

Asked by KRD (5320points) March 2nd, 2023

I’m wanting this software so I can become a editor and know how to edit videos for my friends.

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7 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Davinci Resolve is free.

gondwanalon's avatar

I use iMovie. It’s pretty powerful.

Samantha4One's avatar

Adobe premier pro

cookieman's avatar

CapCut is a good online tool.

iMovie is amazing and free for a Mac. It’s basically Final Cut Pro light.

You can do VERY basic video editing in QuickTime. Also free with the Mac

As part of the Adobe Creative Suite, you’ve got Premiere Pro and After Effects — but those will cost you money.

KRD's avatar

Can I use CapCut on Windows 10?

cookieman's avatar

I believe CapCut is web based, so it shouldn’t matter.

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