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LostInParadise's avatar

Can you name a Taylor Swift song?

Asked by LostInParadise (32308points) March 5th, 2023

She is considered a top notch song writer, but I can’t think of anything that she has written. I am not much of a country music fan, but I can name Dolly Parton songs. Are there other singers who sing Taylor Swift songs?

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47 Answers

Dig_Dug's avatar

Shake it off
Look what you made me Do
Blank Space

Zaku's avatar

Shake it off (mainly because of a viral video about a cop driving around bouncing in his seat to it)

filmfann's avatar

Not until I saw the responses.
I know she slams ex boyfriends.

ragingloli's avatar

Not a single one.

Entropy's avatar

Does she do the one about the wrecking ball?

I mean, the real answer is ‘no’, I can’t. I stopped paying attention to pop music in the early 00s when EVERY SONG began to sound exactly alike. I mean, sure ‘classic rock’ is replaying the same 50–75 songs over and over….but it’s 50–75 songs. There have really only been like two songs since the 00s with just very subtle remixes.

And there was someone who actually did the study mathematically, tracking how similar songs are by note, and indeed, he found that songs became MUCH more alike in recent decades, and the reason is that there were like just a couple of songwriters and remix artists doing a HUGE percentage of songs from supposedly different singers/groups.

I vaguely remember the wrecking ball song because my niece and nephew loved it. But it sounded like every other song. Let’s google and find out….Nope, that’s Miley Cyrus.

Acrylic's avatar

Tim McGraw, Love Story, Picture to Burn, You Belong With Me. I remember when she first came out singing country, really enjoyed her stuff.

Forever_Free's avatar

I can’t. Not a fan.

Jons_Blond's avatar

Midnight Rain
Snow On The Beach

I like her new album. These songs are on it.

jca2's avatar

I couldn’t, but when @Dig_Dug named some, I knew what they were.

When I hear her songs on the radio, I recognize them and know they’re hers, and if I’ve never heard them, I will recognize her voice.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Yeah. That’s what’s going on, for me too.
I can think of some songs of hers, but not the names.
I don’t have much of an opinion about her music.
I’ve found some of her work to be irritatingly catchy. But. I have never put any effort into listening to her work…

rebbel's avatar

Tell It To My Heart
Work Work Work
We’ll Meet Again
Like A Virgin
I Want To Dance With Somebody
Hotel California

Dig_Dug's avatar

Wait what?

Brian1946's avatar

Apparently Taylor Dane, Madonna, Whitney Houston, and the Eagles covered some of Swift’s tunes, even some that she did before she was born! ;-0

rockfan's avatar

Huge fan of Taylor Swift. I think she’s a great songwriter and also has a wonderful voice, her lower register is particularly beautiful.

Most favorite songs:

Sad Beautiful Tragic
Cowboy Like Me
All Too Well
Begin Again
Champagne Problems
Nothing New
Paper Rings
The Last Time
Soon You’ll Get Better
This Is Me Trying
My Tears Ricochet
Back to December
Getaway Car
New Years Day

Funnily enough, a lot of the songs I listed aren’t about ex boyfriends

Dig_Dug's avatar

That’s only 18! ~ Fantastic thought!

LostInParadise's avatar

@rebbel , I heard of some of the songs you listed, but they were not written by Taylor Swift. To My Heart was written by Taylor Dayne and Like A Virgin was written by Madonna. I Want To Dance With Somebody is a Whitney Houston song written by George Merrill. Hotel California was written by the Eagles.

flutherother's avatar

I can’t think of one.

jca2's avatar

@LostInParadise I believe @rebbel was joking. Taylor Swift wasn’t born when those songs were written.

tinyfaery's avatar

Probably all of them, except those really twangy ones from her early career.

raum's avatar

Same as @jca2. Don’t remember the name of songs. But would probably recognize her voice if I heard it on the radio.

jca2's avatar

Very popular, very pop-ish early Taylor Swift, “You Belong with Me.”

Jons_Blond's avatar

This is my current favorite. It features Bon Iver who is one of my favorite bands. It’s a beautiful song.

Forever_Free's avatar

Why on earth would I even want to.

rockfan's avatar

@Forever_Free I mean, there’s a chance you might like at least one song by her. Considering she’s recorded music in a wide variety of genres.

Forever_Free's avatar

@rockfan Speaking from a musicians point of view, It’s not about her music. I am sure it is quite lovely and well constructed.

rockfan's avatar

Funnily enough I actually don’t care for her personality either. Which is why I’ve never been able to get along with “Swifties” who obsess about her past relationships

tinyfaery's avatar

Seeing the subtle misogyny in this thread that she has fought against her entire career (17 years) makes me love her even more.)

longgone's avatar

^ Can you share a little more about that?

