General Question

Is living in a delusional world a choice?
Do these people have delusional disorder which is a type of psychotic disorder. A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that is untrue.
Or do they simply choose to not believe in something knowing that it is untrue because it does not fit their preconceived notions of what they want to believe in?

215 Answers

Mostly, it’s cognitive biases, they stick to their first belief about something. Some people just have too much fear about taking apart their world construct. They only see what fits their story, and they edit things out (like amnesia) so their story works.
Look up Confirmation Bias, Halo Effect, Cognitive Dissonance, we all have some of this. Some people take it beyond reason.
Then you have a part of the population who is really mentally ill, and they clan up with others like them and feed off of each other.

There are a few psychiatric disorders that have delusions as a symptom. Are you thinking of one in particular? Or are you talking about something else?

I assumed we were talking about Trumpers, because of recent Q’s, but if you meant actual disorders that involve delusions, like schizophrenia, those people don’t have much control over their delusions, although medication can help, and many of them are aware they have delusions and know to question what’s happening to them. It can be very complicated and very sad. Many people with schizophrenia are very smart. It is not a matter of intelligence or lack thereof.

@Hawaii_Jake Mostly in the recent (Fox News, Tucker Carlson) January 6 debacle where it was all a misunderstanding just a peaceful tourist adventure through the capital..etc.

McCarthy is delusional, if he thought Tucker “Swanson Pies” Carlson was the one and only person to receive all those tapes . . .

I have come to believe that living in a delusional world is not a choice. Take the entire Tucker Carlson thing as a perfect example. Here is hours and hours of video tape the show the official narrative of what happened on J6 was a lie. Yet there are those that cannot accept that as being anything to even consider. It would challenge their fragile world construct so they have to reject it and ridicule it…not with facts, but with sarcasm and hatred. But I don’t believe, after being on these pages for the several years that I have been, that those people are choosing to believe these things they spew. They are spewing to protect themselves from finding out everything they have believed is wrong.

@seawulf575 So, the video and eye witness accounts of the violence and vandalism on January 6th is a lie?
What do you think about Tucker and others on Fox admitting they lie? Purposefully lie. Not some sort of mistake where they thought they were reporting accurately.

Well we know one person bought Tucker’s edited version of Jan 6 , so at least we know all those hours of splicing the footage together to make it look like a guided tour wasn’t in vain.
You can usually tell who is living in a delusional world by the huge efforts they make to convince everyone else they are right. Two plus two equals four, that speaks for itself. To believe that two plus two equals five takes a lot of sustained effort.

@JLeslie No, there was indeed violence on J6. But the official narrative was a lie. There was a lot that was said that just plain wasn’t true. Listening to the news, 5 police officers died on J6. That was a lie. Brian Sicknick was beaten to death on J6 with a fire extinguisher. That was a lie. The Q-shaman was running amok in the capitol and police couldn’t catch him. That was a lie.
And if you look on these comments, many bought into those lies. And now that there has been video evidence completely disproving these things, they are still in denial. So tell me: did Tucker and Fox just create these videos? Did they make them up out of thin air?

@seawulf575 I don’t know about all of those things you named being said or who said them. I don’t think Tucker created fake video I think he cherry picked video and I think other cable networks cherry pick also.
There is HOURS of video of violence and rioting.
It doesn’t matter if someone who beat me to a pulp was standing calmly somewhere 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after they almost killed me. All that matters is they assaulted me.
Just try to put yourself in the place of the congressmen or DC police on that day instead of identifying with the protestors and rioters.

Delusional disorder is a type of psychotic disorder. Its main symptom is the presence of one or more delusions. A delusion is an unshakable belief in something that’s untrue. The belief isn’t a part of the person’s culture or subculture, and almost everyone else knows this belief to be false.
Be informed by trusted resources or do the good fact finding yourself. Trust but verify is not good enough any more. Hold you tongue from wagging untruths and don’t let your brain stick on a garbage statement..

Not sure how many by choice. Compared to those that are simply clueless. But the ones by choice are the more dangerous ones. They have malice. They have hatred. They may not even be delusional at all. Just desperate, lost and blaming others for whatever unhappiness they are experiencing in life.

Tucker isn’t delusional, he is simply White Washing and trying to brainwash their viewer. Its Propaganda. There are republicans who saw January 6th as an attempt to overthrow the country and some may have been turned off by it. And then you have the Trumpers who are getting annoyed with Fox News because they are swinging DeSantis’s way for 2024 and they feel like Trump is being thrown under the bus.
Fox News isn’t really news in the first place. They advertised that long ago. Saying Carson and others like him are just for entertainment, or like opinion pieces, so they can avoid lawsuits and peddle out lies.

@Dig_Dug It took me a while to remember the proper word I meant to use. GASLIGHTING. Its what they do.

It is Fox Entertainment and Therapeutic Conspiracy Hallucinogenic Corp. owned by Murdoch. This is the real business many Americans are willing to patronize.

@JLeslie Many people claimed the deaths of police officers that day. The NYT for instance claimed Brian Sicknick was struck in the head by a fire extinguisher, rushed to the hospital and placed on life support and died early the next day. Yet this article shows that was a complete fabrication. It kicked off a whole narrative, but it was a lie. They even had to print a retraction of sorts though they fell way short of admitting they made it up. This article confirms that not only was Sicknick not killed on that day, but may not even have been hit by a fire extinguisher. He even texted with his brother later that day saying he was fine except for getting pepper sprayed. He died of a stroke, not because of injuries sustained on J6. Merrick Garland on a public speech claimed 5 police officers lost their lives. He just failed to mention that Sicknick died of a stroke days after the events and the other 4 died of suicide, some up to many months after the fact. He makes it out like they were beaten to death.
These are all lies. They are lies by “trusted sources” (trusted by the left) and by “Trusted officials” (again, trusted by the left). Carlson did indeed cherry pick some of the 44,000 hours of video that the government didn’t want you to see. But here’s the interesting part…you say others cherry picked their video and yet you believe there was violence. How can you say one is true because you saw it and say the other isn’t true even though you saw it?

Wulfie where officer sicknick may not have been hit on the head by a fire ext. the stress of being pepper sprayed and confronting that snuggle mob with out a doubt contributed to his having a stroke the next day.
also about the violence shit if you only watched a small clip of the movie John Wick feeding and petting his dog you would claim the movie wasn’t violent because you didn’t see any violence?

@SQUEEKY2 All this denial just proves my first statement. You have been presented with FACTS that show the original story was skewed heavily…that it was lied about repeatedly. Yet you still cannot even consider the idea that the original story might be false. Instead you want to try making ridiculous comparisons as proof that there is nothing other than your belief. I don’t believe you are choosing to do this…I truly believe you live in a delusional world which you cannot challenge or it will all fall apart. Not sure what you are afraid of, but that really does seem to be the case.

@seawulf575 It sounds like the Times did correct it, and that lots of people were repeating wrong information, which happens more often than people might think. During the MSU shooting the news I was watching kept talking about having secured 7 buildings, and they named the buildings, but one was Brody, and Brody is actually a six building complex, so the actual accurate number should have been twelve.
My husband just had a story published about him in our local magazine, and there are inaccuracies within the story.
The NYT did care to correct it, but lots of people keep repeating the wrong thing. I think it’s likely the cop died from what he endured on Jan 6, but it might be impossible to 100% link it. The NYT reported what they believed to be accurate.
Carlson reports what he knows is inaccurate and gives opinion that he represents as his own, but they are not his opinion, he lies about his opinion for ratings. The women of The View give their opinions, and I catch them staring inaccurate information sometimes, but they are not giving false opinions, and they correct inaccuracies when they find out they were wrong.
You are focusing on details about whether there was this death or not. Let’s just say all the reporting was wrong about this officers death. There are so many many horrific things that happened that day. I know I’ve linked video for you before. You must not be watching the hours of video. Or, the video of people planning the attacks.
The people were climbing the walls to get in. Are you telling me they believed it was ok to go into the Capitol? People believed it was ok to walk in the back doors of the Capitol? People believed it was a good idea and legal to go into the Capitol when they saw the vandalism and rioting?
Do you think the congressmen and congresswomen had no reason to be afraid?
I’m not arguing with you about the officer or that sometimes reporters get thinks wrong. You are ignoring what horrible things actually did happen that day.

