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SQUEEKY2's avatar

You ever think that MTG, and Lauren Boebert are actually for the democrats?

Asked by SQUEEKY2 (23597points) March 9th, 2023

I got a real kick out of this video. of them trashing the Biden administration, but by their own speech say the democrats have stopped more illegal drugs then Trump ever did ,and to these two it’s a bad thing?

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23 Answers

elbanditoroso's avatar

No, both of those women are not smart enough to play that role.

Rather, they are so stupid (innately) that they can’t even make a cogent argument and have it make sense.

Stupidity can’t be learned. Either you have it or you don’t.

Entropy's avatar

Nah. I think they’re believers. I don’t respect them or their positions, but I do have a certain respect for people who believe the BS they shovel, and I kind of think they do. There’s so many people on both sides of the aisle that I don’t think actually believe their own BS.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Well you have to admit the border patrol does a fine job at seizing more illegal drugs while being handcuffed than they ever did under Trump’s term.

Forever_Free's avatar

No. Their combined IQ is -7

SQUEEKY2's avatar

That high?

LadyMarissa's avatar

As much as I’d love to respond YES, I feel like they are just 2 idiots with NO clue on how to do their jobs!!! They used to be BFF’s, but jealousy has come between them & when left to their own devices, they will end up destroying each other.

Zaku's avatar

Clearly not, though the terribleness of many Republicans has annihilated what used to be the Republican Party. It fell off a cliff in 2017.

Dig_Dug's avatar

YES, I loved this video! I do like his sweatshirt also, TRE45ON lol! I’m gonna steal that. Keep these two clueless windbags in front of the cameras and let the hate from the right keep boiling over. No what happens to a pot after that?

filmfann's avatar

They are vacuous! Completely devoid of brain function!
I would call them Dick Puppets, but the entire idea just gives me the willies.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

@filmfann did you see the video where MTG was giving a guy shit for giving funding to public schools to teach C.R.T she claimed this one school received 5 billion dollars, how out of whack can one get first they don’t teach CRT in public school, and 5 billion for one school!?
Can you imagine two principles talking yeah we had a bake sale to raise funds for the school band , the other says yeah we financed the last 2 star war movies.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 I saw that. LOL! Maybe MTG can be my accountant?!

Zaku's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 Yeah. She also claimed six billion illegal aliens cross the border every day . . .

Only innumerates need apply.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

6 Billion ? with only just under 8 Billion on the planet that’s quite a feat.

Dig_Dug's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 MTG says: ” Math is hard!”

SQUEEKY2's avatar

For her I can believe it!

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Hey @Dig_Dug she should spend less time screaming into AOC’s mail slot and take a math class.

Forever_Free's avatar

Dumb as a rock!

Dig_Dug's avatar

^^ LOL! ^^

SQUEEKY2's avatar

You know what is really scary @Forever_Free voters elected that rock.

Forever_Free's avatar

^^Rocks like other rocks

LifeQuestioner's avatar

If they are, we don’t want them. And them making such a statement is more due to their stupidity than them trying to help out the Democrat party.

SQUEEKY2's avatar

Did you watch the video , @LifeQuestioner they call the border an absolute failure under Biden but in the same breath say the democrats have seized more illegal drugs than Trump ever did ,and they call it a failure???

LifeQuestioner's avatar

@SQUEEKY2 oh, I’m on Twitter a lot so I’ve seen all the ridiculous stuff.

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