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Forever_Free . The desire to be viewed as a nonconformist can be effectively self imposed isolation…

janbb's avatar

@tinyfaery Just to clear my name, you could ask me about Garth Brooks or Bad Bunny songs and I wouldn’t know them either. My musical tastes are stuck firmly in the 60s and 70s and old blues and folk.

tinyfaery's avatar

@janbb She is so ubiquitous I bet you’ve heard one of her songs while shopping or getting your hair done.

janbb's avatar

^^ I’m sure you’re right.

rockfan's avatar

@janbb You may like some of the folk songs she’s done. Especially Betty, Exile, Peace, The Last Great American Dynasty, Cowboy Like Me, Nothing New, and Sad Beautiful Tragic. She was inspired by Bob Dylan, Joni Mitchell and Bruce Springsteen to write those songs.

janbb's avatar

@rockfan I’ll YouTube them at some point. Thanks.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@tinyfaery . I read the article you linked. I have to say. I haven’t ever heard of anyone basing their opinions about her, in such a way. In this thread, before you mentioned gender. Nobody else had. @filmfann did opine that “she slams ex-boyfriends.” I personally, don’t find that opinion misogynistic. But. It makes your article relevant.
The thread was asking about awareness of her songs. If you want to address negative opinions about her, that’s fine, and I would at least agree that there are some people who don’t like her songs. Maybe they just don’t like her. However. I would hardly refer to her as some sort of victim of misogyny, or a symbol of civil rights.
I suppose I take issue with the concept that her detractors have their opinions, based solely on gender, the subjugation of women, or whatever. In fact. I find that perception of her critics to be quite short sighted.
I won’t speak for everyone. However. My opinions of her music, at least my negative ones, have the same origin as my opinions of most pop artists/groups.
I don’t hate such characters. But. I rarely respect them as a “talent.”
Regardless of if it’s Savage Garden, Selena Gomez, The Backstreet Boys, Taylor Swift, or any music that would be played on a movie during a “teens shopping” mantra, I typically lump those types of artists together.

I’m not saying that I never liked any of these types of songs. I guess, it just bothers me, that such artists get such an “easy ride.” The Spice Girls were five girls, that couldn’t play instruments just sang (with help from computer tuning) and they had back up vocalists.
I just… I can’t give them the respect I give to Journey, 2 Pac, Pearl Jam, Eric Clapton, Beethoven, Outkast, Metallica, Alabama, Chicago, Rod Stewart, BB King, Jimmy Hendrix, Sound Garden, Aretha Franklin, Billy Joel, Alice in Chains, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Kendrick Lamar, or even artists whom are practically unknown etc…..

I know that, as with Trump getting elected, pop artists have such great success because of the general public. That’s fine. That’s life.

Does the fact that she is a young, gorgeous, white female, whose main audience is young white girls with lots of disposable income, hurt her? Probably not.

If I you talked to me when I was 17, I would have been embarrassed to get caught listening to TS. It wasn’t socially unacceptable for a young male to like such things. It wasn’t acceptable to me either. It was everything that was wrong with the world, to 17 year old me.
If you asked 17 year old me, I’d probably have said I didn’t like her music (not 100% true,) but that I’d boink her in a heartbeat. As if she would have given me the time of day. That’s the opinion of an ignorant, hormone driven, inexperienced, victim of bullying, frustrated, confused, angry at the world, closed minded, “anything different from what I love sucks” little boy.

As I mention some of the reasons I wouldn’t have liked her, I can’t help but think about why people are hateful of people like TS. Jealousy…Jealousy of not having to live through their shitty younger years, and then being bombarded with someone living the dream, and pretending/thinking they have it rough.

She just seems like one of “the cool kids”( pun intended,) to me. I could never imagine finding anything in common with her. Commonality is what connects me to an artist of any type.

I await your retort…

I hope this was not taken as a personal attack. I lurve you @tinyfaery ...

tinyfaery's avatar


She slams ex boyfriends: All musicians do that, even your precious ones. Almost all pop songs are about love interests but Taylor is so maligned for it that people say it is a definitive statement about her. Don’t tell me it’s out in the public more. Taylor’s fans make the big deal out of her boyfriends, not Taylor herself. She has never given one name. Ever.

All women experience sexism and discrimination, and it is at this point you have nothing else to offer to this conversation. Your misogyny is showing. And jealousy is the most juvenile explanation for why people don’t like Taylor, but that’s fitting with your retort.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@tinyfaery For what it’s worth, I never think that when I listen to her. I love her music and her personal life has never been of any interest to me, I enjoy her music. I don’t care what others may say, that has nothing to do with what I like in music.

MrGrimm888's avatar

Ouch @tinyfaery

Keep this up, and I’ll never invite you to dollar night, at the strip club….
No misogyny at the strip club. Those girls know how to treat another lady…~

jca2's avatar

When you read about Taylor Swift, she worked very hard to get where she is, and she didn’t just ride on her looks or the adoration of her fans.

MrGrimm888's avatar

^Well. I guess I’ll never know. I have no plans on reading about her.
Who cares what misogynistic people think though. It’s not like her fans are going to stop loving her. It’s not going to start me hating her either.

I don’t know if it’s relevant. But. I did recently start a thread about the poisoning of girls in Iran. And. I have risked my life dozens, maybe hundreds of times stopping females from getting assaulted, and/or beaten to death. I won’t give my real identity, badge number, or Private Security Company’s name to prove it. But. It’s true.

Anyways. I am just being genuine. I’m just not a fan. I have no negative feelings about her, or her fans.

If her music brings happiness to others, I’m glad.

@jca2 . I never claimed that her physical appearance was her only reason for success. If you want to insist it is not a variable, I find that an indefensible position.

Blackwater_Park's avatar

Misogyny? It’s shitty pop music. Could just as well have been be Justin Beiber. I don’t care, it’s all the same garbage to me.

MrGrimm888's avatar

@Blackwater_Park .
My niece had Bieber Fever. It almost killed her…

rockfan's avatar

“It’s shitty pop music.”

You obviously haven’t listened to much of her music. I can see why someone might dislike her music, but it’s weird to criticize something you haven’t actually listened to. None of the songs I listed sound remotely like Justin Bieber

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