@JLeslie You are making excuses for bad behavior. Yes, the NYT sort of retracted it. But they started with an unsubstantiated claim in a story that was entitled “Capitol Police Officer Dies from Injuries in Pro-Trump Rampage.” and another that same day entitled “He Dreamed of Being a Police Officer, Then Was Killed by a Pro-Trump Mob,”. Nothing in these stories was true. If they don’t have facts, they are making it up. THAT is the point. Yet they let that play for a long time until it was obvious it was a lie and then they put in a quiet “correction” to these stories. Blare out the lie and whisper out the truth. Yet folks such as yourself are believing it. It didn’t happen. Merrick Garland has repeated several times that 5 police officers lost their lives because of J6. Yet there is zero evidence of that. If I commit suicide 6 months from now can I say it was because you disagreed with me? See how silly that sounds?
And yes, you are citing video that showed violence. There was violence. But there is also a whole lot of video that shows it wasn’t the drastic insurrection it was portrayed. Police officers walking calmly around the capitol with “violent extremists” and not trying to stop them or even block their way shows exactly how concerned they really were. But you want to believe the video that carries the tag line “See what Bad Orange Man did?” and don’t want to believe the one that says “Yeah, that just ain’t true”.

@JLeslie Don’t you know, everyone storms the capital breaking doors and windows chanting kill the vice president and shit on the floors, occupy the speakers chair and rummage through the halls. Heck if they kill someone or frighten others well that’s just our rights as tourist and climbing the walls is a bonus thing we love to do while wearing war paint and horns on our heads! That’s the American way when you want to change a lawful election and install a dictator for all your fascist needs! God bless America or some such BS!

@Dig_Dug Then how do YOU explain the reality in the videos of the cops just watching people wandering around like tourists and even walking with the leader of the dreaded insurrection and helping him get into the Senate floor?

^^ Well maybe after I watch all 44,000 hours of footage I could give you an answer. But if I was to guess, I’d say something like “edited footage can show about anything” and perhaps with a thousand crazy’s running amok, and only a few guards, maybe there wasn’t much more they could do. BUT like I said, I’d have to see ALL that footage, not the Fox “trumped-up” pun intended version!

It’s ok folks, just take a oahe out of their own b.s. playbook, then sit back and watch them holler. I mean, BLM has never committed acts violence, they are merely concerned citizens going about thier lawful business. Antifa has never done any wrong, they’re just a peace loving voter action committee.

@Dig_Dug “edited footage can show about anything” Yes it can. It can even show what looks like thousands of violent people and none that aren’t. Isn’t that amazing? What I find to be the delusional part is that most of you can’t even fathom that you’ve been deceived. You aren’t willing to admit it no matter what is presented to you. What is the definition of Delusion?
a persistent false psychotic belief regarding the self or persons or objects outside the self that is maintained despite indisputable evidence to the contrary
You are being presented with a situation where you have been presented that your belief is flawed yet you persist. I am not the one that is delusional here. I admit there was violence. But I also know the official “story” isn’t true. I’ve seen too much evidence disputing it. And it makes a warped kind of sense why it would be pushed so hard. But I don’t blindly believe and stick to it no matter what else is presented.

@seawulf575 What part of ”Well maybe after I watch all 44,000 hours of footage I could give you an answer” did you not understand? Did I type that too fast for you?

@NoMore I agree BLM and especially Antifa, can be far too violent and I do not approve of their measures either. They are the extreme left wing which is just as bad as the extreme right wing.

@seawulf575 There were thousands of witnesses.
Some of the cops were probably sympathizers. A high school classmate of mine who is a Maryland cop at first was on facebook thinking it was great. He changed his tune.
The cops were trying to not stir up more aggression so they more or less stood down in some parts of the Capitol. but they did put themselves literally in harms way in many instances to protect the Capitol and congressmen
People are going to jail because they actually did do what was on the video. The lawyer for the Proud Boys wants to subpoena Trump to put some of the blame on him for January 6th.

@Dig_Dug You didn’t type too fast, you typed to sarcastically. You can’t watch even the little part that wasn’t fed to you to start with so you would never watch 44,000 hours of it.
And you just admitted that BLM and Antifa can be too violent. Yet you don’t see the same outrage of the protests in Lafayette Park where BLM and Antifa burned a historic church, fought with police, actually injured quite a few of them, and all this right outside the White House. Why is that? Wasn’t that an insurrection? It was far more damaging and violent that J6 and it was right outside the White House. But it isn’t the narrative they want you to eat up so it gets minimal coverage and what coverage it did get was trying to somehow blame Trump.

Yes, there were thousands of witnesses. Tens of thousands of people standing around doing nothing. Hundreds that entered the capitol building and did nothing but walk around. Very few of the total number of witnesses were violent nor supportive of violence.
And trying to say some of the cops were sympathizers is just weak sauce. Look at the video. Every cop the Q Shaman walked by didn’t care one whit. Every single one. That’s an awful lot of sympathizers. Either that or they knew there was nothing to fear. And not wanting to stir things up?!? Please. Not trying to stir things up does not include escorting the “violent extremists” to the senate chambers. Either they are doing their jobs or they aren’t. If they aren’t there were an awful lot that weren’t that day.
You are seeing the exact same things I am. They only make sense under one condition: that the threat was not as big as what the Media and the Dems would have you believe.

“HANG MIKE PENCE !” is their chant and they went actively looking for members of the Congress to . . .what, get autographs on the stolen items from the building ? ?
Boy oh boy some people just declare they are Patriots and anything they say or do to overthrow the Government is okay ! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

@Seawulf575 Walking around in the Capitol is not ok! Again, put 50 people in your house who are not invited and strangers just walking around and a few of them trying to bust open locked doors and yelling your wife’s name as she barricades herself in her bedroom! They all are there for the same reason and part of the same gang. Think about it!
You can’t. You can’t do it. You won’t do it.

Everyone in that building that day was breaking the law some were violent, some were not.
So I guess the fighting ,pushing stealing of office crap was just staged by the evil left.
Thank goodness Tucker came to the rescue and showed us the truth ,it was just an unscheduled tour of the Capital building nothing to see, move on to doing away with medicaid and social security.
Just one more question if it was all peace and love what was the chant Hang Mike Pence all about?
Was it a call for a big group hug?

@JLeslie Walking around the Capitol actually is ok. Probably not on that particular day, but it is a public building and they even give tours. But walking around looking on a day you aren’t supposed to be there is far from an insurrection. It’s trespassing at the very least. And the video evidence shows the cops really didn’t care that much.
And you are trying to equate walking into a public building with someone walking into your private residence. But to a point I HAVE had a bunch of people walk in my house and plan on having a party there. I threw them out. It wasn’t an insurrection. If I had someone bust down my door and threaten me or my family I would shoot them. But that gets us into a whole other discussion about gun control.
Interestingly enough, one of the only people to die on J6 was Ashlii Babbitt…an unarmed protester executed by a cop twice her size. She was coming through the window of a door. There were at least 6 other cops with the one that shot her. There were cops in riot gear behind her. None of them felt she was a threat except the one that shot her. A black cop shot a white woman. When a white cop shoots a black man that cop is removed from service pending the results of an investigation. And most times, there is public outrage over a cop shooting an unarmed, harmless person. In this case the guy was not removed from service, was in fact rewarded and honored for murdering a woman. More of the delusion of that day.

@SQUEEKY2 Yep, everyone was breaking the law that day. Some were trespassing which, by the way, is what most of those arrested that day were charged with. Some were vandalizing. But here is where your delusional world is bumping up against actual reality: Tucker DID show the violence. He didn’t say it was all nothing or all lies. But he did show that the story that it was all violence was just a lie. It wasn’t. It wasn’t a violent insurrection. It wasn’t an insurrection at all.
As for “Hang Mike Pence”, it was indeed said that day. So why was no one charged with threatening the life of the VP? After all, it was an insurrection, right? Wouldn’t you think that charging someone with conspiracy to murder the VP would be a charge you would see? I suspect it was started by someone like a Ray Epps…someone that willfully urged violence yet was never arrested or charged. Doesn’t that seem odd to you?

Is living in a delusional world a choice? Choice or not, it certainly is happening everyday. The most heinous crimes someone will be able to justify no matter what they are. All you need to do is look at our history. There is no convincing these people otherwise of the horrible atrocities committed in the name of their agenda. Whether it be religious, political or personal, this is unfortunately the plight of mankind.

@seawulf575 The woman who was shot was breaking through a sidelite window because doors were barricaded. On the other side of the door was Secret Service with guns drawn aimed at the doors aimed at her and the rest of the crowd trying to come through those barricaded doors. Literally, there was furniture against the doors trying to keep those people from coming through. A man (one of the protestors) said out loud “they have guns” or something to that effect, and she kept on.
She basically asked to be shot. I don’t feel bad for her for a second, except that she was brainwashed. There was no way for her not to get shot when she decided to move forward, she walked into the fire basically. They could not let the crowd come forward beyond that point, they would have lost the ability to protect those they are responsible for protecting.
You are comparing your wife afraid she will be raped or killed to a party?
Edit: Several people in the crowd yelled they have a gun. I just watched the video again. I’ve seen better footage, but you can hear the people in the crowd on this one so it will do, and it’s the first I came across in a quick search.

