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MrGrimm888's avatar

Seriously. Will farts ever not be funny?

Asked by MrGrimm888 (19588points) March 2nd, 2023

It astonishes me just how universally amusing gas, from an ass, is.
And it NEVER gets old!
Will the world EVER “grow up?”

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25 Answers

Jons_Blond's avatar

Pull my finger.

(Probably NSFW.)

Dutchess_III's avatar

They aren’t funny to me.

Mimishu1995's avatar

It never become less funny because it’s the purest, most brilliant form of comedy. It isn’t an invented thing, but it’s readily available in nature. It isn’t tainted by human, just pure comedy goodness from the planet Earth.

It will never stop being funny, and it should never be.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Ever see people don’t believe a fart has been committed until they smell it?

Jeruba's avatar

It’s the perpetual nine-year-old in you guys. “You guys” meaning men, mostly. At 78 my husband still hadn’t outgrown the notion that farts are funny, especially his. Sometimes I longed to go live in a women’s village.

canidmajor's avatar

@Jeruba and @Dutchess_III, I agree. I don’t think farts are funny.

LuckyGuy's avatar

My grandkids were not indoctrinated to find anything funny. They figured it out themselves.
All of them think a “toot” is hilarious.
It’s almost and innate response.

flutherother's avatar

Colonel Gaddafi broke wind continually and noisily during a 40-minute interview with John Humphreys of the BBC. As a cruel and corrupt dictator who probably ordered the downing of Pan Am 103 the humour was lost on me.

mazingerz88's avatar

I farted in bed.

Siri : What was that?

True story.

Acrylic's avatar

Farts was, are, and always will be funny.

Entropy's avatar

I’ve had a similar conversation with my niece and nephew about various kinds of potty humor. When you’re a kid, farts, poop, pee, etc are ALWAYS hilarious. The pinnacle of wit.

But as you get older, it’s the context that makes them funny. Just farting isn’t funny. It’s the situation that makes it funny or not.

smudges's avatar

@Entropy Completely agree – situation and timing.

gorillapaws's avatar

Perhaps, but they’re the second lowest tier of comedy, just above mean-spirited comedy, and just behind queef jokes (no pun intended)...

Dig_Dug's avatar

I love your topics even better than your question. :D

kritiper's avatar

When a really wet one hits you personally, it’s not funny.

Forever_Free's avatar

When I am in the kitchen cooking, I can’t even say “Dutch Oven” without laughing.

LadyMarissa's avatar

Babies are taught from the day they are born that farting is funny. Babies can let out some hellacious farts & everybody in the room laughs. They grow up thinking that it’s funny. My dad was 90 when he passed & his last Christmas request was for a fart machine so he could prank his friends. So, I doubt that we’ll ever grow out of it!!!

raum's avatar

@LadyMarissa I’ve seen babies that were surprised by their own farts. Now that’s pretty funny.

rebbel's avatar

Farts that are runny are funny (to witness happening to someone other than one’s self).

Jaxk's avatar

I guess that’s what ‘Toxic Masculinity’ means.

RocketGuy's avatar

Well, if you’re trying to do something serious and someone is stinking up the place then it’s not funny.

Jons_Blond's avatar

@Dig_Dug he should have added Fartectomy for those who don’t find farts funny.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m going to the women’s village with @Jeruba, you stinkers.

zenvelo's avatar

Today’s urban dictionary word is laughfarter:

When a person laughs so hard they fart simultaneously and/or a person notorious for doing so.
Bro1— “Hahahahahahaha”farts noisily
Bro2— “Dude did you just do some laughfarter?”
Bro1— “Yeah.”
Bro2— “Again, seriously?”

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Jeruba . The gender variable, did not escape me. I thought hard, when trying to craft my question. Initially, I wanted it to be a deep dive into the perplexity/complexity of humor, possible evolutionary advantages of humor, and so on.
I couldn’t approach the topic from ANY direction, without laughing.
I wonder how many responding jellies were at least smirking, when contemplating a contribution?

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