^^You are engaging with someone who thinks there was no violent insurrection in Jan. 6 much less any insurrection. People may have different personal definitions of what insurrection is but as to what violence is and is not on Capitol Hill on Jan. 6? Lol

“Interestingly enough, one of the only people to die on J6 was Ashlii Babbitt…an unarmed protester executed by a cop twice her size. She was coming through the window of a door. There were at least 6 other cops with the one that shot her. There were cops in riot gear behind her. None of them felt she was a threat except the one that shot her. A black cop shot a white woman. When a white cop shoots a black man that cop is removed from service pending the results of an investigation. And most times, there is public outrage over a cop shooting an unarmed, harmless person. In this case the guy was not removed from service, was in fact rewarded and honored for murdering a woman. More of the delusion of that day.” WOW and all this from the guy that is sooooo against de-funding the police! Don’t forget that she was warned numerous times to stop and trespassing in a federal building during and attempted insurrection of shit loads of people storming the capital..(oops) this must have slipped his mind..

@JLeslie I think you might need to go back and watch footage of the shooting. Yes, the door was barricaded. But let’s look at the entire setting. Might want to get the full picture before coming to your conclusions.
In the first footage there are several things I see that say the “justified shooting” angle is bullshit. There were 4 cops on the protesters side, no guns drawn, not looking particularly tense (3 in front of the doors and one standing against the wall). There were, I count, 4 more officials farther down the hall that did not have guns drawn and weren’t looking particularly tense. The only one with the gun drawn was the murderer who shot. The second video goes on to show that swat team was coming up the steps behind the door, behind the protesters and were basically on the landing when she was shot. And it should be noted that no one was in the chambers anymore anyway. So an unarmed, tiny woman was shot point blank by a very large cop (not secret service) when no other cops on the scene (except the swat team) even had a gun pulled.
Things that seem odd here abound. If the protesters were so violent, why did none of the cops have guns drawn? If that doorway was so vital, why did they just move out of the way to let it be attacked? If it was so vital, why was there one cop on the other side and all the rest were down the hall and not really concerned about it?
Take a moment and ask yourself, if this had been any other thing than a Trump supporter, would you feel the same way?
And YOU are comparing my wife being afraid she would be raped with a party, I am not. I was very clear about that. You are trying to compare a situation that shows very little concern by police officers in a public building with someone breaking into my house. A strawman if ever there was one.

^^I’ve seen that shooting from three different camera angles. One video was about 20 minutes long, most of which was the time leading up to the shooting. Looked totally justified to me.
She was breaking through a barricaded door, security on the other side of the door with visible guns drawn.
Ask yourself, why was she breaking through those doors? What was her intent? Just touring the Capitol?
Edit: It would have been nice if they could have stopped her without killing her, but how would that have happened without risking a mob of people attacking the police or busting through the doors?

@JLeslie I don’t know what her intent was. Neither do you. We will never know because she was murdered. Ask yourself, why were none of the cops particularly frantic or even looking threatened except the one that killed her? Why did the cops leave their position in front of the door? Why were the cops down the hall basically lounging around?

@JLeslie I think she was chanting, “Hang Mike Pence” . . . that seems to be her motive !

@seawulf575 Mike Pence flatly disagrees with you and Tucker Carlson’s attempt to recast the people “trespassing” in the Capitol that day as tourists.
Give me a fucking break about her intent. You don’t know why people were at the Capitol that day? They all say it. They wanted to at minimum protest the certification of the election. Peaceful protestors don’t try to break through windows. So, she’s not that. Tourists don’t try to break through windows. So, she’s not that. She had tweeted “nothing is going to stop us the storm is coming” something like that. She was QAnon and completely brainwashed.
There is evidence Carlson believed Trump won the election and then went on air and said the opposite. I guess Fox hosts are saying they were just reporting what Trump was saying. That’s bullshit. Carlson says this sort of thing like he is promoting the idea not just reporting. He has blood in his hands, along with Trump, Bannon, whoever pushed QAnon across social media, they are working AGAINST the United States of America in its citizens, not protecting it.
@Tropical_Willie QAnon’s, and other brainwashed Trump supporters won’t care. So frustrating.

The deaths associated with Jan 6
Over 150 officers injured. That’s not just a few people attacking the officers.

It’s not a peaceful tourist walk thru either. It was worse than delusional, it was insane. Stop the world, I want to get off. Can’t take to much more of this right wing bull shit.

I will agree with Wulfie not everyone in the building was a violent rioter, but this is where we part ways they were a rioter doesn’t matter if they were violent or not.

Of course. The Right is never out of line. If Antifa or BLM had.pulled a stint like that, they’d holler about it for eternity. It’d be priority propaganda, uh, I mean news, on Fox for the rest of this decade. If we experienced an Alien invasion that would be bumped down so they could cover the evil left violence first.

@SQUEEKY2 When have I ever said rioters don’t matter? I have stated several times just in this thread that there was violence that day and that those that committed it needed to be punished. What delusion makes you avoid these facts to try claiming I said something I didn’t…just so you can feel good about the trash you have been fed and have repeated for the past 2 years?

Good grief Wulfie you have said the non violent ones were just out place tourists, those out of place tourists were still rioters.

@SQUEEKY2 Go back and look at what I have said. Read it again since your delusions prevent you from getting it. What I have said is that there were many, many people that day inside the Capitol that were just walking around, taking selfies, looking at things, etc. That doesn’t say they are tourists. That says they are NOT Violent extremists. Is it your opinion that actions don’t matter and that you are a violent extremist because the media and the Dems say so?

You’re the one with delusions ,Wulfie I agreed with you some were not violent,BUT they were still rioters by just being inside that building at that time.

Look if you and a friend walk into a building,your friend pulls a gun and shoots and kills a person,and you both walk out you think your going to get off without any charges because you were not the one being violent?

@SQUEEKY2 Let’s put it into a different and probably more accurate analogy. Let’s say you walk into a building and somewhere at the far end, on the other side, someone you don’t even know starts breaking up windows and trashing rooms. Should you be arrested with them because you were in the building with them? And charged the same as them?

@SQUEEKY2 And, BTW, I take from your answer that yes, actions don’t matter to you and only the opinion of the media and the Dems matter to you. That is your only truth.

Listen you fright winger you get all bent out of shape when anyone of us describes you and your fight wing views, but are you not doing that to me right now??
As for the media I take more credit in what was being shown on air LIVE, then a edited clip two years later.

@SQUEEKY2 And that is your delusion. What you don’t want to grasp is that the video you were seeing for two years and the story you were hearing for two years were the edited stuff. What you are seeing from TC is tons of unedited video (other than cutting it down for time considerations) showing more of the story. And you are STILL trying to defend the narrative, despite the proof in front of your eyes. So yeah, I think I got your delusion spot on.

So the footage shown LIVE that day was a lie, but TC’s edited version is the truth?
And I am the one with the delusion problem?

So tell me oh Great Wulfie is this reporter who was there that day lying too?
Is TC who wasn’t there the only one telling the truth?

@SQUEEKY2 How much footage was shown LIVE that day of the inside of the Capitol? What you are seeing from TC is footage that was filmed LIVE that day from the inside of the Capitol.
And a Salon Reporter? Please. Was he inside the Capitol that day? Was he pushing up to the front? If so, isn’t he just as guilty as everyone else you want to hang? And if he wasn’t, how is he qualified to dispute anything from the live video feed from inside the building on that day?
Yes, you are the delusional one. You are grasping at any straw you can to avoid actually admitting it isn’t the horrid, massive rebellion you were being told.

@SQUEEKY2 I also notice you still haven’t answered the question I am now asking for the 3rd time…Do actions matter or are you a violent extremist only because the media and the Dems tell you so?

Oh for fucks sake of course actions matter, I saw violence on the screen that day, two years later through a very edited version you saw no violence and chose to except that one as the gospel truth, and you call me delusional, right?
Do you only except the non violent version because because the conservatives and fright wing media tell you so?

@SQUEEKY2 And you keep spouting that it is very edited. Your proof? Since you have none, yes your delusion is still intact.
As for me accepting the non-violent version there are a couple reasons for it. First, I’ve already called out those that were violent. Repeatedly. Second, I can see the non-violence with my own eyes. Third, I don’t have the fragile delusion that would fall apart by admitting it wasn’t all violence and that many, many of those that entered the Capitol that day were NOT violent. Just as I don’t have the fragile delusion to be able to say that there was violence that day and that it should be punished.
You are clinging desperately to one story that allows no dispute at all. It is what you have hinged much on. To admit the last couple years of “reporting” was less than honest means that there might be other things you believe that are also less than honest. Not a rabbit hole you want to go down.

Don’t know how to tell ya BUT 44,000 hours distilled down less than a minute IT IS edited !
You know Fox executives think most if not all of their watchers are idiots; they are using that as the defense to avoid paying the $1.6 billion suit with Dominion Voting !

Thank you @Tropical_Willie you take as you say 44,000 hours of video and show less than a minute and claim it isn’t edited ,and I am the delusional one.
You scan it and post the most innocent footage of that 44,000 hours and claim WAIT this is what really happened, see these rioters er protesters where just looking at the capital taking photos being lead around by guards showing them the highlights nothing sinister here oh you don’t mind if we chant hang mike pence do you?

And Wulfie I did admit but you chose to ignore maybe due to your delusion NOT all the rioters were violent,I have said it before but you keep choosing to insult me and say I think they all were violent.
BUT regardless violent or not, anyone of those people inside that building that time were RIOTERS, not protesters.
And I have heard time and time again the Government at this time is choosing not to prosecute the non violent ones.
The dude dressed like Brave heart the only strange thing I saw of him on the news was he was in the in the speakers chair howling, and your right I don’t really class that as violent but in my opinion might have worked up fellow rioters to do more damage.

@Tropical_Willie I hate to tell you but selection of sections is not editing. It is selecting the parts that are pertinent. He could have shown the entire 44,000 hours and you’d still be claiming it was edited. And the claim was “Highly Edited”. That would be taking selections and splicing pieces and parts to change the reality of the video. Sort of like MSNBC and CNN do when they are trying to brand someone like Nicholas Sandmann as a racist.
And by your definition, then every single video you have seen that you are claiming to be the truth was also edited. It was much longer videos distilled down to a few seconds.

@SQUEEKY2 You did indeed say that some of the ones in the Capitol that day were not violent. You almost made it back to reality for a moment. But then you tried categorizing that statement by calling them rioters. Rioters implies violence. You are back to trying to say that everyone at the Capitol that day was a violent extremist.
I’ve seen the video of the police opening the doors for the protesters and letting them into the capitol. Did some protesters break in? Yep, and those you could call rioters. But when a cop opens the door and holds it open and more cops are welcoming the people into the building, it is not a riot. But hey, I’m sure you’ll say this was highly edited. Someone CGI’d the cops into the picture. They erased the scenes of people ripping the doors off the hinges.

Someone has a NEW definition of editing – - It is “SELECTION” which is RIGHT-WING “dog whistle” for B S and they know it but hope nobody notices.
Members of the Fascist wannabe party didn’t notice.
Just like F**CKER Carlson (who lies 80% of the time he is on Fox New) !

@Tropical_Willie You need to wipe your chin…you have some froth there.

Your words “selection of sections is not editing. It is selecting the parts that are pertinent.” !
Pertinent to F**CKER Carlson ratings for his Fright wingers !
I feel sorry for his followers and their small minds.

@seawulf575 sorry but you can’t be serious here. You are all for this kind of behavior as normal and acceptable?
Were you there? If not, then you don’t know other than what someone tells you. Who are you believing?
I’d start with family members of people who lost their lives that day. Take off your blinders and rose colored glasses.

@Forever_Free It’s impossible with people like that. I don’t know why I bother. A guy I know where I live thought it was horrible that a friend of his was arrested for going into the Capitol. He started telling me about it (I think) because I said something during a Q&A that sounded more on the politically conservative side. I replied, “I think he should be arrested.” Then he started explaining (babbling) that he was let in, and I said “didn’t you see the video, they were breaking windows, and physically battling officers going into the Capitol.” He said his friend was let in a back door. Back door! WTF?! He thinks that’s normal to be let in the back door of the Capitol building?!
I saw some woman in an interview say she didn’t notice windows being broken and people fighting, she was just determined to get inside the Capitol. That begs the question, for what?! Protests are not done inside of the Capitol building! Barriers are up so protestors know their boundaries.

It’s all part of the Land of Delusion
There’s too many sins and too many steeples
Filled with too many cobwebs
And there’s not enough of us who hold our ground
Can’t you see this is a land of delusion?
They sue a man for arguin’ now
That any sin is wrong somehow
But men who steal they put in power
With liars in tall ivory towers

There is a political, cultural, societal etc. fight between citizens here. A fight to gain power which is a requirement to gain any sort of control. Nothing shocking in a Democracy.
What delusional and malicious voters of some delusional and malicious Republican politicians are doing is attempting to bring down the already challenging and not without flaws that need perfecting—-practice of American Democracy by deploying dumb political tactics. Like voting for a douchebag for President. It just might work. Who knows?

@Forever_Free So you were there that day? You attended the Trump rally and participated in the subsequent march to the Capitol? My condolences for the loss of your family members that died that day. Were you related to Ashlii Babbitt? Roseanne Boyland? Kevin Greeson? Benjamin Phillips? That must be tough. 2 natural cause deaths, one drug overdose and one murder. Please note those are in reverse order of how I listed the names and are the causes per the Medical Examiner
I you were not related to these people and weren’t there that day (as I suspect you weren’t), then you only know what people tell you. So what makes your opinion better than mine? That your delusions won’t let you believe anything else?

@JLeslie I just posted video of the police opening doors to let the protesters in. The doors were not beaten down, the windows weren’t broken, the police opened the doors and held them open and the other cops inside greeted the protesters. Your friend may have been telling you the truth, though the term “back door” might have actually meant “another door”.
The point I’m making is that despite the official narrative, not everyone there that day was a violent extremist, nor were, apparently, all the people that went into the Capitol. Some were vandals and rioters…no argument there. Just like I haven’t argued that all along. But what is being shown is that the narrative that it was an out-of-control mob trying to overthrow the government is complete bullshit. Hell, even the video I posted of Ray Epps on J5 calling for everyone to get into the Capitol was met by a group that was calling him crazy for even suggesting it and were convinced he was a Fed trying to stir up trouble. This is the same crowd that he testified was radical and wanting to stir up trouble. He suggested this just to throw them off his scent that he might be a law abiding citizen. That makes zero sense when you are confronted by the actual video.
Anyone that still clings to the idea that this whole thing was violent is delusional. Anyone that still clings to the idea that it was the entire crowd is delusional. And I truly believe you are at a point where you have to live this way or admit much of what you have believed for the past 10 years or so could have been based on lies. And your egos can’t accept that.

The January 6th defendants are delusional, like others, because the less than a minute of F**CKER Carlson’s EDITED videos “show that they should be let out and declared not guilty becasue it was a tourist visit” in their words . . .

Delusion is running all over the space with Carlson’s Edited tapes. QAnon Shaman wants a reversal of his sentence.
Your pointing out one out of a thousand arrested was a acquitted shows what ? ?

@seawulf575 No one has ever said everyone on January 6th was violent. What does that have to do with the price of tea in China? The point is there were numerous violent people, it was preplanned, and many people who were not violent were still breaking the law.
Most people there that day were there to “stop the steal” not just simply protest the steal. They believed the lies told to them about the vote.

I wonder if anyone has realized just how long 44,000 hours is? That works out to a little more than 5 years straight, 24 hours a day 365 days a year for over 5 years.

@JLeslie When it is called an insurrection by “MAGA Trumpers” or some other moniker and it is claimed that Trump stirred up his crowd to attack the Capitol, they ARE claiming everyone was violent. 120,000 people were there, less that 1000 were arrested and most of those were for some version of trespassing. You, yourself, have stated in this thread that the protesters were so violent that murdering an unarmed protester was fully justified. The tapes TC put out show another side of the story…the side the left and the Dems were striving to avoid.

@Dig_Dug Yep. That’s how many camera feeds were available to be reviewed. Another point against the J6 committee. They didn’t review them or did review them and didn’t want to use them since it didn’t support their claim of a violent uprising.

@seawulf575 What makes my opinion stand up as opposed to your denial claims is a thing called common sense
“Sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts.”
Facts is the key word here.
a: something that has actual existence – space exploration is now a fact
b: an actual occurrence – proof of the fact
c: a piece of information presented as having objective reality
And then there is Proof
a: the cogency of evidence that compels acceptance by the mind of a truth or a fact
b: the process or an instance of establishing the validity of a statement especially by derivation from other statements in accordance with principles of reasoning
Please enlighten us as opposed to just dismissing and deflecting the facts that have been proven.

@seawulf575 I never said they were ALL violent, I said they were part of a mob, they were at minimum trespassing. Many of them have plead to misdemeanors for being on Capitol property. They know they did something ilegal, why don’t you?

If the violent insurrectionists on Jan. 6 were mostly blacks and browns, you can bet your life no white Trump MAGA fanatic and Fox Entertainment News host would pay attention to the idiots who joined that march on the Capitol, entered the building and walked around thinking they were just peaceful protesters when they could see and hear the anger and violence around them.
If they think they’re not doing anything wrong and did not deserve to be shot by security then they really are idiots.

Everything a Fright winger does , is toned way down by wulfie, classified documents on the same level as an over due library book.
Illegal protesters toned down to just an out of place tourist.
But when a Leftie does wrong,OMG the sky is falling .
I mean how can they keep ignoring Hunters Lap top, there is information on that ,that could bring down a huge crime family.
Or not give Epps the death penalty, after all he had to be a left wing secret agent he single handedly carried out all the violence on Jan 6 and the poor little fright wingers that got arrested were innocent it’s all the evil left’s fault.

^^Violent or not, once you entered that building on that day in those circumstances, you moved past beyond being a protester, you turned yourself into a delusional asshole.
Only idiots would buy what
Fox Entertainment News host Tucker Carlson is selling.

(SHOCK)!! You mean those non-violent innocent out of place tourists were not what Wulfie , and Tucker claimed them to be?
Well if that is the case it has to be Epps fault, for after all he orchestrated the whole event, maybe with the help of Hunter’s lap top.

^^ You two LOL!! Here’s the “real” video of J6 just watch and you will see wulfie’s version!

@JLeslie That’s the problem we are having. I never said they didn’t do anything wrong. What I HAVE said is that the vast number of people that were in the Capitol that day can be seen to not be destructive or violent. That puts a pin in the over-inflated claim that those Violent Extremists (as your buddy @mazingerz88 loves to call them) were having a violent insurrection. There was violence that day. But it is a HUGE leap, given the video evidence, to say all those that entered the Capitol were insurrectionists. It just isn’t supported by facts. And as soon as you admit that, then the rest of the narrative surrounding J6 falls apart. There was a limited amount of rioting and vandalism as well as some tussles with the cops…that is 100% true. To say that President Trump was inciting an insurrection and claim all his followers were looking to overthrow the government is such a wild stretch that only delusion allows anyone to accept it.

The definition of rioter is=one of a group of people who behave in a violent way in a public place, often as a protest. Rioters set fire to parked cars.
So the non-violent ones then are what illegal protesters?

@seawulf575 All of the Nazi’s under Hitler were still Nazi’s. All of the German personnel at Auschwitz were still responsible for the atrocities that happened there. All the rioters at the capital on January 6th are responsible for what happened that day! If they didn’t want to be responsible, they could have stayed HOME like I did!

The basic problem is semantics anyone supporting Trump is A-Okay and anyone supporting the Democracy (antifa) is wrong by definition . . . .ask Wulfie

He must think we are really stupid! They knew what they were doing. They had this crap plan way in advance, they knew exactly what was up and what they were doing and what to expect and what was going to happen. This was all thought out long ago and well rehearsed, all the make-up and flags ~ hoards of people. come-on wulfie

Oh @Dig_Dug Trumps speech was just a snuggle fest,the non violent protesters were just tourists, maybe guilty of trespassing no harm done .
Except it seemed like a very large part of that crowd when first entering the Capital was screaming FUCKING TRAITOR ! then the chant went to HANG PENCE! so if these tourist might not have done any vandalism but just chanting those two chants does that still keep them in the non-violence realm?

@SQUEEKY2 Sure, peace and love and HANG PENCE is what we say for grace at the family meal every evening…haha!!!

@Dig_Dug You are telling me what I’ve already said, but you are willfully avoiding the rest. Th rioters on J6 were responsible for the damage done that day. But not everyone there that day was a rioter. And not everyone that entered the Capitol that day broke in. In fact, I’d venture a guess that MOST were let in and did not break in. It’s easier to walk through a door that is being held open for you than it is to break a window and climb in. And in the end, those that were truly rioting were an extremely small number of the people there…probably something like 1%. If this was truly an “insurrection” as you folks claim, then 120,000 people showing up would have overthrown the building…period. Instead under 1000 were actually arrested. And most of those were charged with what amounts to trespassing. In other words, they were inside the building. And many of those were let in so the actual number of those that were violent assholes is much smaller. Kinda hard to call it an insurrection when video is presented that shows police opening doors, police walking around with people inside, people walking around a looking at stuff, taking selfies, etc. No…let’s take literally 1 minute of violent video and play it on a loop with no actual context of the size or extent of that violence and then make up whatever story you want. It is delusional.

You know what @seawulf575 When the founding fathers wrote the Declaration of Independence not every single colonist had to sign it, only their representatives. Well this is much the same thing. Only the front runners had to smash down the doors and windows. Once they were breached the rest was easy just walk in. They were ALL there for the same thing, so they are ALL responsible and ALL shall be guilty. This was a MOB with a MOB mentality, why you don’t see this is amazingly wild. I know this would be a totally different pov from you if they were liberals.

Heck if them wuz liberals they should have been shot in place.
Wulfie is still pissed that BLM rioters aren’t serving life sentences.

BLM aren’t rioters. They’re a Committee of Concerned Citizens, infiltrated by Proud Boys in black face. Common knowledge.

Hundreds of rioters during BLM were arrested, convicted, and sentenced.
Protestors didn’t follow rioters into federal buildings or stand and walk side by side with looters and vandals for hours. If they did, then they were part of the riot. The Jan 6 people who mobbed into the Capitol were with the violent people, alongside them. Scaring our congressmen. If they don’t realize they were terrorizing people they don’t have their elevator going all the way to the top in that brain of theirs.

But what l say about BLM is true. In the same way that COVID was contrived in Trump Tower by the Deep State as a method of wiping out the Dems.

Deep State fake news. Attempt by right to discredit Biden. That’s why Hunters lap top is so crucial to repubs. He was onto thier plot and has evidence on the laptop that the balloons were manufactured by Trump Operatives in Maralago. The REAL Area 51. I have to go back into hiding now. Patriot Boys in Black suits are casing my house and I just got a death threat.

@JLeslie I looked at the articles you cited. Let’s take a closer look, shall we? Both articles are trying to say that BLM/Antifa got harsher sentences than the J6 rioters. Both are a bit misleading. To start with, there were literally thousands more protesters in the BLM/Antifa crowd. The fact that there are 300 facing federal charges is absolutely amazing. There are more than that facing federal charges in the J6 riot. 476 have already plead guilty to federal charges. So far more criminals in the BLM/Antifa crowd than in the J6 yet more federal charges in the J6 cases.
The first article you cited is trying to say the BLM/Antifa rioters are getting harsher penalties than the J6. This is absolutely true in many cases. They committed far harsher crimes. Arson compared to trespassing. Huh. I wonder which should get the harsher penalty.
Let’s look at the numbers. 10,000 BLM/Antifa rioters were arrested due to the George Floyd riots. That means there were 10x as many arrested as with J6, though there was a far larger number of GF rioters than J6.
Meanwhile, let’s look at the outcome of the comparison. BLM/Antifa rioters were often let go, having charges dropped as “peaceful protest related charges”. Sounds like the difference between, say, breaking windows in the Capitol and entering because the police open the door, eh? But how many J6 cases were dropped by prosecutors? Zero. Let’s look at damages. George Floyd riots vs J6. Huh. $2B vs $1.5M. J6 is 0.075% of the cost of the BLM/Antifa riots. And please note, I’m only calling out the cost of the BLM/Antifa riots for the George Floyd protests. Let’s not forget all the myriad of other riots they caused.
But once again, we see you falling back on the misleading reporting. The articles you cited actually help my position that living in a delusional world happens all the time, but I really don’t believe you can help it. You honestly believe you are not deluded. You just can’t actually question things that the media tells you…unless it is from one of those evil right-wing outlets. Then it has to be false without question. That’s what your media tells you.

But you believe Tuckers video without question, a shady reporter ,from a net work that is getting it’s ass sued off for misleading reporting and lies, but it’s us that are suffering from delusion.

@seawulf575 My links show the fed and local police go after people who break the law. It’s not surprising there might be more arrests during BLM. It was over months and millions of people coming out to demonstrate. Trumpers want to believe only their people are arrested, only their people get put in Facebook jail. That’s flat out not true.

@SQUEEKY2 Let’s see….a bunch of propagandists that only show you one view and fight tooth and nail against any other opinion OR a shady reporter that shows both sides and denounces those that commit violence but call out those that brand everyone as insurrectionists. Hhhmmm…this is a tough one. Um…I’ll go with the one that shows both sides. So far you are completely incapable of actually saying that there were many, many people on J6 that didn’t do that much wrong and certainly nothing that could be called an insurrection.

@JLeslie What your links show is that the Feds go after J6 FAR harder than they did against people that actually destroyed courthouses, police stations, businesses, vehicles, beat bystanders and actually killed people. What you showed me is links that show a biased Fed and media that wants to portray BLM/Antifa riots as mainly peaceful, ignoring that they did billions of dollars of damage and cost in human life. Not to mention they spawned a whole lot of people that felt that calling in emergencies and then ambush the cops that show up to help was entirely justified.
That is what your links actually showed.

There are 1000 or more insurrectionists that have been arrested for January 6, 2021 activities, more half have plead guilty !
More are coming . . . delusions are making people go to jail.

Yeah ole Tucker boy soft balled the ones doing the violence “hooligans” and the non violent ones as out of place tourists taking selfies and queuing up for the next tour.
Except they were still part of a mob ,but that makes no difference to you, yet we are the delusional ones.
BOY we are ever lucky to have you show us the error of our ways.
The non violent ones are still more guilty of just trespassing, it was an out of control mob that went in the Capital that day, some did not partake in the violence but still guilty or they wouldn’t have entered the building at all.

@SQUEEKY2 Yep that’s what I heard! Oh in case @seawulf575 missed this little piece of paper called the Constitution, there’s a amendment that goes something like this: ”the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. Now I don’t think that what happened that day…

Why is it always a spin ? WELL the BLM protests caused more damage so Jan6 doesn’t count when you add the BLM protest type thing.
When the side you believe in is caught doing wrong we have to say YEAH well your side did this or that so what my side did pales compared to what your evil side did.
BOTH sides should be accountable for what ever wrong was done.

Here is a great video explaining Tuckers Jan6.

Not according to Faux News. In response to “Both sides should be held accountable.” Those clowns and thier fan club are living in GaGa land. @SQUEEKY2

Even Republican politicians that were there that day ,say Tuckers claim is total bull shit.
If it was so meek why did they feel the need to evacuate?

That’s just it, guess they felt threatened by unscheduled tourists milling around the Capital that day .
Taking selfies ,and queuing up for the next tour and sing along hang pence chant who would want to miss that?
Wonder if the were giving DIY courses on how to build your own gallows?

I guess even high profile Republican politicians must be delusional as well.

@SQUEEKY2 “Why is it always a spin ? WELL the BLM protests caused more damage so Jan6 doesn’t count when you add the BLM protest type thing.” Let’s get back to reality once again. Go back and review. I was not the one that brought BLM into the discussion. @NoMore Did that and then @Dig_Dug in typical fashion tried piling on with it. It didn’t discuss BLM until others did and then kept it tied to the idea that their violence is downplayed by the media and the Dems. That goes right in line with the discussion that the media and Dems overplay the violence and the threat posed by the J6 people. It’s all manipulation and the delusional ones are the ones that swallow it up without questioning. People such as yourself. The ones that cannot for a moment say anything that goes against the official narrative. The closest you have come even in this discussion was to admit that there were many people that day that weren’t violent. I had to back you into a corner before you would do that. But then you also had to give a proviso that they were still doing wrong and that makes them just as bad as the rioters. Until you can admit to the actual truth, not your delusional truth, and do it without provisos, you are still laboring under delusions. And this goes for pretty much any of the leftist talking points.

Yeah? But even Mitch Mconnell doesn’t agree with Tuckies version of events as well as other Republican politicians are they delusional as well?

Oh come on Wulfie answer at least my last post, is Mconnell, and other Republican politicians that don’t see Jan6 the way you and Tuckie see it,are they delusional as well?

Well Wulfie, no matter how you slice it, they violated the Constitution ALL of them. So there’s that!

@Dig_Dug Which article of the Constitution did they violate?

@SQUEEKY2 And there we have it. The answer to the question. Your delusion is a choice. I was giving you benefit of the doubt but you removed that doubt.

So Wulfie your still not going to answer is Mconnell and other high profile Republicans for not seeing Jan6 Tuckies way, delusional as well?

Wulfie, Tucker gave you a more peaceful way to view your beloved comrads on Jan6 and you jumped all over it,Tuckers view was the truth the rest of the world was lied to ,well even high profile Republicans that were there that day say Tuckers view is bullshit,and you wont answer are they delusional as well?

@SQUEEKY2 You are asking why a politician would hold a certain view. I can think of many. He hates Trump and doesn’t want to see him run again. For him to say J6 wasn’t all the media and the Dems claim would take away a Dem claim in an election. McConnell is married to a woman who has deep ties to China. He is getting rich off her connections. Trump would not be as friendly to China as Biden and the Dems are so he would not want him in office. Besides, it benefits China to push lies in this country. It spreads division.
But you STILL haven’t been able to admit that there were many people in the Capitol that day that weren’t breaking stuff, weren’t charging around attacking police, that weren’t chanting anything…all the stuff you have only from minimal clips that you have seen that paints the narrative you want. Let me get a little more precise…you can’t admit those things without actually trying to disavow them in the next breath.
And as you said, you are choosing your delusion. It is your choice and it is the most direct answer to this question I have seen so far. Good job.

@seawulf575 The First Amendment: ”the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Smashing doors and windows, murder, uninvited, shitting on the floor and yelling death threats is not exactly peaceably.

@seawulf575 Your points lack any merit. The fact that there may have been people that did show restraint and common sense does not erase the debauchery of the others.
Based on your premise, watching “Schindler’s List” removes the fact of other atrocities??

@Forever_Free Once again, you folks on the left are purposely trying to avoid the point. At no time have I said there wasn’t violence. However the narrative that the entire gathering was a massive insurrection is just plain a lie. And the fact that there were people that did show restraint, the fact that Police opened the doors for a large number of the protesters, the fact that so many were NOT destroying stuff demonstrates that.

Minimal clips showing the violence!?
There is less footage showing the non-violence !
OMG Trump’s own daughter has a boatload of trademarks in China.
So according to you the Republican politicians that are saying Tuckers view is bullshit ,is because they hate Trump and have dealings in China ,not the fact that they were there that day and had to evacuate for safety reasons, yet I am still the delusional one, your reality is getting very blurry,

@Dig_Dug You are amazing. You take a right and try to make it a law to be used against someone. But here, let me help pop your little delusional bubble. The right to peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances…They did have the right to peaceably assemble and the vast majority did exactly that. The VAST majority. Some folks did smash doors and windows, even shit on the floor. I’m still not sure about the death threats thing though. All the people that were arrested and I can’t find one that was charged with a violation of 10 USC 871. Seems odd, doesn’t it? That would have been a key point on the J6 committee…trooping out the criminals that were charged and convicted of these crimes. Yet there were none. Yes, I heard the tapes like you did but I wasn’t there and those tapes could have been doctored or the threats of violence could have been made by some agent provateur. We don’t know. But I would say those things are not peaceful. However let’s look at the rest of the tripe you are peddling. Murder: Who was murdered that day? Only one person and it was an unarmed protester. So that wasn’t the protesters doing it, it was an out-of-control cop depriving another human being of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…one of the inalienable rights identified in the Declaration of Independence. So your claim of murder is bullshit. Uninvited: those that broke windows or forced doors were uninvited, I guess. Kinda hard to say since the police opened the doors for so many others. How do you invite in hundreds of peaceful protesters and then claim they were all uninvited? Only in a delusional mind does that made sense.

@SQUEEKY2 Think about it….all you have seen is a few moments of video that were played over and over and over again. Probably less than a minute in total. Yes, those are minimal videos. It is enough to say there was some violence that day…not to say the entire thing was like that or even that MOST of it was like that. The violence was the extreme minority of the protesters that day.

Yeah I guess that’s why the Politicians had to evacuate, I guess they got scared at how peaceful the majority of the mob was that day.
I have admitted that all that mob wasn’t violent but they were still part of a swarming mob, the police letting them in might have been an attempt to one keep the damage down, two de-escalate the situation.
Plus there is only just over a minute of Tuckers clips,yet those are gospel to you,
And I don’t know why your so keen on this so far except that brave heart dude who was filmed howling,the Feds are not charging the non’violent ones at this time, I do hope ALL of them get the most Trespassing charge the Feds can throw at them.

@seawulf575 There really is no statistical measurement of how many people are required to call it an insurrection. Here is the legal definition of an insurection
Quantity of people do not matter. Some people were arrested, some tried in court, some not.
Protesting lawfully is not the point here.
Just please admit that there was an insurrection. That there was wrongful acts. That is the point here that you are deflecting.

@seawulf575 The video’s were not just minutes played over and over again. I watched it unfold all day. I have watched those HOURS of live television over and over. We did not need to see those who we protesting legally that left when it got out of hand.

GOOD LUCK, Wulfie would sooner just die than admit it was an attempted insurrection ,I mean he did admit that a small portion of that mob was violent and did damage, that is the best you’re going to get from Wulfie’s delusion view of reality.
I mean he is all upset over brave heart getting charged, howling like a mad man isn’t violent.

@Forever_Free that is what I have been telling the Wulfie but he is convinced it’s no more than just a minute or two of footage shown over and over, yet you can go on you tube and see different reporters footage of what happened , but no Tuckers minute and a half is what really happened, and still we are the delusional ones.

@seawulf575 I also did not see a single Republican senator or member of congress join in this blissful protest to show support. They were scattering down stairwells and through tunnels to protect themselves from the skirmish.
THIS IS and example of what is wrong in the US and some peoples blind belief based on what others say or what to make you believe.

I think there are some topics in our increasingly divided country which people (many people but not all) will never agree on. January 6th is one, abortion is another, gun control is another.
With all three of those topics, there are people who are moderate – people who feel some abortion should be allowed, people who feel some gun control is reasonable, but there are way more people with extreme beliefs who think that there should be no abortion, no gun control, January 6th was a walk in the park.

@SQUEEKY2 I have it DVR’s from several feeds from that day. I also know how the country was held hostage after November 3rd Voting Day.
Only History will tell the tale.

I know but you will never convince extremists and different.
One example Trump could be caught actually shooting someone, and the extremists would blame the victim for getting in the way of his bullet.
It could never be Trump’s fault, under any circumstance .

I think seawulf simply wants the whole world to know that majority of people who went into the Capitol were simply good American patriots and the big narrative push of a great insurrection is wrong.
I seem to remember the J6 commitee saying they will not show all the videos and just show the videos pertinent to their objectives. Which makes sense. Americans should be intelligent enough to understand how this decision is reasonable.

Majority or minority. These factors do not matter in the case of crimes.
A Law is a Law. If 1 person broke in or 1000 people broke in has no play here. Great insurrection versus Good insurrection versus moderate insurrection???
Oh, it was a mild murder versus a violent murder.
In certain things there are no shades or colors..

^^It’s always a political battle first and foremost. And politics is a battle of perception. The only way for Republicans to get into the White House is by twisting people’s sense of perception, no matter how deplorable the tactic is.
John McCain probably would have gotten the nomination over Bush-lite if Karl Rove was not an effective perception-twister.

@mazingerz88 agreed. This is why it is so important for people to be informed versus followers of delusion.
Reverend Jim Jones and his wife, Marceline, were wonderful people I heard somewhere.
Jeffery Dahmer had been an “energetic and happy child”.
Yes, people will twist things to get their way. We don’t have to accept this as “normal”. This is the repub version of slavery. Everything was satisfactual!

@Forever_Free Quantity of people don’t matter to call it an insurrection. Except…well…here’s where reality intrudes on the facts. Only about 0 (ZERO) people had anything close to insurrection in their charges. So really, the entire thing was NOT an insurrection. If it was, there would be all sorts of people being charged with it. So unless you are saying it can be an insurrection with zero people, you are singing a piece of music that is out of tune. But that pretty much describes the official narrative.

@mazingerz88 almost. I even gave you a GA. But the last statement you made: “I seem to remember the J6 commitee saying they will not show all the videos and just show the videos pertinent to their objectives. Which makes sense. Americans should be intelligent enough to understand how this decision is reasonable.” is where we differ. It is factually true. They did only show videos that were pertinent to THEIR objectives. And that is the rub. They weren’t looking into what went wrong. They weren’t looking at why there was inadequate police protection on that day. They weren’t looking at police letting protesters into the Capitol. Their OBJECTIVE was to paint Trump as some sort of insurrectionist. It was to demonize anyone that might support him. That is why the media started parroting these exact things over and over and over. And the extra footage they did NOT want to view or let the public see was footage that did not support their OBJECTIVE. That is what I have been saying.

^^So why can’t politicians you voted for get the answers to those what to you are still pertinent questions to ask? Without acting like monkeys calling their counter investigations “Weaponization of the goverment” bullshit? Or giving tons of videos to Fox Entertainment News simply to dumb down the counter-investigation process?
Could it be because if they were genuinely concern about what really happened in Jan. 6 and sincere in their counter-investigative efforts, the naive trump-fanatics would realize they were turned into brainless zombies by their blind worship and admiration of trump the douchebag from the world of reality TV?

Wulfie, If five guys go into a bank and rob it,only four have guns and are threatening people and that fifth guy doesn’t threaten anyone doesn’t harm anyone is he innocent of the crime?

^^What he seems to be saying is…they were not robbers just clueless customers who went in to do some regular bank transactions. But would you really want to be in there with robbers during those hours? And wulf wants people to remember that day to be about the customers and not the robbers. Yeah. Lol
Joined a few marches and protests in DC. In my personal experience of attending those…I can’t see myself joining a mob of my fellow protesters forcing themselves into that building much less joining them to break through any security blockade outside its premises. Maybe just not my style. Even if I believe Biden was cheated by trump. There are other less desperate ways to deal with that.
Every time I find myself gazing at that Capitol Hill Building, a sense of hope and love for all Americans just fills me up. And joy.

D.C request backup 17times in 78 minutes sounds a lot more than just a minute and a half footage shown over and over.
Suddenly looks like Wulfies reality is getting delusional.

@SQUEEKY2 Suddenly looks like Wulfies reality is “getting” delusional. I think it’s far past getting lol

Hey @seawulf575 is this Capital police officer delusional too?

@NoMore I just wonder is wulfie trying to convince us or himself it was just a little protest that day ,with just a few “Hooligans” that did all the damage?

I think the NY DA will let Trump spin around and around and around . . . it is not his call; Tuesday is his date not DA’s ! ! ! Anxiety is a big thing AND walking the “prep walk in handcuffs” will about kill him!
Maybe next week by the 28th, the DA will start talking to Secret Service. . . !

@mazingerz88 Did you read what you wrote? “So why can’t politicians you voted for get the answers to those what to you are still pertinent questions to ask?” They are. There are many committees looking into it. But then you write “Without acting like monkeys calling their counter investigations “Weaponization of the goverment” bullshit?” So which is it? Do you think they should investigate or not? Because part of the investigation has to be the weaponization of the government. How the FBI/DoJ or any other groups may have played a role in the events of the day? There are enough whistleblowers coming forward all the time about how weaponized these groups have become. Are they just supposed to not investigate because it is inconvenient to the Dem narrative? Or maybe they should come up with some catchy name like Dems do…call it the “Protect the People” committee or some such nonsense?

@SQUEEKY2 Did you watch the video you posted? There are a number of things I saw that I suspect you didn’t. First off the officer claims he heard gun shots. There were none. Even CNN agrees with this. There were only 3 or 4 people that even had guns and none of the other cops said they were used. The only gun charges for that day were for carrying a firearm on Capitol grounds…not for discharging, not for attempted murder, not for anything else. So his story starts off suspect.
Another thing I heard is that he said before it all started they were told to be in riot gear which was highly unusual. Why were they told that? That seems very unusual for a situation that was not expected to be a violent event. So why tell police to be in riot gear, something that was not deemed to be a credible threat for violence? Photo ops? Because they knew there would be people seeded into the crowd to start the violence (Ray Epps as an example)? It’s only a matter of speculation really since J6 never delved into the preparation phase of the day. This theme continues through much of his story. They called for help that never came. Why? Because there was none. You even claim 17 calls for help that never got a response. Why? This goes back to what I just wrote to @mazingerz88. J6 Committee didn’t look into it. Why? Because it wasn’t THEIR OBJECTIVE. You have all these concerns about how horrible this day was but not once do you question the preparations. Not once do you worry about this ever happening again because all the J6 had as an objective was to frame Donald Trump for the violence. And that is, apparently, all you care about as well.

^^Your monkeys in Congress are not genuinely investigating with sincerity. You just want to score political points because you are flailing in the wind with your chosen political maneuverings. Take a break from your politicians’ BS why don’t you? A lot of Republican voters already did with the last mid-term elections.

Oh good grief @seawulf575 The officer said they were to get helmets on, he thought that was strange ,and the thing about shots being fired were you there?
When thousands of people are descending down on you I would suspect the officers had to take precautions.
If it was such a love fest as you claim why did Republican politicians feel the need to evacuate ?They should have stayed for a photo op.
Oh and I do worry about this happening again ,like tomorrow when your beloved Trump gets indicted he has already called his loyal followers to show up and protest we will have to see how that snuggle fest plays out I just wonder have you already got your Ray Epps picked it in case it gets ugly?

I have said this before, if it was democrat (rioters)er protesters that stormed the capital that day you would be going out of your mind screaming that every last one of them should have the book thrown at them.
And you say out of 10,000 protesters only a 1,000 have been arrested for being violent what a small number what’s 10% out of 10,000 nothing the other 9,000 were just out of place tourists no harm no crime let’s all go home and forget it all,and those 1,000 well they were revved up by
by the evil Ray Epps it’s really all his fault you have to see that right?
Your reality is slipping into delusion and you refuse to see it.

There was a lot more violence than Tuckers declared love fest..

@mazingerz88 “Your monkeys in Congress are not genuinely investigating with sincerity. ” No, that was the J6 committee. They didn’t want to figure out what really happened. They didn’t want to find what broke down and why. All they wanted was something to use against Trump. That is NOT investigating with sincerity, not if you sincerely believe there was an insurrection.

@SQUEEKY2 Where to start? To start with, the officer in your video didn’t say they were only told to get their helmets on. He said they were told to get their helmets, their RIOT helmets on. And that was new! So something was known ahead of time. You don’t go right up to J6 and deny extra help and then suddenly claim that riot helmets are needed for no apparent reason. And at that point it was STILL not to late to get help from the National Guard. Except that didn’t happen either. Remember, this was at the start of his day…long before Trump even started speaking and before the crowd started growing at the Capitol.
As for gun shots, who was shooting? Not a single person was accused of having discharged a firearm. So was it cops? FBI plants trying to create something? Or just a story made up by this guy or whoever said it over the radio? As far as I can find, the only gun shot that day was when they murdered Ashlii Babbitt.
As for it being a love fest, those are your words, not mine. I have called out the violence that day. But I have also called out the non-violence that was being called violence. Big difference between that and calling it a love-fest. As for the Republicans needing to evacuate there are several thoughts that come out there. Trump called some of the politicians brave patriots and others not. Yet all politicians were evacuated. So why, if it was just to get the “bad guys” did everyone have to bail? But all that is just smoke and mirrors for you. It is something you think means something. It doesn’t. It means that in times of trouble, politicians are moved for their safety and the supposed continuity of our government. Besides, they may have been moved because of the pipe bombs that were found outside the DNC and the RNC. Interesting point on that, though. If the lives of the politicians mean so much to you, why aren’t you upset that CNN told the world where Congress gets evacuated to in times of trouble? Why is it okay for Pelosi’s daughter to make a documentary from Ft McNair and air it?
As for your math on the percentage of violent protesters, There are different numbers being thrown around The estimates before the day were that 20,000 would show up and that as many as 120,000 did show up. So gee…let’s redo your math. 1000 out of 20,000 would only be 5%, not 10%. And if the actual number was 120,000, that would only be 0.83%. FAR less.
As for if these were Dem protesters instead of Repubs let’s review. If they acted the same, I’d be calling it the same…some got violent and need to be punished, others were trespassing but not really being threats. And with the vast number that showed up, I’d be saying this wasn’t an insurrection. But looking back at history, if this was Dem protesters instead of Repubs, most of those that showed up would have attacked, there would have been Molotov cocktails, frozen water bottles, bricks, bats, etc. There would have been many, many with shields and beating on anyone that stood in their way. There would have been guns being shot, people being killed, and likely there would have been several billion dollars worth of damage if the Capitol was left standing at all. Don’t believe me? Look at any of the BLM/Antifa riots over the past 5 years. And you would have been arguing that they were “mainly peaceful” and that only “fright-wingers” said otherwise because they hated anyone that fought against Trump. Forget that none of the riots were against Trump.
Keep trying, though. You are convincing yourself, against all fact and logic, that the official narrative was the only one.

There is a video of Pelosi calling for the guard and was told by I think the Maryland Governor that ,that order had to come from the President,nice try though.
How you can say to Capitol Police that were there that day ,nope sorry it didn’t happen that way
is beyond me ,to deny that the riot lasted several hours, nope just a few minutes, to say Tucker’s video was the real truth.
Yet I am still the delusional one.

Actually I already posted the link that shows that (a) the Mayor of DC can call out the National Guard and (b) that she said she only wanted them for traffic control. I guess it was a nice try since I already posted the link.
As for Capitol Police and their stories? I can say it very easily. Just because they are Capitol Police does not mean they can’t lie. And even the top of the video you posted the narrator says that his comments are only his and don’t reflect the official story. Oops. If it was entirely real, they wouldn’t have to put that disclaimer in. So obviously many more Capitol Police, and those in charge even, didn’t agree with everything he had to say. So are you saying he is the only one telling the truth and all the others are denying it?
As for the rest of what you are attributing to me, when did I say any of it? That the violence only lasted a few minutes? What I said was that you only saw a few minutes of video…the exact same thing you were saying about me with the TC videos. By your rationale, those people that were let in by police really went crazy after posing for a few quiet shots on CCTV cameras. And yes, you are still the delusional one.

*WRONGO * again and again you quote “Fright-wing: website with zero truth . . .
“the Mayor of DC can call out the National Guard”
The governors of states and territories control their National Guards, while the president controls the D.C. National Guard. The House-passed version of the NDAA gives the D.C. mayor control over the D.C. National Guard BUT DID NOT BECOME LAW
I won’t call you a liar; just someone that copies and pastes from websites run by people that can’t pass an end of year test for 11th grade or citizenship tests ! !

Well @seawulf575 I give up we are never going to agree, you can have your blurry view of reality.

So some people do need professional help after-all. I wonder if there are some that are not reachable no matter how much therapy they would receive. Perhaps some don’t want help, it could be a coping method. If they saw the real world, who knows what they may do?

That is probably the gospel truth @Dig_Dug to say people that were there are wrong is frightening, but I guess that’s the fright wing way.

@SQUEEKY2 I understand. You have already stated you will hang onto your delusion. You have answered the question and I believe you answered it for most of your fellow jellies. It apparently is a choice to live in a Delusional World. I have to admit I’ve been curious why so many refuse facts and logic to cling to things that don’t even make sense. I was wondering if it was a natural phenomenon (as I suspected) or a choice. But you have made it clear that it is a choice. Now I just have to figure out why you would do it.

Anyone who doesn’t see it the FRight wing way is delusional,I mean he even bad mouthed MItch Mconnell for choosing to take the side of the capitol police chief, saying his wife has deep ties with China and he is getting rich from that, I pointed out Trump’s own Daughter has a boat load of trade marks in China.
@seawulf575 didn’t answer why several other Republican politicians that were there that day say Tuckers views of events are bullshit.
He says police officers that were there are wrong ,but Tucker is right.
But it’s a choice he chooses Tuckers view of clarity and enlightenment of the real view of what really happened.
Tucker’s clips show maybe twenty some people behaving peacefully and respectively and suddenly that is the majority of an out of control mob.
And yet it is still us that are delusional.

New National Anthem for the FRight
Trump boys kiss me
Trump boys hug me
I think they’re ok
If they don’t grab me by the pu$$i
I get hush money and walk away
‘Cause we are living in a delusional world
And I am a delusional girl
You know that we are living in a delusional world
And I am a delusional girl

I find it amazing that Tuckers minute and a half clips of twenty some people behaving in the Capitol that day are now the stone cold facts that the majority of that crowd was peaceful, the Capitol police were wrong all the politicians that had to evacuate were wrong, fact the only real casualty that day was the Babbit woman who jumped through a broken window on a door that was barricaded with armed guards, was warned to get back and still continued was just an innocent tourist that did no wrong when she was shot.
Shit I don’t know but I sure as hell wouldn’t jump through a barricade with armed guards warning me to get back,Fright wingers got their tits in a ringer over that why did they shoot her ,I know we can’t ask her but it would have been nice to ask her why did she press forward through the barricade after being warned to get back?

@SQUEEKY2 Trump told her to go . . . just like the other thousands of insurrectionists.

Has the Don Father helped any of these rioters with their legal bills?
He did say he would be there for them, well?

@SQUEEKY2 I heard he did not. He has his own problems now. lol!

@SQUEEKY2 But you already admitted you choose your delusions. I know part of that delusion is to try discrediting others, but own your choice.

Wulfie,I never tried discrediting the police,and public officials that were there that day, that is all on you!
The only people I am trying to discredit is Tucker, and you, that believe for the most part the day was peaceful and orderly,that’s why I mock you by calling it a love fest.
I know you admit there was some violence ,and vandalism but it was so minimal why even count it, again you.

Good point @SQUEEKY2 I have also noticed that a tactic of people who want to delude the truth is to diminish the actions and the actions very impact.
We have seen this countless times over the past few years with Police actions.
It is just wrong to try to diminish violence, racism, sexism and murder.
@seawulf575 Who are you to dissuade other people.
In a word: SHAMEFUL

@Forever_Free And when the delusional hear something that challenges their delusions, they usually get very personal in their attacks.

And when the delusional hear something that challenges their delusions, they usually get very personal in their attacks.< are you self reflecting?

I only see personal attacks coming from one person. Perhaps they should reread the OP to refresh yourself.

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